There was a mystical experience witnessed by everyone (including myself) who attended the 12:15 p.m. Sunday Mass at St. John the Baptist in Lockport, New York a little over ten years ago. If I remember right, it was in April in either 1993 or 1994. (The correct year could be ascertained, I believe, by looking up the weather logs, actually.)
The spring Sunday started out as a sunny day, but as Mass started, a pounding rainstorm moved in, and the closer it got to Consecration, the stronger the storm grew. Father Joe Gullo was saying the Mass, and as he lifted the host and said "This is My Body … " two things happened. The lights flickered off and on, and a long, slow peal of thunder hung on the air.
The priest then lifted the chalice. When he said, "This is My Blood … " again, the lights flickered off and on, and a long, slow peal of thunder hung on the air.
My mother was not attending that particular Mass, but happened to be driving a few blocks away in the city of Lockport. At the same time the Consecration was going on at the Mass, she saw a small tornado touch down and uproot a single pine tree.
The next Mass following these events, Father Joe mentioned these unusual happenings at that memorable Consecration in his sermon, asking why such a thing would happen, and what might it mean? (He had become curious and discovered on his own about the tornado, which had been documented by others.)
After Mass, I stopped to greet the priest and provide a possible explanation. You see, my mother had been present at a parish “town hall” meeting where Father Gullo had spoken about the Real Presence of Christ’s Body and Blood in the Eucharist, only to have someone present at the meeting make a negative comment publicly about it. So I told Father Joe that I believed Heaven was affirming the Real Presence in a special way as a reward for his belief and a consolation for any humiliation he had received at the town hall meeting.
Since Lockport, NY is not particularly well known for tornados, this is why I would think the occurrence of the storm should still be in the public records.
~~ the phoenix