Navy approves first ever Satanist

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*“Naval technician Chris Cranmer, 24, has been allowed to register by the captain of HMS Cumberland, based at Devonport Naval Base in Plymouth.” *

“The move will mean that he will now be allowed to perform Satanic rituals on board the vessel.”

Saints preserve us! What a comfort to all the men on board the vessel. :rolleyes:
Joanna said:
*“Naval technician Chris Cranmer, 24, has been allowed to register by the captain of HMS Cumberland, based at Devonport Naval Base in Plymouth.” *

“The move will mean that he will now be allowed to perform Satanic rituals on board the vessel.”

Saints preserve us! What a comfort to all the men on board the vessel. :rolleyes:

From Galatians 6:​

  • Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor.​

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature1] will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. ##
Come to think of it I have never been to a Satanist funeral.

What exactly happens there. Do they pray for the departed that they go to hell so they meet their master Satan?:rolleyes:

When I hear of Wicca and Satanist I have hard time considering these things as a real religion.

I mean going to heaven and the ideas of saints and angels would be repuslive to them so they would want to go to hell wouldn’t they.

Like the its often said hell is given to those who don’t want heaven.
There is lot of truth in that statement. Som epeople just want hell.
:When I hear of Wicca and Satanist I have hard time considering these things as a real religion.:

Wicca and Satanism are completely different. Wiccans do not worship Satan, and I really don’t think it’s fair to claim that they aren’t a real religion. “Religion” isn’t an honorary title. It’s simply a description of a set of beliefs and practices by which people lived. Wicca clearly qualifies, though it is rather amorphous.

As for Satanism, my understanding is that insofar as it’s an organized religion (the “Church of Satan”) it uses “Satan” as a metaphor for our natural human instincts and passions, which they see Christians as repressing. However, I could be wrong there. I don’t think that organized Satanism involves the conscious worship of evil. But maybe I’m being too charitable. Many of the people who call themselves “Satanists” (and many who call themselves “Wiccans” or “witches”) are simply confused teenagers who use “naughty” symbolism as a form of rebellion and for the thrill of it.

In Christ,

Contarini said:
:As for Satanism, my understanding is that insofar as it’s an organized religion (the “Church of Satan”) it uses “Satan” as a metaphor for our natural human instincts and passions,

Yes this is correct. Laveyists are sensationalist Athiests, and should be seen as that. Its the catholic satanic cults that are scary.
Wicca and Satanism are completely different. Wiccans do not worship Satan, and I really don’t think it’s fair to claim that they aren’t a real religion. “Religion” isn’t an honorary title. It’s simply a description of a set of beliefs and practices by which people lived. Wicca clearly qualifies, though it is rather amorphous.
Thank you, Contarini. 🙂

Of course, if you (Christians) believe anyone who doesn’t recognise Jesus as Lord is worshipping Satan, there’s little I can do to change your mind.

For the record, even Satanists don’t actually worship Satan. Satanism is an atheistic philosophy that sees the Biblical Satan as a metaphor for values (of selfishness, mostly) that humans should cherish.

Those blasphemers who would celebrate the Black Mass and other desecrations of Christian sacraments aren’t called Satanists, but Devil Worshippers or Luciferians.
Heathen Dawn:
Thank you, Contarini. 🙂

Of course, if you (Christians) believe anyone who doesn’t recognise Jesus as Lord is worshipping Satan, there’s little I can do to change your mind.

For the record, even Satanists don’t actually worship Satan. Satanism is an atheistic philosophy that sees the Biblical Satan as a metaphor for values (of selfishness, mostly) that humans should cherish.

Those blasphemers who would celebrate the Black Mass and other desecrations of Christian sacraments aren’t called Satanists, but Devil Worshippers or Luciferians.
Agreed, it is the worship practices and “doctrinal” beliefs of Levayan Satanism that would concern me as the Commanding Officer of a ship. Lets examine a few to see how they can fit within a military unit’s “good order and discipline”.
Nine Satanic Statements:
  1. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
  2. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
11 Satanic Rule on Earth:
  1. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
  2. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
  3. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
So, how can tell me how these tenets of Satanic faith are compatible with military service or even good citizenship? Don’t these statements conflict with the Wicca Ethic of Reciprocity?
Wicca and Satanism are completely different. Wiccans do not worship Satan, and I really don’t think it’s fair to claim that they aren’t a real religion

Are you blinded by Satan? Who says they “don’t worship Satan?” There is only one Truth–Jesus Christ. Anyone who worships anything apart from Christ actually worships Satan masked behind that particular object. Heathen, you’re correct to say that. It’s up for you to believe.

As a Merchant Sailor by trade, I’d hate to be on a ship with a guy who openly mocks the Lord. Things are hard and dangerous enough onboard ships without adding satanic worship into the mix!!

Are you blinded by Satan? Who says they “don’t worship Satan?” There is only one Truth–Jesus Christ. Anyone who worships anything apart from Christ actually worships Satan masked behind that particular object.
Say what, one Christian tries to be nice, and for this he is rebuked by another Christian. This encouragement of unniceness is one major reason why I’m not even considering being a Christian.
Heathen, you’re correct to say that. It’s up for you to believe.
Yeah, up for me to believe … just make the decision to become an intolerant person, yeah. We know the world is in dire shortage of intolerant people. :rolleyes:
I notice the article says he’s single. I wonder how a satanist raises children and what kind of morals are taught to their children?
…What exactly happens there. Do they pray for the departed that they go to hell so they meet their master Satan?:rolleyes:
As Christians we must pray for people to get what they want. So the Christian thing would be to pray for these people to go to hell and wail and grind their teeth forever?:hmmm:
Contarini said:
As for Satanism, my understanding is that insofar as it’s an organized religion (the “Church of Satan”) it uses “Satan” as a metaphor for our natural human instincts and passions, which they see Christians as repressing. However, I could be wrong there. I don’t think that organized Satanism involves the conscious worship of evil. But maybe I’m being too charitable. Many of the people who call themselves “Satanists” (and many who call themselves “Wiccans” or “witches”) are simply confused teenagers who use “naughty” symbolism as a form of rebellion and for the thrill of it.

Actually, I think you got it just right. 🙂

Wicca has nothing to do with Satanism, and is a valid religion with valid beliefs, but like you said, there are some teenagers that call themselves “Wiccan” just because they think they are being rebellious or that it is anything like what TV/movies show (which anyone who thinks that really needs to get a dose of reality).

Although I am not too familiar with Satanism, I believe that your description of the Church of Satan is correct. I think that there are also two other “types” of Satanism. I believe that there are some that worship him as a deity, but not necessarily as evil, but as the deity that represents natural human instinct and passions (very close to the Church of Satan except these people worship him as a deity, not just an ideal). Thirdly, there are those that worship Satan as the master of evil and the opposer of the Christian God. Then, there are the teenagers that call themselves that just for the “bad boy/girl” image.

Of course, I don’t know which type the one that joined the navy is.
Yes this is correct. Laveyists are sensationalist Athiests, and should be seen as that. Its the catholic satanic cults that are scary.
I’d agree with you there. Not all Satanists are “bad”, but cultists (of any kind) are creepy. I like that comparison you made also between Laveyists and sensationalist Atheists - I never thought of it that way 🙂
So, how can tell me how these tenets of Satanic faith are compatible with military service or even good citizenship? Don’t these statements conflict with the Wicca Ethic of Reciprocity?
I believe “to each his own”, but I agree that depending on if and how strictly he adheres to some of those rules, it may not be appropriate for military service or, depending, “good citizenship”
When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
While everyone has different interpretations of everything, if someone took this too literally, they might be encourage to kill (“destroy”) someone that “bothers” them. That’s where it could be a problem to society. I don’t necessarily agree with Satanist beliefs, but I am not a Satanist (I would consider myself Wiccan).
I’m sitting here wondering why people who are pagan, wiccan, etc. etc. even bother to come to this page. I welcome them, but I sure wouldn’t bother going to a pagan/wiccan forum and posting my beliefs…seems like a big waste of time…

and plus, Heathen Dawn, I’ve known plents of wiccans who are downright NASTY to each other…primarily the women.

Just my thoughts…
I’d agree with you there. Not all Satanists are “bad”, but cultists (of any kind) are creepy. I like that comparison you made also between Laveyists and sensationalist Atheists - I never thought of it that way 🙂
Maybe not “bad” but they are weird. But I do not get the “creeps” from them. I can get the creeps from a occultist though. I once knew a leader of a cult, I was not Catholic back then. But you could feel such emptiness, sad, scary, and most definitly creepy.
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