I commented about a similar situation in another post, I think it was about the Notre Dame fire. You could probably search my screen name. Some of what is said, and there are links in the other post and more detail:
1)The Catholic Church, if referring to the Vatican or Government part of the Church doesn’t own much property other than the Vatican grounds itself. Most Catholic Churches (CC) are owned by the individual Parishes or Dioceses. The CC is mad up of individual Dioceses that have their own Parishes under them. Each parish is subject to the Bishop of that diocese and each have their own budgets, income, and properties.
2)The Vatican has an operating budget of a medium to large city and is normally in the red, not the black. Most of the large famous universities have more wealth than the CC.
3)The art work, Statues, historical artifacts and ect in the Vatican Museum and CC, actually belong to the faithful not to the Vatican.
Yes a lot of it is priceless, but was gifted to the faithful buy the artists. The Vatican has cared for and maintained these Documents and art work for 100s of years. If they had not a lot of it would’ve been lost to history.
Selling these items would be akin to the US Government deciding to sell the Washington, Lincoln Monuments or the Declaration Of Independence, Constitution Of The United States to pay off its debts. The government in no way could legally do this because we the people own it. Plus a lot of us would be upset if that happened, I know I would.
- I no way recommend you say this, but you could suggest she could sell her home or donate money to support the needy.