Hoorah one cheer for public school. I live in smallville in Iowa. The education state. Lets see the nearly the entire faculty and staff of the school system are either Lutheran, Methodist or Catholic. Most of which are not the 'john kerry" type of Catholic. I would put the moral formation at my chidrens public school up against anyones Catholic school. yes we have prayer in school and yes the winter concert is called the christmas concert. My brother sends his kids to a private school. The impression I get is that there is a significant number of RIch snobs sending their kids to private Catholic school and at home are teaching their kids the haves and haves not game. Not having a Catholic school 60 miles of my town has created a very strong CCD/RE. Of which is much much more family oriented with strong focus on adult Catechesis. Somthing which I am certain Catholic schools are not doing is having Mom and dad learn along with the kids about the faith.The move to public school was one of the best decisions we ever made. That is what got us involved in CCD/RE and my children came to their (Catholic) colleges with a strong faith, and strong understanding as well as practice, which they fortunately have not lost (except for one son which is a whole other story).