Um, today my priest yelled at a parishioner in front of others for something extremely minor. The old woman apparently blurted out “im cold” at adoration yesterday and father thought It was a good idea to yell at her about it after mass. He kept telling her it wasn’t right to say that when Jesus is exposed and then asked other parishioners to vote on whether or not she was wrong. I ended up saying nothing and walking away, shocked. I don’t think Jesus minds if an old woman says she’s cold during adoration, no matter how loudly she said it. She’s just an old woman. Who cares? Even if it was wrong of her, couldn’t it have been handled in private?
Should I bring this up to the priest or let it go? I wasn’t the only one who was shocked at his behavior btw
Should I bring this up to the priest or let it go? I wasn’t the only one who was shocked at his behavior btw
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