Near death experience can be real?

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Well, there’s a lot of disagreement on that. So by itself, that doesn’t really prove anything.
The ONLY one who saves us, is the one who told us few are saved

Did Jesus contradict the questioners question? No. He validated it and doubled down on the answer.

If you mean, I think way toooooo many people ignore Jesus own warning, that ought to scare the hell out of EVERYONE that few are saved, then yes we agree.
I think someone else I am willing to give some credence as possibly having a death experience is Marino Restrepo. He was abducted and held hostage by rebels and left to die in a cave in Colombia. When he was dying he went through an experience where he went through a life review/judgment – and saw hell, purgatory and saints in heaven. Prior to this he was born Catholic but in his adult life got into secularism and new age. After the experience he escaped and knew he had to repent and return to the Church. His ministry gives talks at various churches around the world with complete obedience to the magisterium.

Obviously these things are private revelation so people are free to dismiss it. He simply describes it as an experience or a vision but I wouldn’t count out the possibility that it could also be related to others’ descriptions of near death. I’m willing to give him credence in that he preaches Catholicism and the realities of heaven, hell and purgatory and the need to repent and engage in spiritual warfare, but also spreads many Catholic devotions like Eucharistic adoration, the Blessed Mother, and the Saints.
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Every journey of faith brings us closer to knowing the reality of eternal life beyond our earthly one. The more a person says yes to salvation the clearer the vision. Our destiny is death and we see glimpses throughout our lives, some have bright flashes and we need to carefully listen to all accounts.
Maybe the vast majority of people who are shown Hell in their NDEs are embarrassed to say so.
Maybe some people are shown Heaven to encourage them to amend their lives, not because they’ve already “earned” it.
Maybe God is more merciful than we are.
Yes, I saw heaven but I did not deserve to be there and now I am focused on the things I need to work out of my soul.
Like a light that is seen from one end of the earth to the other.
I saw Fr Scheier when he was on Mother Angelica Live, which I believe the attached video is.

The problem is that Fr Scheier says that Jesus was sending him to eternal damnation, but the Blessed Mother pleaded with Jesus to give him another chance

In other words, according to this story, the Blessed Mother is more merciful than Jesus.

Bottom line is, I don’t believe him.

I have no doubt about NDE’s.

Also, the boy which the book, “Heaven Is Real,” never retracted his story.

His own father, even though a minister doubted his son’s story, but later came to believe him and wrote the book about it.

The movie based on the book was very good.

Then of course is Eben Alexander III a American neurosurgeon who had an NDE, but never believed them before. He went with the scientists who claim it’s the anesthesia and brain function while under. After his NDE, he had a conversion.

Yes, they can, & I believe they’re proof of heaven. My husband’s church had Howard Storm & Dr. Mary Neal among others giving their testimonies on their NDEs. It was very emotional hearing their stories.

These people were already dead, & they came back. Mary Neal was having her body recovered after being submerged in rapids for about 30 or so minutes. Howard Storm died as a result of a duodenal perforation, for which he was unable to get emergency surgery for in time, but he came back, too.
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Don Bosco had dreams where he visited purgatory and heaven.

In fact, his first dream he was taken to a beautiful place, so beautiful, he thought it was heaven, only to learn it was Purgatory.

Google it. You’ll be surprised how many accounts come up. And how many more people don’t publicize it?
Also, the boy which the book, “Heaven Is Real,” never retracted his story.
I was not talking about the Burpo book. The book I was referring to was called “The boy who came back from heaven” – it had a silhouette of a boy on a wheel chair. The boy who retracted this was Alex Malarkey.
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Just thinking out loud.

Maybe you thought you were in a NDE when in effect you weren’t .

God knows everything about everyone from beginning to end.
Well, I had what our society/culture refers to as an NDE. That’s all I am claiming here. I was bleeding to death and I had the experience. I don’t know what criteria you use for an NDE, I can only speak from my experience.

I don’t understand the last part of your comment.
Why would God want to have people pushed into burning vats for not believing in him or living sinful lives?
St Pope John Paul II said God doesn’t send people to hell, they go there on their own.

It’s not a place as it is a state the soul ends up in, as a result of rejecting God.

The images we have of hell, where highly influenced by Dante’s Inferno, which was taught in Catholic Schools for centuries. It was a work of fiction. Dante never saw hell, nor heaven or purgatory.

I believe even the visionaries view of hell, was based on what they learned from Dante’s Inferno.

That’s interesting. So for God’s children, whom He loves very much, that don’t love him back or live correctly He has burned alive for eternity? I’m not sure if you have children, but if so, would you think burning alive an acceptable punishment for one of your children?
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St Pope John Paul II said God doesn’t send people to hell, they go there on their own.

It’s not a place as it is a state the soul ends up in, as a result of rejecting God.

The images we have of hell, where highly influenced by Dante’s Inferno, which was taught in Catholic Schools for centuries. It was a work of fiction. Dante never saw hell, nor heaven or purgatory.

I believe even the visionaries view of hell, was based on what they learned from Dante’s Inferno.

Very true.
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