Mystical experience during Mass

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I was hoping that anyone might want to share some profound or mystical experience that they may have had during Mass. I also wanted to share something too. One time, during the consecration, I felt as if I was connected to the grief that God the Father must have felt when his own son was crucified and died. Months prior to this experience, my oldest brother and my father died within four months of each other. For some reason, as the consecration was occurring, I experienced an intensely profound feeling of sympathy for what God the Father must have experienced when his son died. I found myself in tears overwhelmed by a desire to “comfort” God the Father. I found myself repeating to myself and to God how sorry I was that you suffered the “loss” of your son. I can’t explain it. I just wanted to embrace God and comfort him. I’ll never forget that.
I think this is a perfect example of what’s meant when we “lift up our hearts to the Lord” during the mass. You offered your grief (what was in your heart) to God and were blessed with a deeper understanding of how much **He ** understands what you were going through, imho, as well as enabling you to suffer with Him in a very real way. God bless you 😉

I had an experience that took place the day after I moved into my new apartment in Sept. 1, 2002.

I spent my first night in my apartment, and the first time I was ever going to live alone. My father was dying in a Catholic Hospice and I just lost my driving privelges due to my failing eyesight. The Catholic Church across the street was Byzantine and I didn’t know when the Liturgy was going to be held. So I simply listened to the Mass For Shut-ins and tool part in the standing, sitting, kneeling of the whole Mass.
When it came time for Holy Communion, it happened! Once I heard the priest say ‘Body of Christ’, I started crying, uncontrolablely. Howver once the last distribution of Communion took place. The crying stopped AUTOMATICALLY and it was as if I never cried at all!

I did become a member of that Byzantine Church across the street and the Pastor told me that I had recieved the Gift of Tears. (This has happened before but I did not know what it was called).

I only refer to this experience as a testimony that has strengthen my faith!


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
I was hoping that anyone might want to share some profound or mystical experience that they may have had during Mass. I also wanted to share something too. One time, during the consecration, I felt as if I was connected to the grief that God the Father must have felt when his own son was crucified and died. Months prior to this experience, my oldest brother and my father died within four months of each other. For some reason, as the consecration was occurring, I experienced an intensely profound feeling of sympathy for what God the Father must have experienced when his son died. I found myself in tears overwhelmed by a desire to “comfort” God the Father. I found myself repeating to myself and to God how sorry I was that you suffered the “loss” of your son. I can’t explain it. I just wanted to embrace God and comfort him. I’ll never forget that.
Moment of Grace? Very likely.

I had an experience that took place the day after I moved into my new apartment in Sept. 1, 2002.

I spent my first night in my apartment, and the first time I was ever going to live alone. My father was dying in a Catholic Hospice and I just lost my driving privelges due to my failing eyesight. The Catholic Church across the street was Byzantine and I didn’t know when the Liturgy was going to be held. So I simply listened to the Mass For Shut-ins and tool part in the standing, sitting, kneeling of the whole Mass.
When it came time for Holy Communion, it happened! Once I heard the priest say ‘Body of Christ’, I started crying, uncontrolablely. Howver once the last distribution of Communion took place. The crying stopped AUTOMATICALLY and it was as if I never cried at all!

I did become a member of that Byzantine Church across the street and the Pastor told me that I had recieved the Gift of Tears. (This has happened before but I did not know what it was called).

I only refer to this experience as a testimony that has strengthen my faith!


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Could you elaborate on The GiftOf Tears, because Mass for me is a cloudy ordeal, I tear up on just about everything, especially after receiving the Lord.

Could you elaborate on The GiftOf Tears, because Mass for me is a cloudy ordeal, I tear up on just about everything, especially after receiving the Lord.

I receive the ‘gift of tears’ every I watch It’s a Wonderful Life. 😃 Actually I do admit I get a little misty eyed at baptisms.
I suspect mystical experiences are meant to be between the person who experiences them, and God alone- unless you get the stigmata or levitate in front of a bunch of people or something like that. It seems a bit prideful to tell others about them (except for your spiritual director of course).

God gives me enough to let me know He’s there and that’s what matters to me. Sometimes I’ve felt his presence more than others. I get the gift of tears every time I chop onions but that’s about it.
months. I feel broken, wasted, depleted, dead on my feet. I MUST consume Christ’s flesh and blood. I need MYSTICAL UNION.👍
Once and ONLY ONCE when praying for forgiveness during communion, I “felt” Jesus put His arm around my shoulder in a friendly / comforting hug …

… No, I didn’t PHYSICALLY “feel” it – I sort of SPIRITUALLY “felt” it. Hard for me to explain and put into words … only that it brought me great peace & comfort and I keep hoping to “feel” something like that again.
Could you elaborate on The GiftOf Tears, because Mass for me is a cloudy ordeal, I tear up on just about everything, especially after receiving the Lord.

The Gift of Tears is known among Charismatic Catholics. I myself have been blessed with this gift. It is very much like Edwin described, a sudden outpouring of grief that begins and ends rather suddenly. It is not like ordinary crying or becoming misty or sentimental.

I have always understood it to be an expression of sorrow for my sins.

God bless,
I cannot pass on this opportunity to share with all of you a particularly vivid experience. Please forgive me if this story is a little long since I tend to be so darn wordy.

I was going through a divorce some 13 years ago. (I was not a practicing Catholic at the time I married outside of the Church 10 years prior, but that is another story.) I had befriended a member of a new religious order and we were attending a Mass together at the Cathedral. The Mass was held in conjunction with a series of presentations held weekly about various aspects of Catholicism and they were held immediately after Mass in the Cathedral. The particular subject this evening was the saints. At Mass we were literally surrounded by saints (around 15 - 20 if I recall correctly) in the form of relics that were brought by representatives from the many parishes in our city. The priest saying Mass even brought with him a relic of the True Cross which was placed either near or on the altar. I was sitting next to a member of this new order of sisters. I had heard many astounding stories, some bordering on the mystical, from members of this order, so it did not surprise me if their connection to the spiritual would be particularly acute. Anyhow, as Mass proceeded, I actually and physically felt what I could only describe as a warm “zap” of energy that ran through the totality of my body. This happened again, then again, then again. It was not at all painful nor centered in any particular area. To the contrary it gave me a rather delightfully giddy disposition. Thinking that perhaps the person next to me was praying for me and had somehow brought about these zaps, I asked her what she was doing. She looked at me quizzically. I quitely described to her what I was experiencing, as Mass was still going on. She said that she was not doing anything in particular but that perhaps I should realize that after all we were surrounded by not only relics of the saints but of the saints themselves along with the angels and with Christ and his mother - in other words with all those in heaven who are joined with us in the Mass. This of course made perfect sense. I continued to be zapped throughout the entirity of the Mass, probably nearing 20 individual sensations. When Mass was over I was as giddy as a child having felt what I believed to be a “touch of heaven”. At no point in my life have I ever felt these zaps, neither before or since. As a realist, I am open to a doctor saying that I had experienced a physical manifestation of temporary relief from the stress brought on by the divorce process. But as a man of faith, I would instead like to believe that I was touched by God and all of those in His presence. What a precious and wonderful evening that was, one that I hold very dear in my memory.😛
Could you elaborate on The GiftOf Tears, because Mass for me is a cloudy ordeal, I tear up on just about everything, especially after receiving the Lord.

Joao…there is an excellent section explaining the ‘gift of tears’ in Kevin Orlin Johnson’s book called
Apparitions: Mystic Phenomena and What they Mean
Dr Johnson was a vatican consultant on apparitions.

You might also enjoy another excellent book by the same author.
Rosary: Mysteries, Meditations and the Telling of the Beads.

You can learn more about Catholicism in this book than in many Catholic history books! The author is a marvelous, witty writer too. Both books are available at
The Gift of Tears is truly a gift from God. Theresa of Avila experienced it many times.

In my understanding, it is not an average emotional humanistic occurence. God grants this gift as an atonement to the Almighty for the sins of the world commited against Him. The true gift of tears cannot be turned on at will and cannot as well be stopped at will. It is something that some people are allowed to experience as they unite themselves closer to God. In the early days, many monks and hermits were among those who experienced this precious gift.
I’ve been going through the LONGEST dryspell I’ve ever had. It’s lasted at least six months.

Before my dryspell, I would occasionally have interior and actual visions. I won’t describe these things here because I don’t have a SD. I’ve been looking for a SD for a couple years and can’t find anyone, so I keep my private revelations to myself. I don’t tell people the content of these revelations.

I’ve never had a locution. I have had two ecstacies. The first, I resisted because it freaked me out. I did not like the “out of body” feeling. This happened after Mass. The second happened when I was lying in bed and the ecstacy lasted maybe a minute or two. But I cannot verify these were actual ecstacies, for lack of an SD.

Dryness is terrible suffering for someone used to having mystical experiences. I know that dryness is for my own good. I know that Jesus is still there. I react to this state by keeping on track, neither increasing nor decreasing prayer (to avoid spiritual pride).

Over the past week, the dryness has been broken. I’m still dry. There are no consolations. Yet during amidst this dryness, I have started to experience GREAT sorrow during Mass! I start crying at the consecration. I cry just before Communion during the Holy, Holy, Holy. This crying only happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist after the consecration. It stops just before I get up to recieve the Host. I wear a veil during Mass, and when I start crying, I pull my veil around my face so others won’t see. I REALLY have to force myself to stop crying. It really takes FORCE and great will power to control the tears.

This crying thing during Mass is getting to be a problem! I have never heard of the Gift of Tears. Makes me wonder if this is it?

The tears are not limited to Mass, but is related to Christ and sorrowful things. I was driving home for Christmas Vacation and came to a stop sign. To my right, I saw a roadside cross that had the name “Luke” on it. These crosses are usually shrines set up by parents, where young people have died in car accidents. Anyway, I saw fresh flowers at the foot of this cross, and suddenly and uncontrollably, I started crying. The reason was that on the eve of Christmas, some mother had gone out to her baby’s grave during Christmastime to lay flowers there — and I just felt my heart break at what that mother must be feeling. It just tore me up!

The tears are like suddenly being stabbed in the heart with overwhelming sorrow. Is this Gift of Tears?

These tears are also coming at an unexpected stage in my spiritual life. I’d expect to feel this way during a consolation period — but not during dryness!

This is all very strange to me because I’m not an overly emotional person. I don’t let my feelings control me. I am uneasy with uncontrollable tears. It’s all very new to me!

Well, God Bless!
I was enlightened to the Real Presence during Mass and receiving the Eucharist. I know how dumb it is now, but I thought the Eucharist was symbolic before this Mass.
There was a mystical experience witnessed by everyone (including myself) who attended the 12:15 p.m. Sunday Mass at St. John the Baptist in Lockport, New York a little over ten years ago. If I remember right, it was in April in either 1993 or 1994. (The correct year could be ascertained, I believe, by looking up the weather logs, actually.)

The spring Sunday started out as a sunny day, but as Mass started, a pounding rainstorm moved in, and the closer it got to Consecration, the stronger the storm grew. Father Joe Gullo was saying the Mass, and as he lifted the host and said "This is My Body … " two things happened. The lights flickered off and on, and a long, slow peal of thunder hung on the air.

The priest then lifted the chalice. When he said, "This is My Blood … " again, the lights flickered off and on, and a long, slow peal of thunder hung on the air.

My mother was not attending that particular Mass, but happened to be driving a few blocks away in the city of Lockport. At the same time the Consecration was going on at the Mass, she saw a small tornado touch down and uproot a single pine tree.

The next Mass following these events, Father Joe mentioned these unusual happenings at that memorable Consecration in his sermon, asking why such a thing would happen, and what might it mean? (He had become curious and discovered on his own about the tornado, which had been documented by others.)

After Mass, I stopped to greet the priest and provide a possible explanation. You see, my mother had been present at a parish “town hall” meeting where Father Gullo had spoken about the Real Presence of Christ’s Body and Blood in the Eucharist, only to have someone present at the meeting make a negative comment publicly about it. So I told Father Joe that I believed Heaven was affirming the Real Presence in a special way as a reward for his belief and a consolation for any humiliation he had received at the town hall meeting.

Since Lockport, NY is not particularly well known for tornados, this is why I would think the occurrence of the storm should still be in the public records.

~~ the phoenix
I don’t know if you would call this a mystical experience…

I started in the RCIA program and then quit. I wasn’t ready. I never thought about going back.

One day I was at work and I was walking to the bank to make a deposit and I had to kneel down right there in the parking lot. I did not have a choice about this. It was as if I could feel a hand on my shoulder pushing me down.

So, I did and that is when I had the strongest urging to pray. I was not the praying type of person. I had to pray for my best friend’s husband. So, I did. Later that night my best friend called me and said that her husband was being shipped to Iraq that week.

After that, the Spirit would not leave me. I immediatly re-entered RCIA and became initiated in the church.

I still feel urgings from the Spirit occasionally. I feel it is a great blessing to be directed so forcefully by God. Sometimes it is hard to do what is being asked of me. I have kids, a full time job, a marrige, school. Submitting to God’s will isn’t always easy, but I know He is there to hold me up.
I was enlightened to the Real Presence during Mass and receiving the Eucharist. I know how dumb it is now, but I thought the Eucharist was symbolic before this Mass.
One time I was watching mass on EWTN and the same thing happened to me, altough I know that that is Jesus but it was hard for me to wrap my head around that. So anyway the next day Sunday the same feeling came over me, a very strong knowledge of Jesus going into the bread and wine and becoming himself truly present in the eucharist for me and the whole church. I have not had that happen again but I tell you it was a feeling like no other. I was very humbled by it.:o I have no doubt that he is truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
I was hoping that anyone might want to share some profound or mystical experience that they may have had during Mass. I also wanted to share something too. One time, during the consecration, I felt as if I was connected to the grief that God the Father must have felt when his own son was crucified and died. Months prior to this experience, my oldest brother and my father died within four months of each other. For some reason, as the consecration was occurring, I experienced an intensely profound feeling of sympathy for what God the Father must have experienced when his son died. I found myself in tears overwhelmed by a desire to “comfort” God the Father. I found myself repeating to myself and to God how sorry I was that you suffered the “loss” of your son. I can’t explain it. I just wanted to embrace God and comfort him. I’ll never forget that.
I remember one day when I was not able to go to mass and my desire to go to communion was so strong that I askedJesus if Icould have a spiritual communion. When mass finished my girlfriend came and told me to get on my knees and she gave me a spiritual communion.
Another time I wa sooooo sick but decided togo to mas for the blessing of being there. At communion time I got up and as I walked up just dragging my self and only just able to move this voince spoke in me it said “this is the reason why I came” I was so shocked but realised it was the spirit of God in me.
I had finally passed my “exam” to become an altar boy at age eight and was so proud of myself that I had successfully served my first Mass early that Sunday morning. The head altar boy (12 years old) assigned me to report that evening to serve for Benediction. This meant serving with another boy so I felt comfortable. Well, after the priest raised the monstrance for adoration of the faithful he descended the steps and – gasp – motioned me to remove the stole (long, wide scarf he wore on his shoulder to handle the monstrance with), something I’d never done before because it involved removing it from the priest, carrying it to the right side of the altar to the cruet table, and folding it into a specific manner. I was petrified. Father graciously stooped so I could reach the stole and I headed to the cruet table feeling that every single person in the congregation was watching me to see how I would make the special fold. My first thought was to just put it on the table and pretend that was the thing to do. My heart was pounding. Then, inexplicably, I felt the urge to obey a non-extant voice which said, “Don’t be afraid – fold it.” And I did !

After Benediction when we retired to the sacristy to receive a blessing from the priest (ahh, those were beautiful days !) the boy who served with me said, “When did you learn how to fold the stole?” All I could do was grin. This eight year old was visibly shaken !
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