My mom made me vote for Biden on my absentee ballot. What do I do?

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Lol… the 24 hours would be if it went well…😁. If it didn’t were talking months…
Any advice?
I’m not going to say anything people haven’t already said, but what your mom did was wrong. It’s your ballot and you can vote for Trump, Biden, whoever the American Solidarity Party candidate is, or Big Bird if you want.

I don’t know what the nature of your disability is, but if you physically need help filling out your ballot, I suggest you find someone else.

As an aside, I do think you need to get better at asserting yourself with your mom. You’re 24; you should be able to say “mom, I love you, but my ballot is my business. I respect your choice, please respect mine.” And then if she continues pestering you about it, simply say you don’t want to discuss it further.
people find humor in different things
All she said was she doesn’t feel personal animosity toward Trump or Biden. I don’t get why that’s funny. I wish I had that level of charity.
I do. Besides, when my biological mother died, she had made enough money for my older brother and I to receive Social Security Survivor benefits when we were kids (it’s used to replace what my mother’s paycheck would have been), so when we were both older (my brother is disabled as well) and able to apply for SSI as adults, all of the red tape that is (unfortunately) there for everyone else when they try to apply for it wasn’t present. However, we are both employed, and my parents use the SSI money to do other things, like pay my medical bills and stuff like that.
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As an aside, I do think you need to get better at asserting yourself with your mom. You’re 24; you should be able to say “mom, I love you, but my ballot is my business. I respect your choice, please respect mine.” And then if she continues pestering you about it, simply say you don’t want to discuss it further.

That is what I would have done if I knew that what my mom was doing was illegal, as she intimidated me into not voting for my preferred presidential candidate, as didn’t care about all of the other candidates running for other office (Congressional Rep., State Senator, State Representative, etc.).
As an aside, I do think you need to get better at asserting yourself with your mom. You’re 24; you should be able to say “mom, I love you, but my ballot is my business. I respect your choice, please respect mine.” And then if she continues pestering you about it, simply say you don’t want to discuss it further.
I would say this depends on the dynamic with the mother as well. At 24 you should be able to say that, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a parent will listen. Ultimately being able to assert yourself depends on being able to walk away, and that isn’t always the case.

I would honestly advise OP to look into independent living resources in her area. It varies, but there may be resources for support other than her mother.
This is really the truth! Is that what you are worried about, OP??? God won’t hold you responsible! He knows your true heart. Just talk to him and put your trust in him! He will take care of it all!
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