NBC - Da Vinci Code/Revelations

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Well, I only was able to watch part of the DVC crapumentary because I got a phone call from a friend I haven’t spoken to in 2 years. I figured the DVC story was the same old poop, but I was surprised to hear NBC say it was a work of fiction.

I wasn’t impressed with Revelations either, but my dad summed it up prefectly as he glanced at the TV…“What’s this, more garbage?” 😃
I found the show entertaining, but I wouldn’t take it seriously.
I accidentally caught the tail end of the DaVinci program when the batteries in my remote went dead. What little I say clearly labeled the book as nonsense.
I skipped the DaVinci Code cr*ppola, but my wife and I did watch Revelations.

Honestly, pretty good TV. Fairly riviting, actually.

Catholic Nun is the heroine. Good signs: She does wear a coif, she does not look like a lesbian, and she quotes scripture big-time. A black priest.

So far, it is not your run-of-the-mill Hollywood protrayal of religion. JESUS CHRIST is present, not just a feel-good “God”… and Satan is definitely at work.

Very interesting look at academia, whose professors are adamant that EVERYTHING in the Bible has a scientific explaination.

So far, I wasn’t offended enough to turn it off. I’ll watch it next week.

WAAAAAAAAY better than “reality tv” or crime dramas focused on serial rapists or parents who molest their own children, eh???
I watched it and i loved it! (revelations) i thought it was great and not anti church at all. the scene at the miracle mountain, though i know was fake, was really moving, it would be incredible to see a true miracle like that! i loved it and cant wait till next wednesday 👍 . the Da Vinci code on the other hand…:nope:
I got the impresion Stone Phillips thought the books’ claims a bit on the foolish side. I was expecting the worst but thought it went over quite well.

Revelations was good TV. If it is viewed from that perspective, it’s certainly entertaining.
Yes, I watched Revelations last night and I thought it was Extremely well done!

I can say that I am hooked for the next 5 shows. Well made, well acted, didnt come across stupid, and if anything, I would say it didnt have ENOUGH people portraying non believers! :eek: I give last nights show an 8/10

I also think that in the story, the Lord used the girl that was electrocuted to be a channel (sorry about the New Age phrase) for his daughter that was killed by the Satanist…clearly so that Bill Pullman will believe in a higher power and assist the Nun!

And I think that maybe the authors of The Left Behind stuff may just end up with egg on their faces… one of them was loudly complaining that Jesus cannot come back as a baby…he based this on previews which showed the baby being found.

But the way last night played out and clips from next weeks show, along with some questions the narrator raised, I am hedging my bets that the baby isnt Christ, but the Anti Christ! Now I know that artistic license is gonna be taken with this movie, but could it be that we may have a very good (albeit not true) but well made End Times Christian fantasy on our hands? I sure hope so! 🙂
Everything is about ‘Book of Revelations’ when it comes to the end of times. Is this book in the bible? I looked and I only found the Book of REVELATION. Maybe they forgot to include it it’s plural form? : ) Poor humor…I know.

Is this series based on the Rapture as well?
Yes, I watched Revelations last night and I thought it was Extremely well done!

I can say that I am hooked for the next 5 shows. Well made, well acted, didnt come across stupid, and if anything, I would say it didnt have ENOUGH people portraying non believers! :eek: I give last nights show an 8/10

I also think that in the story, the Lord used the girl that was electrocuted to be a channel (sorry about the New Age phrase) for his daughter that was killed by the Satanist…clearly so that Bill Pullman will believe in a higher power and assist the Nun!

And I think that maybe the authors of The Left Behind stuff may just end up with egg on their faces… one of them was loudly complaining that Jesus cannot come back as a baby…he based this on previews which showed the baby being found.

But the way last night played out and clips from next weeks show, along with some questions the narrator raised, I am hedging my bets that the baby isnt Christ, but the Anti Christ! Now I know that artistic license is gonna be taken with this movie, but could it be that we may have a very good (albeit not true) but well made End Times Christian fantasy on our hands? I sure hope so! 🙂
I’ll have to agree with you. You really had to pay attention to the scenes to keep up. I thought the script was cleverly written and the scenes well acted, and yes I even liked the miracle on the mountain scene. I couldn’t help but think how wonderful a miracle
like that would be.

I think I will tuning in for the next five episodes and see what happens.
I like to watch these shows to see what they are going to say. Just out of curiosity, I went to newadvent.org and looked up Mary Magdalene in the Catholic Encyclopedia, and this is what I found:

** Subsequent history of St. Mary Magdalen.** The Greek Church maintains that the saint retired to Ephesus with the Blessed Virgin and there died, that her relics were transferred to Constantinople in 886 and are there preserved. Gregory of Tours (De miraculis, I, xxx) supports the statement that she went to Ephesus. However, according to a French tradition (see SAINT LAZARUS OF BETHANY), Mary, Lazarus, and some companions came to Marseilles and converted the whole of Provence. Magdalen is said to have retired to a hill, La Sainte-Baume, near by, where she gave herself up to a life of penance for thirty years.

The part here about Mary Magdalene going to France is confusing - you really can’t tell whether this tradition held that Mary the sister of Lazarus was really Mary Magdalene or whether Mary Magdalene traveled to France with Lazarus and his sister Mary. Anyway, I think that what it tells us is that the author of the DaVinci Code is taking a statement like the above and using it as his “facts,” and then he throws in the part about how she was supposedly married to Jesus.

I think the whole thing is really ridiculous. It was normal for Jewish men to get married. If Jesus had been married, there would be no reason to hide it or to be ashamed of it. The fact that no such thing is even implied in the Gospels is enough to convince me that Dan Brown’s preposterous idea is fiction.

The only redeeming part in all of this is that it can get a person more fascinated by religious history and art. If Dan Brown hadn’t written the book, I would have never noticed the piece in the Catholic Encyclopedia about Mary Magdalene’s history.
Hey Geezerbob…do you know any Rawl’s or Lyerly’s from Lexington?
Not me. I see what the do with the news. I saw what they did with Terri. Fox is a long way from what they claim to be but it’s the best we’ve got right now and that’s about all I watch. I can’t afford to get my blood pressure up.
I think this book was a horrible piece of work. I never bought into the story line. I was a history major in college and I studied some of these works that he used as proof in his book. He used them out of context so I was never able to believe the story premise.

Plus I didn’t like the fact that he treated me like a small child who could not figure things out. This was his main story line—Something happens to a character so someone tells him all these facts and then OH NO they are being chased so then they run to another location were someone else tells us some more infomation. I just felt like the characters were getting lectured every new place they went. We as the reader never got to figure things out or were left guess…it was all expalined every time. I like books were I get to be involved in them and this book didn’t do it for me.

Plus I didn’t feel the fact that the spend all this time talking about how the Catholic Church is evil and then in one line in the last chapter say The church wasn’t involved in these murders or hiding this big “secert”. I don’t think one line makes up for everything you just did to the church’s name. I for one will not be seeing this movie on the big screen even if Tom Hanks is going to be in it.

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