montanaman–It sounds like you are at the beginning stages of working through some issues. I suspect these unresolved family issues are becoming overwhelming because of your relationship with Grace and your ambivalence (or lack of certainty) about marrying her. I recall your posts before Christmas about the engagement ring. With this thread (in which you share your family background), I am struck that Grace is not Catholic and her family is anti-Catholic. Given your family religious background (step-father was a convert and formerly in a cult but still not strongly Catholic, your relationship with your mother and her eccentricities, and your biological father is a Protestant minister), I am even more convinced that you were not ready to give the ring to Grace. I recall you said that your friends are either not Catholic or anti-Catholic. Is there a pattern here? Is there some reason you don’t have Catholic friends and don’t seriously date Catholic women? Are all of these things related to unresolved issues with your mom?