Nationality and ethnicity

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Now that is an interesting point. I work with people who are very religious, and that is nice because I can talk about religion and we sometimes have very interesting discussions where we learn about each others’ religions. There’s me, lone practicing Catholic, there’s the man I think may end up as a rabbi, and a handful of Muslims, from different countries.

There are times when I feel more at home at work than with my very secular family.

On the other hand, for close friendship, good ability in a common language seems necessary.
And Hitler was a vegetarian.

I am against classifying people by superficial physical characteristics. I was trying to discuss the point with CCColonel.

I never said anything about America’s immigration policy.
Talking about Japan, white people are treated better there than Koreans, Chinese and Filipinos.
Actually, it was Hitler who didn’t like most people in this world.
He tried his best to kill every Jew in Europe.
During Hitler’s last days, he had turned to hating the Germans themselves. Ranting on how the German people were not worthy of him.

He had problems alright.
That is how it started in Nazi Germany.
Lets just rid our country of those who are “infiltrating” it. That is what the Nazi’s said.
We will ask them to leave. If they don’t go…well there are other solutions, right?
I did not say that.
I am telling you about history.
You can oppose immigration all that you want.
Just remember that at one time, your family were immigrants.
Don’t be ridiculous. Everything in life is not black and white. Lots of shades of gray.
You can be for sensible immigration laws, but at the same time show compassion for people who are fleeing from another country for the safety of their family. That is all that I ask.
You can be for sensible immigration laws, but at the same time show compassion for people who are fleeing from another country for the safety of their family.
This. And as long as these refugees are polite, respectful of their host country and its people, and not looking to settle permanently, I’m more than happy to let them stay until it’s safe for them to go home.
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Those who seek to immigrate to the US will have to prove that they will not be a drain to the social safety net and have to demonstrate a minimum degree of financial ability. I am talking about legal immigrants.

I think the same thing goes for those who seek to immigrate legally to Canada and Australia.

So the chances for an immigrant to come here and leech off the welfare system is quite low. I am speaking of legal immigrants.
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I reject the notion that a Pashtun from Afghanistan can be an Englishman and Vice Versa.
I’ve never met an Afghan Pashtun Englishman, but I’m sure there must be one out there somewhere. Some of the most English people I know are ethnically Jews, south Asians, and Africans. With a nod to @BartholomewB, I’d suggest that the only people unlikely ever to identify as English would be the Cornish, Welsh, Scots, Irish, and Australians.
Americans don’t have one nationality. Anyone who meets the governments immigration requirements can come here and be a citizen and that’s been the case since it’s inception.
Perhaps you would say the same about the United Kingdom. One often hears the phrase, “He may be British, but he’ll never be English.”
Yes they do.

They’re Americans.

An American of Nigerian descent is no less an American than someone of Irish descent.

They may be of different ancestries but they are both Americans.
I think this may have to do with the semantics of the word “nationality”. I think you are using “nationality” to mean “the quality of belonging to a state”, whereas @CCHcolonel seems to be using “nationality” to mean “the quality of belonging to an ethnic group” (since the word “nation” can be used to mean both “state” and “ethnos”). I think that you are both in agreement that all American citizens are Americans. What @CCHcolonel is saying is that the USA is unusual in being a people defined by citizenship rather than by ethnicity. As he says above, “Poland for Poles, England for the English, Scotland for the Scots.” I am not saying that I agree with that. There are Ukrainian Poles, Pakistani Englishmen, and Italian Scots.
I just see current immigration when coupled with a lot of the political issues as being a deliberate attempt to bloodlessly replace current populations of certain country’s.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Only western country’s are expected to absorb these huge amounts of immigrants from all over
Not true. South Africa, for example, is now home to immigrants from all over the African continent.
I’ve probably traveled more than most. I’ve been to 37 different country’s on 4 continents.
Yugoslavia didn’t even exist until the treaty of versailles. It was a made up state and we saw what happened when all that diversity fell apart didn’t we.
I am wondering whether some of your travelling includes serving in the Balkans in the 1990s. If that is the case it would perhaps explain some of your views.
there’s no way on earth I’m going to stand for vast groups of foreigners becoming Lebanese.
The Middle East is something of a special case and Lebanon is perhaps something of a special case even within the Middle East maintaining a precarious balance between the interests of Sunni and Shia Muslims, Maronites and Melkites, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic Christians, and Druze. The situation in Europe is very different, at any rate in a country such as the UK. There are people who oppose immigration from the rest of the EU, but the situation is nothing like as complicated as in Lebanon or other countries of the region. We have about 1 million Poles and 400,000 Romanians (just the most significant groups). These people have made nothing but a positive contribution to our economy, society, and culture. There is no risk of their representing a danger to our political stability.
By the way, I’m kind of curious, had there been an increase of people from Hong Kong when it was turned over to the PRC?

I know several people from Hong Kong who would rather be with the UK than with the PRC.
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Don’t be ridiculous. Everything in life is not black and white. Lots of shades of gray.
You can be for sensible immigration laws, but at the same time show compassion for people who are fleeing from another country for the safety of their family. That is all that I ask.
You should really acquaint yourself with the UN Agreement on Refugees, developed and signed in the 50’s. It’s got all that covered and the US has been in compliance.

The agreement puts responsibility where it belongs. If there is a reasonable stable govt then the US is not responsible to provide them economic opportunities. Qualifications for asylum status are thoughtful and well defined.
That what a person owns is his or hers to do with as they see fit.
Huzzah! Well said.

And I’m sure you’re responding appropriately to our Lord’s call to take care of the “least of these” by tithing - giving 10% of the “first fruits” to the Lord (at least - I know some that are "reverse tithing, i.e. keeping only 10% for themselves(!)):

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels…"They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

I wonder though - for all those that aren’t tithing as you are. How are the “least of these” to be cared for?
LOL - well done. You’d make a great Calvinist 🙂
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I agree. South Africa is in a terrible situation. Tensions between black South Africans and black people from the rest of Africa have been a major problem for a long time. I was just saying that it isn’t true that immigration is restricted to western countries. People migrate all over the world. For example, the Burmese Rohingya in Bangladesh.
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