Mystical experience during Mass

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Cool story Ruben.

After my confirmation, the first several times that I took communion I had strange journeys. I guess that is a good word for them. After I kneeled down, I would close my eyes and begin a prayer. I would then immediately float about eight feet above the floor. It was a very strange feeling. I would just talk inside of my head and feel such peace. It would only last a few minutes but it seemed like it went on forever. It kind of felt like I was floating in an inebreated peace with God. I can’t do it anymore, which leads me to believe that it was nothing that I was doing.

I go to mass every morning (or try to) and experience God every time. Once I remember that I didn’t feel anything for the whole mass untill the end when the gave gave the benediction with the sign of the cross. When I touched my forehead I felt a great presence of the Holy Spirit.
I once was at Mass with an infant baptism. I can’t describe it, but there was this absoulte feeling of LOVE there. It was bigger and more encompassing than any one or EVERY one of the people in the church. I walked out of there feeling so amazingly high on God’s love that I went home and proceded to fall back into a habit of sin that I hadn’t been involved with for a very long time. It’s like the opposite of the “when I’m weakest, I’m strongest”. I felt love and strength more than any point in recent memory, and yet I had one of my weakest moments ever.

I didn’t mean to sound sour, but it was truly the most amazing feeling I’ve ever had at Mass…and then I went and screwed up. “The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak”…No words ever were truer.
I once was watching the concecration and started to feel my hands and lips burning or somthing, and I had to supress an urge to say the prayer with Father (which I obvously cannot)
On a Monday I found out about my husbands addiction and affair. The rest of the week was spent dealing with the situation with him, our priest, therapists, his parents (who came to spend the weekend) lots of tears, lots of prayer, lots of doubts about my marriage past, present and future.

On Sunday we went to mass. Once we recieved communion the organist started playing the music I walked down the aisle to at our wedding. It was June and this song is usually played during the Christmas season. Yet, out of the blue, out of all the songs/music that could have been played that day this one was chosen. I remember saying, “Oh God” and starting to cry/laugh! My husband did too and said, “I guess you’re stuck with me”. We both felt that God was speaking to us in a very personal way that showed us He knew what we were dealing with and that He was with us. It gave us hope and the feeling we were heading in the right direction. Its been almost 5 years now and we’re still together, working on our marriage.
For some time now I get very sorrowful from the start of the Eucharistic Prayer to reception of Holy Communion.It gets very intense at the Lord’s Prayer, during this period I never can pray out loud, because I have to concentrate on biting my cheeks to stop from crying, but even with that a few tears show, which is embarrassing. After receiving the Lord, the sorrow leaves immediately.

God Bless
Interesting that this thread is sort of being resurrected!


Sometimes I start getting weepy, choked up feeling right at the first hymn! It’s just all those voices united in worship & I think - how much more wonderful it will be in Heaven with all the angels & Saints/saints. Mass is supposed to be a little taste of heaven. It bothers me so that people are so irreverant, talking before, & even during Mass. And really very unnecessary talking, just chatting like they were having coffee; and not in whispers. Sigh. One lady even answered her cell phone! Bad enough she had it ON. Well, maybe it was new & she didn’t know how to manage it.

But, often the weeping will hit me just before getting in line for Communion. I am in awe about what I am about to accept. I think that sometimes I am feeling sorrow for those who do not believe in the Real Presence, and also the times past when my own faith was weak. It’s especially difficult when I haven’t remembered to bring along a few tissues!😊

Maybe it’s a gift. Curiously, it didn’t happen last Sunday. It sure is hard to sing when I’m choked up.

I don’t think we need to be embarrassed by it.

One time I know it was not The Gift of Tears - I had just been diagnosed with cancer & was facing surgery (last year). I’m FINE now -thank you, LORD!! It was Memorial Day Mass & I’d gone alone, without DH. Afterward, a kind lady remarked, “I can see you’re having a hard day. I hope you feel better soon”, or something like that. So, I hope I remember to return the favor to someone else if they seem to be having a hard time emotionally.

So - different reasons for tears. I’m kind of an emotional person anyway. 🤷

Thank you for the interesting & uplifting stories!

God bless all,

This is an awesome thread. Thank you all for sharing.
The, Gift of Tears that is mentioned. I cry at the Agnus Dei. Is this that, gift? I can’t explain it I just cry and I can’t control it. It sounds weird but I am crying and I feel this absolute peace and joy. It’s hard to explain. Most people don’t understand it.
I love the gift of tears, and witnessing the gift of tears. When I came into the church,14 years ago, I cried for around two years.

What happens to me now, every time, is that when the Body of Christ is present, throughout the consecration and communion, my body flushes and gets very warm. I can even be distracted and then this happens, which always brings me back to His Presence. This has been going on for a long time. This is the only time I’ve ever shared this, and might be the only time. But to me, it’s pretty special. I don’t think it’s “all in my head” at all, because, like I said, I can be distracted, not present in this moment, and then it happens and I’m aware of what’s happening. But, I’m willing to understand if no one else experiences or understands this.

It’s not really like a “hot flash”. Been there, done that. This is not uncomfortable, just very very warm.
I don’t know if this counts as a mystical experience; however, it is a way to have a personal experience at the Mass on a regular basis.

A catholic author named Matthew Kelly says to say a prayer before every Mass to ask Jesus to help you learn one thing that will help you become a better version of yourself.

After saying that prayer, I have a feeling in almost every Mass somewhere that this verse, or that part of a sermon / intercessory prayer, is what I need to focus on.
I haven’t had such experience during Mass. But something like that happens to me occasionally. I need your suggestions if you understand me. It’s about Gift of Tears.
It has happen many times I cry when I feel devotion-ally, mostly in private. When I read a holy book, Bible, autobiographies of saints, listening holy music watching a holy picture. Mentally I am an emotional and touchy man so I think it may be common. But sometimes it feels uncommon.
My last big experience was on Saturday night before Corpus Christi Sunday. I was on internet and looking for some information on Corpus Christi. A page opened and I read the sentence from John 6, I am not sure(don’t remember)which verse may be this one "Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."or “whoever eats of this bread will live forever; " or " for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.”
I pondered over the word for about a half minute and suddenly a deep feeling arose and tears fell down continuously for 10 min. or more. It was very pleasing and romantic I say. I prayed silently at that time but don’t know what I said. I never told these things to anyone face to face because I’m shy. I think because of my nature these things find a way to happen. or may be absolute grace of God. or may be mixture of both. I don’t know it’s serious or not. little bit confused.
Well, when I was confirmed and father raised his hand above me I could feel something coming out of his hand descend upon me like a light airy energy. And for a few days after I began receiving communion I would feel like Jesus was watching me. Like… I look at him and he looks at me type thing. Contemplation perhaps. I also have extended periods of illumination or enlightenment or contemplation or something or other and I sometimes have attended mass in this state. Makes things a lot more interesting I can tell you that! I’d wind up contemplating the Paschal Mystery and analyzing so easily all the signs and symbols and words.
I haven’t had such experience during Mass. But something like that happens to me occasionally. I need your suggestions if you understand me. It’s about Gift of Tears.
It has happen many times I cry when I feel devotion-ally, mostly in private. When I read a holy book, Bible, autobiographies of saints, listening holy music watching a holy picture. Mentally I am an emotional and touchy man so I think it may be common. But sometimes it feels uncommon.
My last big experience was on Saturday night before Corpus Christi Sunday. I was on internet and looking for some information on Corpus Christi. A page opened and I read the sentence from John 6, I am not sure(don’t remember)which verse may be this one "Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."or “whoever eats of this bread will live forever; " or " for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.”
I pondered over the word for about a half minute and suddenly a deep feeling arose and tears fell down continuously for 10 min. or more. It was very pleasing and romantic I say. I prayed silently at that time but don’t know what I said. I never told these things to anyone face to face because I’m shy. I think because of my nature these things find a way to happen. or may be absolute grace of God. or may be mixture of both. I don’t know it’s serious or not. little bit confused.
Those are beautiful reflections. I think you are called to be a Catholic mystic.

I love Corpus Christi. It’s my favorite feast day. And I almost always get a beautiful consolation from the Lord on that day. And I cry a lot on the Feast of Corpus Christi. This year, I was blessed to be present at the procession for Corpus Christi at our church, and witness the faith of so many people, so many cultures. I remember distinctly, looking at Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament, and with tears in my eyes, I looked away from Him for a second or two, and looked straight into the face of a very old Chaldean lady (from Iraq), who’s beautiful eyes were also filled with tears. We shared a smile and a communion of faith that I think I will always remember. It was just a few seconds, but the memory will last a lifetime. That was this year’s “gift”.
I cannot pass on this opportunity to share with all of you a particularly vivid experience. Please forgive me if this story is a little long since I tend to be so darn wordy.

I was going through a divorce some 13 years ago. (I was not a practicing Catholic at the time I married outside of the Church 10 years prior, but that is another story.) I had befriended a member of a new religious order and we were attending a Mass together at the Cathedral. The Mass was held in conjunction with a series of presentations held weekly about various aspects of Catholicism and they were held immediately after Mass in the Cathedral. The particular subject this evening was the saints. At Mass we were literally surrounded by saints (around 15 - 20 if I recall correctly) in the form of relics that were brought by representatives from the many parishes in our city. The priest saying Mass even brought with him a relic of the True Cross which was placed either near or on the altar. I was sitting next to a member of this new order of sisters. I had heard many astounding stories, some bordering on the mystical, from members of this order, so it did not surprise me if their connection to the spiritual would be particularly acute. Anyhow, as Mass proceeded, I actually and physically felt what I could only describe as a warm “zap” of energy that ran through the totality of my body. This happened again, then again, then again. It was not at all painful nor centered in any particular area. To the contrary it gave me a rather delightfully giddy disposition. Thinking that perhaps the person next to me was praying for me and had somehow brought about these zaps, I asked her what she was doing. She looked at me quizzically. I quitely described to her what I was experiencing, as Mass was still going on. She said that she was not doing anything in particular but that perhaps I should realize that after all we were surrounded by not only relics of the saints but of the saints themselves along with the angels and with Christ and his mother - in other words with all those in heaven who are joined with us in the Mass. This of course made perfect sense. I continued to be zapped throughout the entirity of the Mass, probably nearing 20 individual sensations. When Mass was over I was as giddy as a child having felt what I believed to be a “touch of heaven”. At no point in my life have I ever felt these zaps, neither before or since. As a realist, I am open to a doctor saying that I had experienced a physical manifestation of temporary relief from the stress brought on by the divorce process. But as a man of faith, I would instead like to believe that I was touched by God and all of those in His presence. What a precious and wonderful evening that was, one that I hold very dear in my memory.😛
Years ago when my youngest child was seriously chronically ill, I called a priest who had gifts of healing and he prayed over the phone with me for my child. I, too, felt the type of zap you are talking about. It was as you said, " a touch of heaven"…and to top it off, my child ate dinner that night, the first time in a long time…
I’ve had various mystical experiences during Mass and religious plays. Some of these have come from the Devil: Satanic whisperings booming around a chapel (kinda like Parseltongue in Harry Potter: the whisperings weren’t in English), feeling something grabbing my head and forcing it down during Maundy Thursday Mass, and having evil voices whirling around my head telling me that I’m going to Hell.

When my spiritual mentor used to read in chapel (before I approached her for guidance), I used to be overcome by a sensation of calm delight: like bathing in her voice. At first I assumed it was sexual but the moment I began speaking to her, it disappeared completely. I think it was God trying to lead me to her. When I was acting the role of Pax in her plays, I became overwhelmed by the most powerful feeling of spiritual contentment and elevation during the performance. It was as if my soul had risen out of my body and ascended. It only lasted about a minute but it felt like a lifetime. I’ve never been so calm and happy in my life.

Once in my college chapel I knelt down to pray and felt a strange sensation on my forehead: as though a semi-liquid was trickling down it. I immediately associated this with the blood from the crown of thorns. There was nothing there, yet it felt completely real.

When I was in Lourdes last summer, I heard a voice boom around the Adoration of the Eucharist tent, saying “contemplate me and only me”. I strongly felt the presence of the Virgin Mary. I’m very ill and have little peace but in Lourdes I had complete peace 🙂

These are just some of the things that have happened to me :o
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