National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) Sees An End To Abortion If Trump Is Re-elected (4 Supreme Court Justices)

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Ridge, the issue of abortion is your own thing.
Me and millions of others. Most Americans, though, do favor abortion being legal which is probably why Trump doesn’t make it his big issue. But you can’t deny his SC appointments were prolife.

Dems don’t really believe in much much of anything that they’re really willing to sacrifice for. They will set up new entitlements on a limited basis just enough to comply with the Alinsky formula of making a segment of the middle class dependent on government. They’ll allow uncontrolled immigration because they don’t like the population of the U.S., and besides, who will clean Nancy Pelosi’s house and trim her vines?

There is no “woman’s right” the Dems promote other than abortion. Women are already ahead of men in all categories in which they are full time. Graduation, professions, you name it. Not much more you can really do for women other than perhaps provide free abortifacients like Obama did.

And do you really think the Dems have the slightest inclination to resolve racial conflicts? Obama himself stirred up racial animosity. They live off the racial hatred they engender. Biden was active in toughening criminal sentencing. Trump relaxed it.

The Democrats claim a lot of things, but they don’t actually do them other than attempting to change the demographics. The only thing they actually promote consistency and carry through with is abortion. That’s their love.
Ridge, the issue of abortion is your own thing.
I’ve got to point out and not wanting to be crass about it, if one has voted Democrat, one has voted for abortion very clearly so statements like this should be taken into context. Downplay it if one wants, treat it as trivial. Many of us consider it terrible.

And Trump expanding the defunding of the Mexico City policy, let us not forget that those who vote in favor of Democratic politicians are indeed, voting to abort some in the 3rd world. Another very unsavory thought.
I know. How dare he point out racism? Doesn’t he know there are good people on both sides?
What? On the abortion issue. Maybe but I do believe Planned Parenthood is a somewhat evil institution if they have to cover up for selling body parts and the like. The Demographics too are frightening with minorities, some in particular being aborted in much higher numbers. So, we all need to be educated more.
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Planned Parenthood is a somewhat evil institution if they have to cover up for selling body parts and the like.
The government subsidizes them. They subsidize the Dem party. Probably be cheaper for the government simply to turn the money over to the DNC directly. It would eliminate the middleman and wouldn’t require Democrats to have the blood of innocent children on their hands.
Most Americans, though, do favor abortion being legal which is probably why Trump doesn’t make it his big issue.
Therefore a law making it illegal at this time would probably suffer the same fate as the 18th amendment. That points to changing the minds of Americans before changing the laws.
Therefore a law making it illegal at this time would probably suffer the same fate as the 18th amendment.
On the other hand, slavery was once legal, was made illegal and remains so. Almost certainly if it was given back to the states, some “blue” states would legalize it again and some “red” states would outlaw it.
That points to changing the minds of Americans before changing the laws.
A liberal excuse for encouraging the deepening corruption of Americans, particularly the young. Luke 17:2. Not a good approach.
On the other hand, slavery was once legal, was made illegal and remains so.
The abolition movement had more support in 1860 than making abortion illegal has now.
Almost certainly if it was given back to the states, some “blue” states would legalize it again and some “red” states would outlaw it.
Almost certainly not.
Not going to change people’s minds when the ‘leader’ of the movement, President Trump, has exhibited poor sexual behavior throughout the years. Everyone knows that 85% of all abortions are performed on unmarried women.
He’s on the right side now. Can you imagine anything as shameful as voting for people like some of the abortion radicals on the other side. Even infanticide has been a topic in congress.
On the other hand, slavery was once legal, was made illegal and remains so. Almost certainly if it was given back to the states, some “blue” states would legalize it again and some “red” states would outlaw it.
Alabama, Mississippi, Dakotas, Missouri, Tennessee, Carolinas, Texas… I can’t tell who would definitely outlaw it but there is good reason to think some states would.
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The abolition movement had more support in 1860 than making abortion illegal has now.
I think that can be seriously doubted. Abolitionism, immediate and without return to Africa, was extremely rare prior to 1830 and still more rare than not leading up to the Civil War. Lincoln himself was a “gradualist” and favored return to Africa.
Almost certainly not.
Mine would outlaw it without question. California would legalize it, as it did before Roe. But the Democrat states will not, if they are able, allow it being outlawed anywhere. But that does not mean they should be able to force it on those who do not want it.
That’s why he joked about sexual exploits with the Boy Scouts, right?

I think it would be shameful for a Catholic to vote for a pro-choice candidate to advance abortion, but I do believe there are proportional reasons to vote for a pro-choice candidate in spite of the candidate’s position on abortion. I would trust an individual Catholic’s prudential judgement to make that decision.
What? The Vatican says nothing about this. Boy Scouts?

And fine, I am happy I voted for Trump, the Mexico City policy defunded again, I’m proud we aren’t aborting babies overseas in some land like Kenya or whatever.

This prudential judgement can work for anything and I’m not sure that’s real Vatican teaching. In California, that legislator introduced legislation some say that concerns pedophilia. Then, with the explanations some offer, we can support it and use our “prudential judgment”, not for me to judge, I"m content with what has been done.

Nothing is more racist than abortion, the demographics, the percentages. I am glad President Trump has stood strong on this issue and I will not use my vote to further the racial components of abortion.

Let alone, that the only other countries with such savage laws are China, North Korea and yes, Canada is in there too.
Abortion is the most racist thing, I don’t see how anyone can be expected to vote for that.

This is a brand new article from days ago:

Whereas I disagree that racism inheres in “the American system,” I agree with Oprah’s postulate that turning a blind eye to a particular evil — in this case, racism — makes you an accomplice to it. None of us, I presume, would want to abet something as cruel, as ungodly, as treating another person based solely on the blood in their veins or the color of their skin. So we strive to combat bigotry and racism, not only as to Blacks but also Jews, Asians and others which, undoubtedly, is harbored by many people in this country.

Yet is not Oprah’s postulate equally true for another cruel reality now systemic in America: “If you turn a blind eye to abortion, you become an accomplice to it.”

To charge America with systemic abortion, on the other hand, is a fair indictment. In 1973, every state in the union had laws on its books regulating abortion, when the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated them all with its Roe v. Wade decision. Joe Biden has said at least once, on the stump, he will “codify Roe v. Wade” if he becomes president. The point for now is that abortion, unlike racism or anti-Semitism has been institutionalized in America. It’s in the system; and just like the evil of racism, or anti-Semitism, if you turn a blind eye to it, you become an accomplice to it.

Most racist thing by far than the imagined injustices with police brutality etc. etc.
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