Natural Family Planning Stats

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You also might want to try the One More Soul organization out of Dayton, OH (in addition to the Couple to Couple League) Their website is and their phone is(800)307-SOUL.

Another very good book is Kimberly Hahn’s book entitled Life Giving Love, Embracing God’s Beautiful Design for Marriage . You might be able to order it through Catholic Answers. It’s an excellent book to read and has a tremendous list of resources in the back.
I agree with Cindy. The website has a wealth of information. I sugguest you go online, at this website, and buy the CD “Contraception, Why Not” and listen to it then once you finish the class give it to you prof as a gift. Maybe it will give her something to think about for what she doesn’t understand.

Also, This contraception topic is what brought Kimberly Hahn into the Catholic church. You can find a lot on her topics through

Good luck and keep up the fight in the land of the liberals.
The following is a reprint from my post at Searching for saint(s) of mothers-to-be thread. As for the bead thing, if you are so inclinded, Anne Fitch-Deccechi of Fitch Fertility Center has a bead system based on BOMA. Her target group is illiterate in indigenousness India and Africa. Contact her at
Congratulations! My Patron Saint List for Pregnant women are listed below but I MUST address the NFP issue. Such a shame that your wife is unwilling to explore the benefits of NFP. I have been using it for 2 years (since I got married, I’m 36) and I have many friends who have used it for much longer. Many secular, generally holistic women who use NFP are scared of the harmful, physical long term effects of Birth Control Pills (there are many) on women and disgusted by the supposed “authoritative-all knowing” advertising factory of the profit driven pharmaceutical industry. :mad: Yet these 18-34 year old hippies insist on a full-proof method of planning conception. Also, when done correctly, many NFP systems are conducted daily with BOTH the Husband and the Wife, NFP increases communication between spouses and enhances the Marital Bond.

NFP is not the Rhythm Method

Please take time to look up these websites below. Call (your local diocese NFP director) -tell her you’d like info, your wife is currently not interested in NFP and she’s pregnant.
Please take the initiative and approach your wife, after the birth, with a gentle request… Honey, lets talk about NFP…
One More Soul
Billing Ovulation Method
Fitch Fertility Center

Contact me if you wish. My husband will be happy to tell you about our NFP experiences.
Why oh WHY don’t Diocese REQUIRE NFP training during PreCana I’ll never know…. :banghead:

Don’t forget to ask your Priest or Deacon to bless your wife before childbirth (short or long formulary)

Here’s my list of Patron Saints for Pregnant woman. Check out their stories at
Mary, Queen of All Saints-Hey if you were giving birth to God….
St. Anne, mother of Mary
St Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s mom
Sarah –old test.-she laughed when she heard she’d be pregnant at 90!
Rachel-old test
St Anthony of Padua
St Colette- Patroness of Childless Couples, Intercessor for Expectant Mothers, Friend of Sick Children
St Margaret the Virgin Martyr

Lastly, ask St Dymphna to intercede on behalf of your expanding family. She is the Patron Saint of Mental Illness.
I would echo the comment above about “The War on Population” by Dr. Jacqueline Kasun. This is an excellent book.

There is another author I would recommend. I believe his name is Julian Simon. He just passed away a few years ago. He always attacked the politics of scarcity, the spaceship earth concept, etc. He is famous for placing a bet in the 70’s with some professors such as yours, that they could pick any 10 natural resources, and in a decade, the prices for the resources in real dollars would be lower.

He won the bet.

Another good book is by PJ O’Rourke. He is a comedian and wrote “All the trouble in the world.” Very good Swiftian commentary on all this nonsense.

Your brother,

Tyler Smedley:
In My Enviormental Studies 202 class we were discussinng today about the “population problem” and my professor was talking about how the church needed to “stop hiding behind a cloak of doctrine and face the facts” :mad:
THat got me a little fired up.
With that in mind I need the facts on NFP so I can write her a letter about how sadly biased her opinion is, that the condom is one of the seven wonders of the world right up there with the ladybug and the bike (only at western do you get that type of liberal).

Please help! Thanks!

GOOD JOB TYLER! I battle these educated people on this particular issue seemingly on a daily basis. They think that the concepts essential like chastity and self control are great tools of antiquity, and no longer can serve as a workable solution in a society that would prefer the avenue of less effort where the spirtially sedientary can embrace the pleasures of passion by swallowing a pill or donning a polymer product, and have not a care in the world as to whether they will be instuments in the creation of a new life.

I wonder what you are majoring in in school Tyler. I wish you the best of luck in whichever field you take up.

It is a true shame that nary a century has passed since the great theological minds of the land mark 1930 Anglican Conference of Lambeth unleashed the demon of contraception when they voted to accept its usage, limiting that it should be employed only in [sic] “hard cases” …no pun intended, as it was referring to marriage situations which various factors were involved in the decision to contracept. Prior to that conference in 1930, every Christian deonmination or assembly uniformly renounced the use of artifical contraception, without exception.

Oh, how the academics take root in such a short period of time and employ their drunken attitude of reckless statistics to generate a “global population crisis” which “demands” the widespread implementation of contraception and/or sterilization.

Newman once used a statement of something to the effect that sometimes a lie is the nearest approach to the truth, in that he was making a hyperbolic expression to emphasize a particular point. The contracepting solucion of the current population crisis is a contemporary example of hyperbole in its most lurid form.

I gather that our present academic propthets, the over learned elite, staggering in toxic haze of their deluded statistics and plattitudes, would rarely ever consider that, the essentials for which pesants espouse as virtue, might be truly be such. On the contrary, they do accept that there exists various virtues by which mankind could ascribe, however they have no confidence that there is any such capability in the human soul that would lead them to embrace such a concrete means of spiritual livelyhood.

Hope to talk to you again soon Tyler.
You might want to check out the research, writings and discussions of Professor Janet Smith of Sacred Heart Seminary. She is a wonderful resource for info. regarding contraception and the population myth. She gave an excellent talk on these issues and it is available on an audio tape entitled, “Contraception, why not?” It is available through the Catholic Answers catalog. You can also find excellent links and Dr. Smith’s writings on the following website:±+Welcome.htm

I’d also report your professor for preaching anti-catholic bias in the classroom. Write a letter to the dean of the college (hard copy) citing his bigoted remarks, and cc your professor.

Let him know that his anti-catholic bigotry is not to be tolerated in the classroom.


What great resources here!!

I only want to add–the next time he says such a vague thing–hiding in a cloak of doctrine and face the facts–get RIGHT on him/her!!

Say–what doctrine? Asked pointed questions and make him/her specifically p(name removed by moderator)oint what doctrine, what recommendation, what actions he/she disagrees with.

What facts? ASK!! Make this person STATE his/her misinformed, biased opinion. If you (gently, even!) press the case, the truth will come out!!
Greetings Joshrp,

I wanted to let you know that I will continue to pray for your prayer intention even though I will no longer be posting to this thread. If you have any updates or any other prayer requests please send them to me via Personal Message as I will no longer be subscribed to this thread.

God Bless.
Anathama Sit

May God continue to guide you in His Will. May you be given all the graces and strengthes that you are in most need of to cooperate with the Will of God for your life. Amen.
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