NCR and Vatican III

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I was reading Seattle Catholic in which a link directed me to a “list” of Catholics disciplined during Pontificate of Pope John Paul II on the National Catholic Reporter:


The list reads like Martyology Report. While there I stumbled upon
NCR Home Page a “Blueprint for Vatican III”. I knew the NCR was Cafeteria Catholicism but I had no idea their dissent was this extreme. I could not believe some of this


Highlights of the NCR’s Blueprint for Vatican III

It means opening all church offices to women. It means shifting the weight of power away from Rome and church pulpits to the people of God. It means getting rid of all parent-child terminology like “Father” (Holy and otherwise), and attendant behaviors.

*The church’s position on contraception is untenable. *

The church does not understand marriage, let alone the complicated cultural, psychological and spiritual conditions that make a marriage no longer viable.
We must search for a coherent and persuasive moral stance on sexual morality: marriage and its support systems, family planning, reconciliation after divorce, homosexual activity, natural law.

Respondents wanted the widest possible participation of all the church in the next council, laity – single and married – and women religious and priests present as a group in proportion to the number of bishops present. A cardinal in a developing country wrote that all religions should be invited “and have the right to vote.”

Well, I bet all this never happens*.* Anyways the last one above (about the Cardinal from Developing world) sounds like something out of the Book of Revalations.
I forgot to mention the NCR’s blueprint for Vatican III also mandates

The people of God have clearly recognized “that sex was designed by God for far more than procreation.”
This would open the door to alot of things…
Mary Agnes Mansour: A Sister of Mercy, she was forced to choose between her job as the director of Michigan’s Department of Social Services and her religious vows. In 1983 after 30 years of religious life, Mansour left her congregation.
What they ‘forgot’ to mention was that Ms. Mansour, as Director of Social Services, oversaw Michigan’s then publically funded Abortion program.

And they wonder why the Vatican had a problem with that???
The “Geritol” set just does not get it. I have read their claims for years. Many of them are long gone and the Church is still here. Ever wonder why so much of their stuff is about sex and gender issues?
Unless Jesus was a liar, this garbage will never happen. The gates of hell will not prevail…

Sometimes I wonder if the people who come up with this stuff are just ignorant that the Church cannot (not just will not or doesn’t want to) change position on certain issues.
I forgot to mention the NCR’s blueprint for Vatican III also mandates

The people of God have clearly recognized “that sex was designed by God for far more than procreation.”
This would open the door to alot of things…
I forgot to mention the NCR’s blueprint for Vatican III also mandates

The people of God have clearly recognized “that sex was designed by God for far more than procreation.”
This would open the door to alot of things…
that sounds about right to me

The church doesn’t forbid sex after menopause after all.

why would they?
Steve Andersen:
that sounds about right to me

The church doesn’t forbid sex after menopause after all.

why would they?
hmm. What does contraception and Gay Sex have in common.
Every time I read something like this, the more I think that there will be a schism in our lifetime. Especially if the next Pope is similiar, or even harsher, than JPII–and it certainly seems like he’ll be that way. I just don’t see NCR, and the liberals they polled, staying with the one true church.
No, No, and NO! I feel a little dirty even replying to such a poll.

For what it is worth, I have family that lives very close to the Univ. of Washington campus in Seattle. On a visit two years ago, I attend mass with them, I almost fell out of my pew when I heard the priest espousing female ordination. That was my first experience in dissent. I always new Seattle was extremely liberal (I still love the place), but I could not in a hundred years have imagined the homily I heard that Sunday.
If a schism is necessary, is better that, than changing all the sexual doctrine of the church.
Every time I read something like this, the more I think that there will be a schism in our lifetime. .
The NCR Blueprint implies that their views are widespread both inside and outside the U.S. Is there any objective evidence for the breath of their support or lack thereof?
Especially if the next Pope is similiar, or even harsher, than JPII–and it certainly seems like he’ll be that way. I just don’t see NCR, and the liberals they polled, staying with the one true church.
Do you hae any links that support this analysis of the next Papal elections?
Ever wonder why so much of their stuff is about sex and gender issues?
 What I have often wondered why it is these people who claim the Church and other social conservatives are "obsessed about sex." It's all these liberals talk about!
Seattle is a very, very hard place to be an orthodox, traditional Catholic. You can just about disregard anything you see in Seattle Catholic, I would imagine. Pray for us. A lot.

EDIT: You think a priest talking about the ordination of women is bad? I heard a priest say, on the Feast of the Assumption, that the Assumption of Mary could indeed be a myth.
I don’t know if I gave anyone the wrong impression regarding Seattle.
The Seattle Catholic (
is a Traditional oriented online journal not affiliated with the Seatle Diocese or anything else Seattle. The link to NCR on their website in no way represents the position of Seattle Catholic magazine.
I forgot to mention the NCR’s blueprint for Vatican III also mandates

The people of God have clearly recognized “that sex was designed by God for far more than procreation.”
This would open the door to alot of things…
What gets me is that whoever at NCR wrote this blueprint doesn’t even know Church teaching on the matter. The Church doesn’t need to define “that sex was designed by God for far more than procreation.” The Church already teaches that!! The Church has always taught that!

The Catechism clearly shows what the Church has always taught. Sex has two purposes:
2363 The spouses’ union achieves the twofold end of marriage: the good of the spouses themselves and the transmission of life. These two meanings or values of marriage cannot be separated without altering the couple’s spiritual life and compromising the goods of marriage and the future of the family.
The conjugal love of man and woman thus stands under the twofold obligation of fidelity and fecundity.
Note that neither of these purposes can be achieved through homosexual relations or contraceptive sex.
Forgive my ignorance, but I was under the impression that when a pope calls for an ecumenical council, he, in concert with the Magisterium determine the format and content of said council, not a semi-secular, American "news"paper.
If a schism is necessary, is better that, than changing all the sexual doctrine of the church.
If the church changes its doctrine on sexual issues or female ordination or any other thing that it has “infallibly” defined, I’m outta here. At that point, I’m not going to be very concerned about schism, I’m going to be concerned with finding the true religion again.

But I know it won’t happen.
If the church changes its doctrine on sexual issues or female ordination or any other thing that it has “infallibly” defined, I’m outta here.
It won’t because it can’t. Jesus was dead serious in Matt 16:18 and He doesn’t lie.
But I know it won’t happen.
Exactly so. Exactly so.
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