It’s good that you believe it’s licit to try to find a cure. Is it also licit to stop the disease before it can infect, by providing good sanitation? Or does that work against God’s perfect justice? How come God’s perfect justice is that children around the world throughout the ages have died every day, and still do, but a child born to rich parents in modern-day America doesn’t? How exactly is that God’s perfect justice?
God willed to work through man to spread His kingdom. His will is made known through Divine Revelation. It is also known, but not recognized through rational intelligence, common sense, through empathy and sympathy for one’s neighbor, the golden rule. Men are stewards of God’s creation, a truth that some do not recognize. Man was not meant to monopolize the material wealth that some have done, at the expense of the poor and ignorant, nor was he to capitalize on man’s weaknesses eg. sex, ignorance and poverty. Yet this happens frequently, and because it does, suffering prevails. God gets blamed for the unkind acts of men, and they say, “God can change all of this, all He has to do is will it”, they take no responsibility for their acts, and show an indifference towards the suffering of others. God does not will the suffering of innocent children, but He allows it, and in His justice, and love takes care of the child in His own way. We tend to judge God by what we see, and make errors in our judgement. Jesus Christ came to change these sad situations and make them right. But it requires co-operation with His will, and that’s where there is failure, not on God’s part, but on man’s for many reasons. LIfe is a test, a challenge to practice virtue, or vice, love or hatred, charity or greed, faith, or unbelief, hope or despair. As Shakespeare stated “Life is a stage upon which everyone plays his part…and then the curtain comes down”(general quotation)
Jesus said “The poor you will always have with you…” This of course does not mean that we are to be indifferent to the poor, quite the contrary. But it is a fact of life, including the suffering of the innocent.
There is another insight to consider from Scripture Rom 8, 18-25 "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us. FOR CREATION AWAITS WITH EAGER EXPECTATION THE REVELATION OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD: FOR CREATION WAS MADE SUBJECT TO FUTILITY, NOT OF IT’S OWN ACCORD BUT BECAUSE OF THE ONE WHO SUBJECTED IN HOPE, that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God…
Now you’re arguing that it’s the children born to rich Americans who miss out on the loving purification of dying from diarrhea aged two. Or are rich Americans already so pure that they don’t need to be divinely purged by diarrhea aged two? Is this a Donald Trump I see before me?
Jesus did say " that it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven then a camel to go through the eye of a needle, but all things are possible to God" Each person, no matter what station in life they have, if he is to go to Heaven will be purged.(if it is Trump you see before you, your in trouble
Sorry bro, you’re all over the place with this. Our simple humanity tells us that children dying every minute of every day of waterborne diseases is unjust, and we are obligated to remove the injustice by helping those poorer than us. Christians help the afflicted, we don’t put up with injustice by trying to explain it away. Jesus tells us it is unjust, and tells us to right injustice: “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
We in many cases have to tolerate injustice, as we can’t even convert one person, let alone the world, there is only one Savior. But that fact does not prevent us from trying, and even praying, petitioning God for help. Not all have accepted or known Jesus Christ and do not have the virtue of love and charity that comes with “amazing grace”, so they can’t give what they do not have. People can exhibit natural goodness, but it falls short of the goodness that is needed to cure the evils of the world. But by prayer and sacrifice ( works of charity) there is hope things will get better, especially through our younger generation. eg. Zuckerberg, and wife vow to give 99% of Facebook shares to advance human potential and promote equality for all children in the next generation, this happened with the birth of their baby girl. They are worth $45 billion, curing disease, and personalize learning is on the agenda. They are following the footsteps of the Gates Foundation started by Microsoft, founder Bill Gates and wife Melinda Gates, and is part of the growing wave of philanthropy from the Facebook generation of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley Bill Gates has done much to help the Africans. So even the rich can enter Heaven along with the child that died from disease.