You are obviously denying the value of life in this world which is, to use your own words, strange and unusual theology (on the part of a Christian).
I’m simply applying logic to your argument. There is no logical necessity for God to create the world. The children who die every minute of every day from diarrhea are not given immense delight, satisfaction and physical fulfillment. There are no wonders or beauty in the physical world which are of logically necessity absent from heaven.
Non sequitur. The main point is that natural laws are essential for a rational existence and they cannot possibly cater for every contingency. God works miracles but a constant spate of miracles is out of the question if we are to be realistic.
The idea that every minute of every day a child has to die from diarrhea because an omnipotent God is impotent is logically flawed.
*Yet another unsupported assertion and evasion…
“your logic” = an unChristian violation of the forum rule of courtesy*
You get to make a totally unfounded slur of my person, but I can’t point out the flaws in your logic? How is it evading to point out the flaws in your logic? How is it unChristian to point out the flaws in your logic? I mean I know you’d prefer me not to point out the flaws in your logic, but as I’m a logical person on an philosophy forum, I can only keep my integrity by pointing out the flaws in your logic.
Allow me to point out the flaw in your logic. Just because that’s one of the causes doesn’t make it the only cause. As another example, just because road traffic accidents are one cause of death doesn’t make it the only cause of death.
Misrepresentation.The main point is that natural laws are essential for a rational existence and they cannot possibly cater for every contingency but it is also irrefutable that there must be a limit to the number of miracles to prevent disasters.
Try limiting yourself to one unfounded slur a week.
You said in post #200: “Obviously there are disasters such as epidemics, droughts, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and avalanches but how could they all be prevented without depriving us of our freedom to choose what to believe and how to live? If we object to Big Brother observing all our activity how much more constrained would we be if we knew for certain every single thought, feeling and temptation is known to God.”
I said in post #223: “I reject your claim that some people must suffer epidemics, droughts, earthquakes, etc. in order to give others the “freedom to choose what to believe and how to live”. It’s obscene to claim that others have to suffer so as to keep you in the lifestyle to which you’ve become accustomed. It paints God as a monster.”
Presumably you already believe that “every single thought, feeling and temptation is known to God”, so to argue that every minute of every day a child has to die of diarrhea just to give you the freedom to choose what to believe is, shall we say, flawed.
Nonsense. How many members of the human race have created a universe?
Irrelevant. Your argument was that God cannot prevent suffering which people can. Your logic makes people more powerful than God. Your logic is flawed.
*Another non sequitur. Isaiah predicted the coming and Passion of Jesus in great detail but to believe a loving God “creates disaster” is undoubtedly unChristian because it implies a specific intention that people and animals are maimed and killed. You allege that I paint God as weaker than humans but you are painting God as more evil than anyone He has created! *
Extraordinary. It isn’t me who says it, it’s the LORD Himself in Isaiah. The fact that you find yourself having to deny the LORD Himself might tell you that your logic is flawed.
I recommend that rather than simply dismissing the words, you study their import, read commentaries, chat with your priest. They speak of a greater conception of the Almighty, IAM who IAM, God beyond definition, the name of whom is too holy to speak, God unconstrained:
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD, do all these things. - Is 45
Emotion has certainly prevented you from considering natural evil objectively but far more important that is you and your friend have a joyful Christmas. I hope and pray you will.
Thanks, you too. Hopefully my friend is now out of the woods. Please have a think about the Isaiah.