Name the last thing you ate and drank

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Boost and water. Not up to food yet. Tried to swallow a vitamin and nearly died. And it was chewable and small. 😭😭
Water, a saltine cracker and 4 slices of cheese. All are bland and went down my throat with no problems.
Glad you’re able to eat something now,I don’t like thinking of you in pain :confused: :pray:t4:

What a breakfast…coffee and some ginger and mandarin chocolate …😬
What I wanted was a gyros, but I was not going to drive cross town for that. I ended up eating a bologna sandwich, doctored up with Tabasco, mustard, catsup, and sauerkraut to kill the taste.
So what can I have other than liquids? Sounds like not much.
It doesn’t sound like much but liquids! I’m guessing you had the bronchoscopy rather than the cutting under the bone? Both sound awful!

I had my usual oatmeal, whole wheat, toast, orange juice for breakfast, and chocolate pudding and Coke Zero for lunch! Horrible lunch, I know! I’m falling into to bad habits. I did have aloo palak over brown rice the other day. That was healthy and delicious!
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fried chicken and more fried chicken and a third…
tea with wild turkey honey with peppercorn
So what can I have other than liquids? Sounds like not much.
It doesn’t sound like much but liquids! I’m guessing you had the bronchoscopy rather than the cutting under the bone? Both sound awful!

I had my usual oatmeal, whole wheat, toast, orange juice for breakfast, and chocolate pudding and Coke Zero for lunch! Horrible lunch, I know! I’m falling into to bad habits. I did have aloo palak over brown rice the other day. That was healthy and delicious!
What’s the cutting under the bone called? I had a bronchoscopy and mediastinoscopy. I slept most of yesterday.

Publix will deliver a few things today. Things the dr wants me to eat. Yogurt, broiled chicken, toast, fish, white rice. Along with my liquids and soft vegetables, I should be good for a week. I’m not to go out for 5 days. So I opted for delivery.

I was going to have some bone broth yesterday but didn’t feel up to making it.
Glad you’re able to eat something now,I don’t like thinking of you in pain :confused: :pray:t4:

What a breakfast…coffee and some ginger and mandarin chocolate …😬
That’s what pain meds and sleeping it off are for. Not easy to sleep when the cats make a trampoline of your stomach.

I made Mama’s fish this morning and her lunch in case I’m asleep.
Tell those kitties to take good care of their mistress and to behave themselves 🙂
Thanks for the update, Lily. Glad to know you got that part over and done and got a lot of sleep yesterday!

I had my usual breakfast, but I have to do better with lunch! I’ve been slipping into bad habits.
My follow up is on the 9th. We’ll see how it goes.

I’ve been told I can try to resume my regular diet but not to force it. Just eat what I can. So I plan to have a turkey sandwich minus the onions and tomatoes. I’ll have a small glass of tea. Anything I can’t finish will be saved for later.
Turkey sandwich, vanilla chai tea and ginger ale.

Still doing a lot of sleeping.
Wait, what?

Nemmind I thought you said sake and water
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