Nation Of Illegitimates

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Why are irresponsible fathers running the streets unpunished?
Because the mother’s are uncompromising.

There was some article on the breakroom table from an old, old, Good Housekeeping magazine. It was advice for a house wife. Women today just read it a laugh. It says things like clean up the kids, and house just before the husband comes home, spruce up your hair, etc. etc.

Simply put, make your home a place where a man would actually want to be. And viola, the guy actually sticks around. Duh!

Women today scoff at such advice and:
roughly a third of American births are to single mothers.
Double Duh!

Oh, and remember, these single mothers are “fish without bicycles.”

Edith & Archie Bunker are my heroes!
If women want to excercise power, here is an area to do it! …We only do good for ourselves, our families, our children and the world when we use sexuality wisely. I hope more women will see this, and teach their children as well. If we respect ourselves, and our children (present and future) enough to demand committment from good men…that is what we are likely to get.Rock on gals,cheddar
👍 :clapping: :bowdown: :amen:

This is certainly an issue on which we moms can change the world one person at a time: empowering our daughters to say “NO!” to the false promises the media, culture and all-around fast-lane toss out that the first and best way to assert yourself, declare your independence and be a “real” woman is to be rampantly sexually active. I think women educating women is also the path to teaching/informing our beloved teens and young women about the devastating effects of abortion, not only to the babies, but to women personally and to their relationship with men. It is so much more convincing than court cases, laws, bans, etc.
Black Jaque:
Simply put, make your home a place where a man would actually want to be. And viola, the guy actually sticks around. Duh!
Umm, I’m going to have to disagree with you here Jaque. Those ideas are nice suggestions for things to do that express our care and devotion to our husbands. However, let’s not be hasty in judging the cause of desertion. Perhaps we should look at the lack of responsibility and selfish “ME FIRST” attittudes that are being instilled generationally today, as well as the disrespect or disinterest in the sacrament of marriage. It is often much easier for the father’s of non-married children to step out of the picture. During the first months alone, the child is highly dependant on the mother. Secondly, the woman has a biological (chemical) bond with the child, making the connections stronger. Add to this the fact that the woman has carried the child for (roughly) nine months, during which time the father may have already decided not to be involved. Finally, it is socially accepted (and I might add, our Church also condones) that the mother is responsible for the day to day life with the children. Let us not be too hasty in blaming single moms for “driving their men away.” …
God bless,
You can trace this epidemic of illegitimate children to the acceptance of artificial birth control.
It creates a mentality that is anti-child, anti-woman and anti-responsibility. (“it wasn’t MY fault - my birth control failed!”)
Among other anti’s.

Back in the 30’s when the FIRST christian denomination on the face of the earth (Anglican) made an “allowance” for the use of artificial contraception in ‘some’ circumstances - our Catholic bishops warned that this is now the beginning of the “slippery slope” into a myraid of social and moral problems.
Up until that point in the 30’s - every christian denomination taught that artificial contraception was immoral and wrong.
Thus began the descent that we see today. The ramifications are obvious. Every scenario the Catholic bishops warned would eventually happen with the increasing acceptance of ABC has come to pass:
Rampant: promiscuity, abortion, divorce, sexual diseases, fatherless children, and finally - the acceptance by society of homosexual activity as ‘normal.’

The widespread use and availability of artificial contraception has led not to freedom but slavery.
Men no longer feel the need to protect and respect a woman through SELF CONTROL - because now they have “birth control” to get them off the hook.
Women have fallen for the lie that sexual “freedom” means using each other’s bodies for pleasure without any risk - emotionally, physically or spiritually.
It is now to the point that sex has become completely divorced from the God ordained plan of being “life giving” (which is why homosexual sex is just as wrong as contracepted sex - neither is open to “life”).
Trying to do it “our way” instead of God’s way always leads us into unhappiness eventually. Both individually and as a nation.

We are now paying the high price. And as always - the innocent children suffer the most.
I don’t believe the majority of out of wedlock births are due to birth control failures. A shocking number of couples plan to have a child, even though not married. A lot of the teen age girls who become pregnant don’t use birth control at all. Some want a baby, some don’t like the way birth control feels and some are just in denial that they’ll get pregnant. Some just have sex and figure “whatever” – they’ll just deal with whatever happens with no more thought of it than that.

Why are the men not around for the babies? Many of them barely had a relationship with the mother beyond doing what got her pregnant, many are gone before the child’s even born. No attachment to mom, no attachment to baby. The even sadder part is that the girls don’t expect anything different.

I truly don’t see the government having the ability to correct the problem of unwed births beyond establishing stiff consequences for failure to support and continuing to restrict welfare payments for subsequent babies. This is an area where society has failed, not the government.

I agree most with the poster who blamed it on the “me, me, me” mentality. This is what I’ve seen. Girls want a baby because they think it will give them unconditional love, be cute and fun to dress up and show off. Guys get the girls pregnant because, well, they like sex, it feels better without a condom, they can brag about how manly they are and how many babies they’ve sired, and the babies are kind of cute and the girl is stuck with all the responsibility anyway. Everything’s about them, with no concern for the child’s best interest or even recognition that this child is an individual person with the right to be loved and well cared for.
Because the mother’s are uncompromising.

There was some article on the breakroom table from an old, old, Good Housekeeping magazine. It was advice for a house wife. Women today just read it a laugh. It says things like clean up the kids, and house just before the husband comes home, spruce up your hair, etc. etc.

Simply put, make your home a place where a man would actually want to be. And viola, the guy actually sticks around. Duh!

**Oh bullocks. Men are not stepping up to the plate and staying there because it’s TOUGH to be a parent. Being a parent isn’t about stroking an ego. ** I laugh at that **** in an old “Good Housekeeping” magazine as well. It comes from a time when children din’t know how to wash their own clothes or make meal.
Some want a baby,

Exactly, and the system makes it so they CAN have baby as a teen. Special programs at highschools, welfare, etc. Except most welfare has been limited but some know how to work the system. While it’s important teen mothers get a diploma or G.E.D they should not be normalized at the public school.
If women want to excercise power, here is an area to do it! Have you ever seen the play in which the Greek women withold sex to get the men to stop the war and come home? It is a farse, but…a grain of truth there, as in most comedy.

I think it was Abe Lincoln who said something to the affect that people will treat you about as good or poorly as you let them.
Boy, does that hit home. Unless one is sexually assaulted, we must be willing to have both sexes take responsibility for their actions. I heard a very wise 15 year old boy say recently that there would not be a need for abortion if people did not have premarital sex. I know he was speaking only to those people who get abortions because they are pregnant and unwed, but I think the jist of what he was saying shows an appreciation of how this happens in the first place.
Speaking of Newsweek, did anyone see the expose of the Meth epidemic? How many of these fatherless children are born as the result of drug and/or alcohol addiction?
Several years ago I was at the Smithsonian’s Museum of American History. They had an exhibit on life at the time of the Revolutionary War. The one fact that shocked me was that in the 1770’s approximately 25% of the population was born out of wedlock. There’s nothing new under the sun.
An article in NEWSWEEK states that roughly a third of American births are to single mothers. So much for family values!
Would you rather they have abortions? They may had made a mistake but at least they are taking up responsibility for their actions!
While GWB is promoting his snake oil remedies for getting rich by privatizing Social Security and bringing democracy to the Muslim world, the breakdown of the family gets benign neglect.
Blanket statement backed with no evidence.
This is a problem that isn’t going away. It is associated with poverty, school drop-out and going to jail.
Aaaaand immorality, MTV, some types of music, magazines, pornography, lack of respect for women (and men). These factors run across all demographics.
Why are irresponsible fathers running the streets unpunished?
Hmph. Got me!
And in all but a few quarters, it’s regarded as abnormal for people to be virgins past a certain age.
I can relate to that! I think I’m one of the oldest virgins on the face of the earth! I used to be ashamed, but now I’m proud of it. I don’t have to worry about my boyfriend using me, getting pregnant, or other “fringe” benefits of sex. I’m so happy I decided to wait for marriage…my boyfriend is too!
he one fact that shocked me was that in the 1770’s approximately 25% of the population was born out of wedlock. There’s nothing new under the sun.

Several years ago I was at the Smithsonian’s Museum of American History. They had an exhibit on life at the time of the Revolutionary War. The one fact that shocked me was that in the 1770’s approximately 25% of the population was born out of wedlock. There’s nothing new under the sun.
So much for the worn-out dirge about society going to hell in a handbasket b/c of The Pill and other assorted ABC…
So much for the worn-out dirge about society going to hell in a handbasket b/c of The Pill and other assorted ABC…

I don’t believe the majority of out of wedlock births are due to birth control failures. A shocking number of couples plan to have a child, even though not married. A lot of the teen age girls who become pregnant don’t use birth control at all. Some want a baby, some don’t like the way birth control feels and some are just in denial that they’ll get pregnant. Some just have sex and figure “whatever” – they’ll just deal with whatever happens with no more thought of it than that.

Why are the men not around for the babies? Many of them barely had a relationship with the mother beyond doing what got her pregnant, many are gone before the child’s even born. No attachment to mom, no attachment to baby. The even sadder part is that the girls don’t expect anything different.

I truly don’t see the government having the ability to correct the problem of unwed births beyond establishing stiff consequences for failure to support and continuing to restrict welfare payments for subsequent babies. This is an area where society has failed, not the government.

I agree most with the poster who blamed it on the “me, me, me” mentality. This is what I’ve seen. Girls want a baby because they think it will give them unconditional love, be cute and fun to dress up and show off. Guys get the girls pregnant because, well, they like sex, it feels better without a condom, they can brag about how manly they are and how many babies they’ve sired, and the babies are kind of cute and the girl is stuck with all the responsibility anyway. Everything’s about them, with no concern for the child’s best interest or even recognition that this child is an individual person with the right to be loved and well cared for.
You have a great point. The girls I knew who had babies for selfish reasons were not getting enough attention at home.

Our double -career culture is breeding generations of neurotics who want love, yet go about finding it the wrong way. Alot of moms or dads could stay home but want the prestige and income of a career. I would never criticize a family who truly needed the income to survive, but doing it to be able to drive expensive cars and own a $500,000 + home and huge vacations doesn’t equal necessity. We have made alot of sacrifices so that I can stay home to give our children love, care and stability. My children are the greatest aspect of my life and I could never let someone else rear them. I guess, like God, I’m selfish with my children. I want them to learn to go out into the world, but they dont’ need to go out at such an early age! I love that the people who these children the most and have their lives staked on these three children are able to spend every day with them… their mom and dad.
I can relate to that! I think I’m one of the oldest virgins on the face of the earth! I used to be ashamed, but now I’m proud of it. I don’t have to worry about my boyfriend using me, getting pregnant, or other “fringe” benefits of sex. I’m so happy I decided to wait for marriage…my boyfriend is too!
My husband and I have a WONDERFUL, fulfilling, blessed marriage and I credit that, in part to premarital chastity. We dated for five years and it was difficult sometimes but we are so thankful for the decisions we made.
Some want a baby,

Exactly, and the system makes it so they CAN have baby as a teen. Special programs at highschools, welfare, etc. Except most welfare has been limited but some know how to work the system. While it’s important teen mothers get a diploma or G.E.D they should not be normalized at the public school.
I would rather a girl have all the support she can after she is pregnant. Anything to help her to not feel pressured to abort her baby!

Prevent the problems before they occur, focus on helping girls to be chaste, but once a girl is pregnant, we need to do everything we can to help her and the baby. Jesus expects us to care for widows and children, and I believe that includes unwed mothers and children. Women deserve better than abortion, we need to change our culture so that women are not pressured into killing their babies.
I know of girls who got pregnant intentionally to trap the boy into their lives. Some of these deadbeat dads may not have much of a choice in staying in their children’s lives. I worked with a college age girl who became pregnant and wanted the father to have nothing to do with the baby because she didn’t love him or want him to have a “say” in their lives. She refused his help.

One of my friends mothers became pregnant with a loser of a guy, involved in drugs, violent… She found a really nice guy and seduced him and told him the baby was his. He didn’t find out until they had two children and the eldest (who was not his biological child) was 15. She definitely chose the right man to “trap” because he continued to treat both daughters and his wife like gold.
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