Nearly half of countries are producing too few babies to maintain their populations, say researchers

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Very true. Most are not very faithful no matter what their stated religion is.
The problem is not a deficit in food production, but getting the food to where it is needed.
There is food. Their governments prevent the distribution of it. Wicked, evil, disgusting men do a lot of harm to babies and other “undesirables”

Governments have also been known to kill their own people in other way than just starvation. But they know if they control the food, they have the power
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I fear that the current wildfire situation in California will be used to push the population control agenda.
There’s also a great deal of incompetence on the part of well-meaning officials.
That is at times the cause, yes. But the pictures he posted are more likely due to malice. There are many governments that would rather pass out birth control than food. They use coercion in order to get women to agree to it. “We will give you food but only if you take these pills or get that IUD,” is not an uncommon occurance. And it isn’t limited to Africa. In my husband’s hometown in Mexico, there is a free clinic, but it is only used by those that limit their family size by contraception or tubal ligations. They also distribute food and nutritional supplements there as well. Once again, it is open with the understanding that you have to be “responsible” and quit breeding. It is t a lack of food, it’s a lack of allowing people to get that food. Venezuela comes to mind as well. Wicked people cause so much harm, and the poor are the very first to feel the consequences.
How do you figure? If you agree that resources are finite, then how can you confidently say we won’t overtax the planet?
Inequitable distribution of resources is the problem and not the number of people. There are plenty of resources.
They are growing chlorella in the sea water farms or harvest from deep ocean. At least Korean, Taiwanese, Japanese, Chinese and Irish consume algae, sea vegetables almost daily for over 2000 years. Here is the lab test:

The cost of sea vegetables is not cheap.
Many countries hate algae because farmings are afraid of competition of sea vegetables.
The problem with ocean harvesting is it’s hard to scale. Algae become dangerous when they grow to levels of more than a few cells per cubic milliliter (I am speaking of bacteria, not seaweed).
Okay…what do you want us to do about it?
I pray the Holy Spirit for guidance.
God taught us two greatest commandments.

Just do exactly what God likes and wants us to do. Very easy to understand why.

then we ask all people of other religions to do the same.

God never asked us to have limited two kids or concern about short of foods, lands, water or over population; etc.
God never asked us to have limited two kids or concern about short of foods, lands, water or over population; etc.
God also doesn’t tell use to clean our houses or go to the doctor. Most of the time He just expects us to use our brains.
If I were you I’d be very careful citing anything from Natural News, it’s cranky as all heck (they’re anti-vaxx for example). I’d also like to point out that your link sends you to their 404 Not Found page.
He sort of did. The Bible is full of verses about cleanliness (one of my favorites is
1 Timothy 3:5 “For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?”)
and going to physicians (“Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.” Matthew 9:12). St. Luke, a gospel writer, was a called the beloved physician by St. Paul.
I just read an article about Russia. For every 100 births, they have 120 deaths.
I guess that sums up the difference in our point of view. It’s not over population as in the Earth’s absolute ability to sustain us. It’s the balance between humans and pretty much all other life. The whole stewardship of the earth stuff.

With a few exceptions humans building in previously uninhabited areas means displacing or destroying the existing life.
We’ll eventually go to the stars and inhabit the cosmos. These worries about overwhelming the Earth are nothing more than short sighted fear mongering.
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