My New Prayer Rope!

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One way of using it is to cross yourself while standing, do a prostration while praying the Jesus Prayer, and move the Prayer Rope up one knot, then repeat…

Doing your Rule with crossings is always a good idea…

Prostrations according to strength…

When I started out, my right arm was not used to doing all these crossings morning and evening, and it started to really hurt, especially in the shoulder, but the whole arm kind of froze up - So I did the crossings with my fingers and hand alone, until my arm finally got used to making that many Signs of the Cross…

De-sissification is a good thing…

Especially for sissies like me!

Here is a meditation for you with your new prayer rope:

I would title it: Glory to God in ALL things…

Just wanted to drop by and add to those accolades above for Philip’s prayer ropes.

I have one of his ropes that he made five years ago, and believe me - it’s bona fide “rope art!”

IIRC, at that time his work was already so admired that people were asking for his private tutelage in making the knots… :1st_place_medal:
at that time his work was already so admired that people were asking for his private tutelage in making the knots
Wow! That was quite some time ago. I’ve not been able to teach anyone prayer rope making in some time (not for lack of being asked)… except my son. We’re literally sitting at our kitchen table right now and he’s trying to master his first knot.

How’s your prayer rope holding up?
How’s your prayer rope holding up?
Still super!
The corona-bug notwithstanding, I have absolutely no doubt that it will outlast me! 😀
It is, however, strictly a house mouse. I don’t wad that one up and stuff in my pocket or hang it off of the rearview mirror! I have a couple of “beaters” for that… 🔨 🔨
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I don’t wad that one up and stuff in my pocket or hang it off of the rearview mirror! I have a couple of “beaters” for that
😂 🤣

Just for a little reassurance, I have a blue 100 knot rope that I made about 10 years ago. It was experimental and became something of a teether/toy for my eldest daughter who is severely mentally and physically handicapped. She and my other three children have all played with it, chewed on it, stretched it, and abused it over the last decade. It’s also been through the washer several times. And it’s still in great shape! So don’t be afraid to treat yours as something of a “beater.” 😁
Don’t be afraid to treat yours as something of a “beater.”
They are made for the purpose of prayer, not as family heirlooms…

We have a Catholic Church here near where I live, and a Holy Man was there in the 50s and 60s, and sanctified the Church and the people by his life and prayers… When I first walked into that Church, I could feel its Sanctity…

That Church had structural issues, and when they were corrected, they “remodeled” the interior, fresh drywall and paint and a lot of other upgrades… I go in there now, and that Sanctity, that powerful presence of prayer, is no longer there… It is much more beautiful now… And I grieve for what was lost… I had the privilege of knowing a couple of his Spiritual children while they were still alive… The last, when I helped her at her home in her final approach to the grave, said to me, when I told her I would keep praying for her… She said, as her eyes flashed up into mine: “That was YOU???” I replied, in a loudish drawn out voice with a hint of menace: “MAYBE!!”

I never saw her again - We were bonded in that moment…

Can’t not love her…

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The movie “The island” (Ostrov) comes to mind.
You have seen “Ostrov”???

I cried almost through all of it the first time I watched it…

I have seen it maybe 12 times (but who’s counting)

Cried every time…

They hired a retired rock star for the lead to lampoon Orthodoxy in Russia…

Reminds me of the jester who mocked Baptism by baptizing himself…

And was converted, then martyred…

The rock star is now a monk in Russia…

We are a peculiar people…

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You have seen “Ostrov”???
Yes! I love it. My wife… not so much. She just rolls her eyes when I put it on. I’ve watched it maybe 6-8 times, I actually bought it on Amazon.

I love the scene with Fr. Filaret after his boots are burned “you’ve shown me how weak my faith is”. And the scenes with Anatoly just wandering around repeating the Jesus Prayer.

I never knew or looked up anything about the actor. That is very interesting.

You might know this. What is the prayer he is singing while he is sitting up on the bell tower? I tried Googling the words before and didn’t come up with anything.
What is the prayer he is singing while he is sitting up on the bell tower?
I don’t know, sorry… But it was preparation for the next lesson for the monks and for the next prophesy… He did a LOT of prophesy in that movie - It became one of the central themes…

My favorite scene was when he saw the admiral for the first time, and finally knew for sure that he had not killed him… And the struggle between them, when the admiral thought he was just too crazy, and that he had made the trip for his daughter in vain, not knowing that the very inferior seaman who had worked the coal tug actually was the gifted Staretz he was seeking and so desperately needed…

I owned two copies, lent them out a couple of times, and now have none - Glory to God!

The film won the British Film Festival - It is epic and understated, but is one of the best crafted films I have ever seen - I mean, I NEVER watch a movie more than once, except I SHOULD have watched Les Mis’ another time… I soaked my beard crying through that one too… Loved the Bishop almost more than Jean…

I never expected to run into anyone who loved Ostrov on this forum…

What a Joy!

IT CAME! I asked a friend to get me some items from the health food store where I work and one of my coworkers put it in the bag with my groceries. (I’m still stuck at home.)

I hope Father will bless it for me. (I’d like to get it blessed before using it.)

It’s beautiful. Thank you very much!
Praise God! Please remember this poor sinner in your prayers whenever you use it. 😉
I’ll put you in my diptychs. That way I won’t forget.

Edit: You’re now in my diptychs.
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Thank you. I’m hoping 🙏 to get to church Sat so I can go to confession & have Father bless my prayer rope.
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