Natural Family Planning Stats

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In My Enviormental Studies 202 class we were discussinng today about the “population problem” and my professor was talking about how the church needed to “stop hiding behind a cloak of doctrine and face the facts” :mad: THat got me a little fired up. With that in mind I need the facts on NFP so I can write her a letter about how sadly biased her opinion is, that the condom is one of the seven wonders of the world right up there with the ladybug and the bike (only at western do you get that type of liberal). Please help! Thanks!
Tyler Smedley:
In My Enviormental Studies 202 class we were discussinng today about the “population problem” and my professor was talking about how the church needed to “stop hiding behind a cloak of doctrine and face the facts” :mad: THat got me a little fired up. With that in mind I need the facts on NFP so I can write her a letter about how sadly biased her opinion is, that the condom is one of the seven wonders of the world right up there with the ladybug and the bike (only at western do you get that type of liberal). Please help! Thanks!
Professors need to stop hiding behing their positions in order to push their own agendas. They should just do their job and stop preaching to the people that are paying them to teach.
As far as NFP stats are concerned, there are a number of studies cited in this article from the Couple to Couple League for Natural Family Planning that show the near 100% effectiveness of natural family planning: .

A point I would argue: Ironically, the artificial contraception she supports isn’t only trying to prevent population growth, it’s actually seriously sickening and also killing some of the population itself that’s using those methods due to sexually transmitted diseases, which those methods foster due to the promiscuity they end up encouraging. Of course those artificial methods fail sooner or later… it’s not a question of whether they’ll fail, but when they will.

In this regard, in his recent book, Edward C. Green, senior research scientist at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (there are plenty others out there, but since she’s liberal she’s likelier to listen to someone from Harvard) evidences the utter health failure that results from the promotion of condom usage for “safe sex”. Here’s a review of his book, which also has information I think you’ll find very helpful in responding to your professor: . In short, he concludes that abstinence before marriage and fidelity thereafter is what solves the problem of sexually transmitted diseases… go figure.

However, perhaps the most important point for your professor is whether there truly is a population explosion. Much of Europe is experiencing negative population growth. There are a number of myths held as reality by the alarmists who sound the population growth panic. However, I haven’t done much reading on this issue. I do know, however, that the Vatican has had “symposiums” on this issue and discounted many of the myths. But I’m outside my element here. I’ll have to let someone else chime in on these myths.
Tyler Smedley:
In My Enviormental Studies 202 class we were discussinng today about the “population problem” and my professor was talking about how the church needed to “stop hiding behind a cloak of doctrine and face the facts”
While discussions about population are legitimate, this quote above is rank bigotry and unworthy of a classroom setting. The implication is that Catholic doctrines cause population problems. This is one step shy against the outrageous claim made recently that Catholic teaching against contraception causes the spread of AIDS in Africa.

You also might want to try the One More Soul organization out of Dayton, OH (in addition to the Couple to Couple League) Their website is and their phone is(800)307-SOUL.

Another very good book is Kimberly Hahn’s book entitled Life Giving Love, Embracing God’s Beautiful Design for Marriage . You might be able to order it through Catholic Answers. It’s an excellent book to read and has a tremendous list of resources in the back.

I also have a medical journal article at work that I came across a month or so ago. When I get back to work tomorrow I’ll check it out and if you like send you some professional journal references. These will probably hold more weight with your professor. Good luck with your endeavor. Sounds like God has put you on a mission
A lot of the stuff about population explosion is myth. Janet Smith is an excellent resource for debunking those viewpoints which are obviously couched behind an agenda of promoting birth control or attacking the Church for not doing the same.
The **Wall Street Journal ** had a nice article in the 12/8/03 issue called **The Rhythm Method Gets an Update ** They discuss the data that shows that the Rhythm Method has similar success rates (that is if you consider preventing pregnancy to be equated with success) compared to other forms of birth control. You can search the article at It will cost you about 3 dollars to view the entire article.
I’m sorry I dont have it in front of me, but just go and get the book Natural Family Planning. You can go to the Couple to Couple League website and find more info.
I found a free version of the WSJ article at:

Here is the website for this company that makes these beads:

Does anyone know whether using these beads would be in accord with Catholic teaching? The first year pregnancy rate is 5% which is similar to OCP and other birth control. With success rates so high this is almost eliminating the possibility of conception.

2370 Periodic continence, that is, the methods of birth regulation based on self-observation and the use of infertile periods, is in conformity with the objective criteria of morality. These methods respect the bodies of the spouses, encourage tenderness between them, and favor the education of an authentic freedom. In contrast, “every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible” is intrinsically evil

Since the use of these beads makes conception so unlikely (similar to OCP) does this border on being evil?

God Bless,

I know that the Natural Family Planning method works! While my husband and I have been only married a short time (1 1/2 years), we have been faithful to the NFP method and are using it to prevent pregnancy at this time. So far, it has been 100% effective for us and I think the actual success rate in preventing pregnancy is around 98%.

The benefits to using this method are so rewarding. The NFP method helps us better understand how my body works and is 100% natural (no birth control pills to mess up my body). And when we do decide to have children, I already know when the best times to conceive are.
I’m not sure where your professor is going, Church influence or the need for population control? But the problem is that no one is listing to the Church. There is not an excess in population there is a real and documented shortage in the world’s population. I have read several articles in the past few months that several countries in Europe and Canada are not reproducing enough to maintain economic stability.

I’m sorry but this is the only article I can find now is this one on Australia from CWN.

Australia: Have babies as service to country

But I’m sure more people can help you out on this upcoming economic crisis due to the lack of procreation.

Stay calm and well informed and present a good debate to you professor. Not that she will listen or change here mind but it will be a good example for the rest of the students.

Good Luck
Tyler Smedley:
In My Enviormental Studies 202 class we were discussinng today about the “population problem” and my professor was talking about how the church needed to “stop hiding behind a cloak of doctrine and face the facts” :mad: THat got me a little fired up. With that in mind I need the facts on NFP so I can write her a letter about how sadly biased her opinion is, that the condom is one of the seven wonders of the world right up there with the ladybug and the bike (only at western do you get that type of liberal). Please help! Thanks!
Over population is the second biggest lie, the first is womans right to choose.

Steven Mosher
,(REAL audio) this one hour talk is full of facts, grab a note pad and pen to take notes… This is a 12MB file, I just know this is going to kill my server, oh well…🙂

Also his web site is good

Be strong, you have Christs Church behind you…


Thanks for pointing out the WSJ article and website for cyclebeads. I appreciated reading about them.

First, to answer your question, using them would not be evil. Basically, they are a visual record keeping apparatus and morally no different than keeping track of things on a notebook or calendar. The fact is, the marital act is still open to both the procreative and unitive aspects.

That said, I wouldn’t recommend it. Why settle for only 95% effective, when other forms of NFP are in the 99% to 99.8% range.

For example, here is a link to a Lancet article discussing NFP success rates. There was a very large (19,843 women) study done in Calcutta that showed 2 pregancies per 100 woman-years (i.e., 2 pregnancies in 1200 cycles, or 99.8% effective). (Hmmm, I wonder how there just happened to be someone teaching predominantly poor women in Calcutta how to use NFP.)

Here is the Lancet article:

Here is another article showing success rates:

BTW, when you were asking about the morality of using something like the cyclebeads, there is one other aspect of Church teaching to be aware of.

All married couples are called to be open to life. Period. However, we may choose to refrain from the marital act during naturally infertile times to try to avoid pregnancy if we have a serious reason to do so. Avoiding pregnancy for the health of the mother, or if another child would materially impair our ability to provide and care the children we already have are a couple of examples of serious reasons. Whimsically “feeling” like it isn’t convenient to be pregnant right now wouldn’t be a serious reason.

Married couples should jointly and prayerfully discern their reasons on an ongoing basis.
My wife and I have been married almost two years now, and what a blessing to our marriage NFP has been! We use the Creighton Model that was developed by Dr Thomas Hilgers at the Pope Paul VI Institute. It is an ovulation method that was developed as a result of the work done with the Billings Ovulation Method. (

This website should help to give you some stats and some other info .

And–it’s an excellent website FULL of information, not to mention specific studies backing the statistics given.

The Pope Paul VI Inst, also has developed **NaProTechnolgy **. NaProTechnolgoy is the answer to all those couples who are having problems conceiving, and won’t compromise their moral beliefs with things like In-vitro, etc. (there’s more on this at both the PPVI website and the website.)
The Cycle Beads are based on the old-school Rhythm Method, which counts days only & is based on “average” cycles of ovulation & fertility.

The newer methods, Creighton & Billings, mentioned above, are based on ACTUAL observable signs of each womans OWN fertility. Big difference! Please check out the links above for different methods, Couple to Couple league. Take a class at your local Catholic parish or hospital. The help of the teaching couple at one of these classes is so valuable.

That said, I may look into carrying these beads along with the educational materials for all the forms of NFP in my office. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, which is a limited Medical Practice in Ohio. Many of my clients are interested in Natural Healing & complementary therapies of all sorts, but see no problem popping birth control pills in their mouths. I think the beads might be a more concrete thing & provide an opening for discussion at least.
I didn’t read all the responses, but one more excellent resource is Steve Mosher and the Population Research Council. It is a pro-life group dedicated to destroying one of the pillars of the abortion industry, the myth of overpopulation. In fact all of the developed world (possibly exceting Malta) is filling more graves than cradles annually. The only thing saving us from a major population implosion is immigration. Europe is rapidly becoming Muslim because of immigration and their higher birth rates.
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