Need Help Why Stay Catholic?

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Amen! I truly believe that if our lost Christian brothers would realize what daily MIRACLE was happening on Jesus’ Catholic Altars. They wouldnt be lost anymore!

I’m hopefully going to be teaching Catholic teens this summer. One of the teachings that I am going to set into their hearts is the Gift of the Eucharist. I find that many Cradle Catholics (Young and Old) don’t truly understand one of the greatest gifts that Jesus gave us. About 4 months ago I made it my mission to try and properly catechize teens so that they dont easily fall for the “pitch lines” other Chistian denominations throw at them.

Somewhat ironic that my own beloved nephew fell for it. Although it breaks my heart, if God wills this, so be it. I leave it up to God and will continue to do his work as best I can. I continue to pray for him and have faith…

You have allowed the Holy Spirit to work beautifully in reaching out to your nephew. Always remember that we are all on a journey, and no one wants him back in the Faith and in the Barque of Peter more than Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother do.

The Holy Spirit will lead him; even when things look dark, and it seems as if your nephew is headed away, always remember that God uses difficulties, even our sins themselves to bring us closer to Him. I know that I am so hardhearted that Our Lord had to bring me to rock bottom, spiritually- and physically-speaking before I would cooperate with the abundant graces He sent my way. Trust Him!

Trust the Spirit to lead him. Answer his questions or help him to find the answers himself; be loving, as you obviously are; and storm heaven, asking all the saints and Saints and Our Blessed Mother, to pray with you. I will be including your nephew and all seekers when I pray for the safe return of my family members to the Faith.

What a great witness, aunt, and blessing you are! May God continue to rain His graces upon you and all of your family until you may all worship in one Spirit in Jesus’ own fold.

In Christ’s peace and joy,

Robin L.
Robin L. in TX:
What a great witness, aunt, and blessing you are! May God continue to rain His graces upon you and all of your family until you may all worship in one Spirit in Jesus’ own fold.

Robin L.
I thank you so much for your kind words and support! But this maybe a little suprise to you, I am actually his Uncle. I had my chance to babysit him from the time he was born and also change his diapers till the time he decided that he needed to be on his own and “discover the world”.

When I had my own family and children I fell somewhat out of contact with him and also because he was in Med school. I was so busy with my own family’s spiritually that I negelted his. I’m afraid that I may even have less contact with him as his internship comes as they typically have irregular schedules and work anywhere beteen 15-20 hour days. That doesn’t leave much for our Lord especially in medicine when sometimes, literally, means life or death decisions. I just feel guilty that if I could have given the Catholic word of our Lord he would have understood that those descisions, and responsibilities would be easier because they are all for the Glory of God. But instead he is taking EVERYTHING upon himself which is not healthy. This is one of the reasons why I believe he stated looking for GOD starting with the closest person to him, his wife to be.

I pray for him…he is a good man and I love him as a son.

God Bless You!

Hello All,

I am a devoted Cradle Catholic and a beginnng apologist who loves our Lord and our Catholic religoin with a passion. I have nephew who I dearly love that has been recently attending a Chistian church, not sure what denomination. He was never a practicing catholic, no thanks to my sister who did not guide him in our catholic faith. Although he went to CCD classes the classes were taught by teenagers, according to my nephew, who didnt know much about the faith. That being said, that didnt provide a very good catholic foundation for him. He is good man about to gradute from Med School and has been searching for God. Problem is…he isnt searching whinin our Catholic Church. (I just found out 2-3 weeks ago.) These people he has been talking to are within his peer group which I am not in. Many of them attend the same Christian Church, along with his soon to be wife who is also a church member. I was able to finally speak to him today for about a good 3 hours. He listened to what I had to say about why to stay Catholic, we talked about:
I Proved Apostolic succesion
Christ wanted only 1 church not 38000
For 2000 Years The church has survived
All Denominations roots came from the Catholic Church
Without the Catholic Chruch there would be no bibile
Luther had some mental issues when he broke from the Church
Gave proof you are NOT saved by “Faith Alone”

Although he listened his response suprised me. He said “Maybe the reformation was inspried by God” I immediately responded that “Jesus did NOT say he wanted 38000 individual churches, he wanted 1 united church”. But I’m not sure if he even heard me. As a matter of fact I noticed he didn’t ask me 1 Catholic question! It was more of how boring the Catholic Mass is. Of course as an apologist I had to respond that unless you understand that the mass is truly about the sacrifice and celibration of our Lord and that the Eucharist is central to the mass not the preaching (homily). I beleive this fell on deaf ears.

Bottom Line… I need help in keeping him Catholic. I’m not with everyday. He’s very busy and the only time I get to talk to him is about once a week. He goes to this Church every Sunday. If anybody can give me any good evangilzation or apologetic advice. Please…I need them. I don’t want to lose another Catholic, especially this Catholic to a small Christian denomination because they seem to “really connect to me and they really know their stuff” as my nephew says. I feel I know my (stuff) faith and my apologetics but I am against some stiff competition. I just pray for God’s grace and strength to continue and perservere with this very good young man. I do not want him to turn his back on the true church. Which leads me to this question. Does he violate the CCC pgh 846 “Outside the Church there is no Salvation”?.

Please help! God Bless All of You!

Matt 16:18
Try to get him on this forum!
John 6:68 DRB
(68) (6:69) And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.

Of course as an apologist I had to respond that unless you understand that the mass is truly about the sacrifice and celibration of our Lord and that the Eucharist is central to the mass not the preaching (homily). I beleive this fell on deaf ears.

. I just pray for God’s grace and strength to continue and perservere with this very good young man. I do not want him to turn his back on the true church.
Hi Matt 16:18!

In spite of your good intentions, you cant’t force him to the catholic church. It seems that he is in a prosess were his friends has impressed him by their faith in another church and that their ideas seems right to him. He is perhaps not ready to listen to you at the moment.

Pray, LOVE & RESPECT him the way he is, and pray and pray and pray for him! The Lord is always there for him, and remember that the Lord knows him too. The Lord will knock extra hard on his door when he is ready for it.

My advice is that you tell him that you don’t think he knows his catholic faith well and tell him that you are going to give him some books about it, perhaps Madrids “Surprised by thruth” I - III will do the job (or can be the start of a longgoing prosess for him). It is up to him to decide when he will read them. Perhaps he will let them dust down for a couple of years or perhaps he will read them at once! He seems like an intelligent young man, so he will refleckt when he is ready for it. In the meantime you have to be patient!

I have already prayed for him!

God bless you both!

If he DOES join the other church, he still has the opportunity to be saved and that measn being in the Catholic Church, just not explicitly.
I was tired of the "pep ralley for Jesus" every Sunday in the protestant denoms(18 of them) and converted through a search of history after readin "rome sweet home" by Scott and Kimberly Hahn.

you might want to send him the book.   I have met many converts and reverts that were sold after reading it.
peace and prayers, papist1
Hello All,

I am a devoted Cradle Catholic and a beginnng apologist who loves our Lord and our Catholic religoin with a passion. I have nephew who I dearly love that has been recently attending a Chistian church, not sure what denomination. He was never a practicing catholic, no thanks to my sister who did not guide him in our catholic faith. Although he went to CCD classes the classes were taught by teenagers, according to my nephew, who didnt know much about the faith. That being said, that didnt provide a very good catholic foundation for him. He is good man about to gradute from Med School and has been searching for God. Problem is…he isnt searching whinin our Catholic Church. (I just found out 2-3 weeks ago.) These people he has been talking to are within his peer group which I am not in. Many of them attend the same Christian Church, along with his soon to be wife who is also a church member. I was able to finally speak to him today for about a good 3 hours. He listened to what I had to say about why to stay Catholic, we talked about:
I Proved Apostolic succesion
Christ wanted only 1 church not 38000
For 2000 Years The church has survived
All Denominations roots came from the Catholic Church
Without the Catholic Chruch there would be no bibile
Luther had some mental issues when he broke from the Church
Gave proof you are NOT saved by “Faith Alone”

Although he listened his response suprised me. He said “Maybe the reformation was inspried by God” I immediately responded that “Jesus did NOT say he wanted 38000 individual churches, he wanted 1 united church”. But I’m not sure if he even heard me. As a matter of fact I noticed he didn’t ask me 1 Catholic question! It was more of how boring the Catholic Mass is. Of course as an apologist I had to respond that unless you understand that the mass is truly about the sacrifice and celibration of our Lord and that the Eucharist is central to the mass not the preaching (homily). I beleive this fell on deaf ears.

Bottom Line… I need help in keeping him Catholic. I’m not with everyday. He’s very busy and the only time I get to talk to him is about once a week. He goes to this Church every Sunday. If anybody can give me any good evangilzation or apologetic advice. Please…I need them. I don’t want to lose another Catholic, especially this Catholic to a small Christian denomination because they seem to “really connect to me and they really know their stuff” as my nephew says. I feel I know my (stuff) faith and my apologetics but I am against some stiff competition. I just pray for God’s grace and strength to continue and perservere with this very good young man. I do not want him to turn his back on the true church. Which leads me to this question. Does he violate the CCC pgh 846 “Outside the Church there is no Salvation”?.

Please help! God Bless All of You!

Matt 16:18
Have him read this,

Anybody who thinks the Catholic Mass is boring needs to read Thomas Howard’s book “If Your Mind Wanders at Mass”. A great book!
Matt16:18 said,
…we talked about:
I Proved Apostolic succesion
Christ wanted only 1 church not 38000
For 2000 Years The church has survived
All Denominations roots came from the Catholic Church
Without the Catholic Chruch there would be no bibile
Luther had some mental issues when he broke from the Church
Gave proof you are NOT saved by “Faith Alone”…
BobCatholic said,
You don’t reform the church by leaving it.
You don’t fix your marriage by getting a divorce.
You don’t leave Peter because of Judas.
I have also lost a sister and also a childhood friend & his family whose son is my Godson in his Catholic baptism. In both my sister & my bestfriend’s case, I tried discussing with them on many things among which are quoted above. I pointed out to them the misconceptions of the Catholic Church by the Protestants and printed out some solid arguments found in the Catholic Answers website.

Initially they were so eager to argue with me on doctrines but when I gave them answers after answers (mostly taken from the Catholic Answers website) to prove them wrong, they just say, “I am not a scholar on the doctrines and I won’t argue with you. Good for you that you have a good foundation on your Catholic faith but as for me, these things (doctrines) are not important. What is important for me is that I find Christ in my new church and I feel very peaceful with my decision. Moreover I can see Christ in the members of my new church. It is a joy and peace that I can’t find in the Catholic Church, whereas in my new church I just can experience the love of Christ.”

To understand my friend better, I even went with him to his church to see what is so attractive there. At their service, they sing emotional songs to stir up their emotions, have a pastor who “preach” by stirring up their emotions and making a lot of them cry. To me, compared to the richness of the Eucharist in our Catholic Church, I find the whole service in my friend’s Protestant church so empty, playing on people’s emotions mostly.

Basically I believe that they have been heavily indoctrinated in their new church and no matter how well you argue with them, their minds are already shut to the truth. In the first place, they (my best friend & my sister) are the ones who start the argument, but when I prove them wrong, they just suddenly don’t want to argue anymore. Suddenly it is the PEACE and JOY that is important to them. All it takes is for someone in their new church to say or do something stupid to offend them and the will hop to the next Protestant church, but never the Catholic Church.

I believe a lot of these people have some unresolved problems in the Catholic Church like divorce, abotion, artificial birth control etc. and just cannot face the truth. In my case, I have stopped trying to convert them back - like someone said in this thread, I have “planted the seed” in them. I just keep praying for them, especially my Godson.
Why would you abandon the church Jesus faounded?

Is the church perpfect? Yes and no, It is perfect becasue it’s founder was perfect, but (name removed by moderator)erfect becasue it’s human members are.
But then Jesus new this would be the case, He founded his church on a man who denied him 3 times, a hanfull of fishermen, a tax collector, and a Christian persecuter, He also used a man with a speech impediment to guide his people out of Egypt,…

The church flrishes and grows not becasue of it’s humaniny but in-spite of it, testament to it’s divine origin and guidance…
:eek: With much egg on my face! I certainly am guilty of inattention and reading my situation into yours. I am an aunt of a former wiccan, who would know herself to be blessed if my niece were looking into a Christian religion. My sister brought her children up to be agnostics at least, ever since the death of her second child 30 years ago. With mega-apologies, Matt! I certainly don’t know many aunts named “Matt.”

I recommend reading Madrid’s “Search and Rescue.” I like the idea of getting your nephew to invite you to attend his church services, then after reading a little on the symbolism of the Mass, attending with you. It may be too early, but a loving invitation is always welcome.

Depending on your nephew and your relationship with him, it might work to ask him, given your certainty that the Catholic Church is Jesus’ church, when and how can you help him in his search. You’d hate to see him look for Jesus only to stop short of truly finding Him. It would have to be said with a smile, and a lot of love shining forth, but could work in some cases.

Depending on where he is church-wise, as well as spiritually, if he took you up on attending Mass, you might want to bring him to a LifeTeen or even charismatic Mass. Hahn’s “The Lamb’s Supper” is, IMHO, an easy, but deep read on the Mass. Every time I reread it, I find something new in it. It all depends on exactly where your nephew is, of course.

As always, though, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! It is the Holy Spirit’s work, and we are only suposed to do what He wants us to do. So feel blessed that your nephew is looking for God in a Christian Church and pray for the graces to be rained upon both you and him to bring him all the way home!

Sorry if this is terse or rough in places. I lost the first, more flowing draft in cyberspace…Also, knowing that you are an apologetically avid Catholic, I know I probably haven’t added anything you didn’t already know, but I hope that I have reminded you that it’s not up to you, but is rather the work of the Holy Spirit. And no one wants to bring your nephew home, more than Our Lord!

In Christ’s peace and joy and with red-faced apologies,

Robin L.
…Although he listened his response suprised me. He said “Maybe the reformation was inspried by God” I immediately responded that “Jesus did NOT say he wanted 38000 individual churches, he wanted 1 united church”. But I’m not sure if he even heard me. As a matter of fact I noticed he didn’t ask me 1 Catholic question! It was more of how boring the Catholic Mass is…Bottom Line: I need help in keeping him Catholic. I’m not with everyday. He’s very busy and the only time I get to talk to him is about once a week. He goes to this Church every Sunday. If anybody can give me any good evangilzation or apologetic advice…
I’m not yet a Roman Catholic (though i was). Still, i may be able to help with the perspective of one who left the faith.

His comment that the reformation may have been inspired by God is really a good thing because he seems to believe (as i do) that God really does communicate to us in the words of the Bible. You may want to ask him next time you see him if he believes this. That may be the bridge between you–the thing you have in common. If it is, start your conversation there. You may, if time does not permit, want to communicate by mail (or e-mail). This will give him time to think about how he will respond to you without feeling cornered. Making every conversation a debate will repel, rather than reach, him.

Stick to the most important issue: How a person gets to heaven. Even if he thinks mass is boring, where he ends up in eternity will still be important to him. Try to keep coming back to this essential whenever you are able. It’s OK to discuss non-essentials, but these probably won’t change his mind, so don’t waste your time.

It’s no good to start quoting church fathers, as he may not believe that they are inspired by God at all. Try sticking with the words of the Bible (those of St. Peter, St. Paul & our Lord Jesus Christ). Ask him questions, though not too many, about what he thinks the quotes by these men (whom he likely believes to be inspired) mean. Listen to (or read carefully) his answers. Don’t just skip right to what you want to say next. He won’t care how much you know till he knows how much you care.

Should he ask you a question you cannot yet answer, don’t panic! but say, “That’s a good question! I’ll ask around & see if i am able to get a good answer for you.” I know this will take a lot of work on your part, but won’t it be worth it? If you don’t have the knowledge, start learning. Read, say, the gospel of John or Paul’s letter to the Romans–both of which explain how a person gets to heaven. You must become so familiar with the truth that when you see a counterfeit you will recognize it immediately.

Most important of all is to pray, for James wrote: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1, verse 5) Ask God to show you the truth in the Bible & He will.
Although he listened his response suprised me. He said “Maybe the reformation was inspried by God” I immediately responded that “Jesus did NOT say he wanted 38000 individual churches, he wanted 1 united church”.
United how? They contradict each other and have a history of anathemizing each other (Luther anathemized Calvin for denying the real presence. Both Calvin and Luther anathemized Anabaptist and prosecute them etc. Baptists, Lutheran, Presbyterian Anglican nowadays seem to don’t like pentacostal. Reformed (Baptists/Calvinist) don’t like everyone but themselves, ie:James White)
Bottom Line… I need help in keeping him Catholic. I’m not with everyday. He’s very busy and the only time I get to talk to him is about once a week. He goes to this Church every Sunday. If anybody can give me any good evangilzation or apologetic advice. Please…I need them. I don’t want to lose another Catholic, especially this Catholic to a small Christian denomination because they seem to “really connect to me and they really know their stuff” as my nephew says. I feel I know my (stuff) faith and my apologetics but I am against some stiff competition. I just pray for God’s grace and strength to continue and perservere with this very good young man. I do not want him to turn his back on the true church.
Give him Surprised by Truth serie and Scott Hahn’s material like Lamp Supper and his conversion.
Which leads me to this question. Does he violate the CCC pgh 846 “Outside the Church there is no Salvation”?.
Most likely.
Hello All,

I am a devoted Cradle Catholic and a beginnng apologist who loves our Lord and our Catholic religoin with a passion. I have nephew who I dearly love that has been recently attending a Chistian church, not sure what denomination. He was never a practicing catholic, no thanks to my sister who did not guide him in our catholic faith. Although he went to CCD classes the classes were taught by teenagers, according to my nephew, who didnt know much about the faith. That being said, that didnt provide a very good catholic foundation for him. He is good man about to gradute from Med School and has been searching for God. Problem is…he isnt searching whinin our Catholic Church. (I just found out 2-3 weeks ago.) These people he has been talking to are within his peer group which I am not in. Many of them attend the same Christian Church, along with his soon to be wife who is also a church member. I was able to finally speak to him today for about a good 3 hours. He listened to what I had to say about why to stay Catholic, we talked about:
I Proved Apostolic succesion
Christ wanted only 1 church not 38000
For 2000 Years The church has survived
All Denominations roots came from the Catholic Church
Without the Catholic Chruch there would be no bibile
Luther had some mental issues when he broke from the Church
Gave proof you are NOT saved by “Faith Alone”

Although he listened his response suprised me. He said “Maybe the reformation was inspried by God” I immediately responded that “Jesus did NOT say he wanted 38000 individual churches, he wanted 1 united church”. But I’m not sure if he even heard me. As a matter of fact I noticed he didn’t ask me 1 Catholic question! It was more of how boring the Catholic Mass is. Of course as an apologist I had to respond that unless you understand that the mass is truly about the sacrifice and celibration of our Lord and that the Eucharist is central to the mass not the preaching (homily). I beleive this fell on deaf ears.

Bottom Line… I need help in keeping him Catholic. I’m not with everyday. He’s very busy and the only time I get to talk to him is about once a week. He goes to this Church every Sunday. If anybody can give me any good evangilzation or apologetic advice. Please…I need them. I don’t want to lose another Catholic, especially this Catholic to a small Christian denomination because they seem to “really connect to me and they really know their stuff” as my nephew says. I feel I know my (stuff) faith and my apologetics but I am against some stiff competition. I just pray for God’s grace and strength to continue and perservere with this very good young man. I do not want him to turn his back on the true church. Which leads me to this question. Does he violate the CCC pgh 846 “Outside the Church there is no Salvation”?.

Please help! God Bless All of You!

Matt 16:18
DDay 6750’s suggestion is great. An ACTS retreat would be an emersion is a Catholic group, which would counteract the constant influence from his present group. Please let him know that this is largely a group to vivify Catholics., not a kind of RCIA.
United how? They contradict each other and have a history of anathemizing each other (Luther anathemized Calvin for denying the real presence. Both Calvin and Luther anathemized Anabaptist and prosecute them etc. Baptists, Lutheran, Presbyterian Anglican nowadays seem to don’t like pentacostal. Reformed (Baptists/Calvinist) don’t like everyone but themselves, ie:James White)


What I actualy said to him was …’“he wanted ALL of US united in his 1 church”. Just got to emotional writting about the situation at the time that I negleted the details.

I agree with you, the predominant result that has come out of this reformation is confusion and anarchy within the numerous protestant denominations. How can anyone (with the exception of James White:rolleyes:) beleive that God inspried that!

Speaking of James White, I pray the Holy Spirt opens his heart and lifts the blinders over his eyes to see our Lords TRUE Catholic Church. It suprises me how much predjudce he has over the Catholic Faith.

May God bless you!

United how? They contradict each other and have a history of anathemizing each other (Luther anathemized Calvin for denying the real presence. Both Calvin and Luther anathemized Anabaptist and prosecute them etc. Baptists, Lutheran, Presbyterian Anglican nowadays seem to don’t like pentacostal. Reformed (Baptists/Calvinist) don’t like everyone but themselves, ie:James White)

What I actualy said to him was …’“he wanted ALL of US united in his 1 church”. Just got to emotional writting about the situation at the time that I negleted the details.

I agree with you, the predominant result that has come out of this reformation is confusion and anarchy within the numerous protestant denominations. How can anyone (with the exception of James White:rolleyes: ) beleive that God inspried that!

Speaking of James White, I pray the Holy Spirt opens his heart and lifts the blinders over his eyes to see our Lords TRUE Catholic Church. It suprises me how much predjudce he has over the Catholic Faith.

May God bless you!

Get the book Catholicism for Dummies by Fr Trilligo of EWTN fame. That is a good basic primer for him to understand the faith. Then pray and leave it in the Holy Spirit’s hands.

God Bless

wow that was quite a read. a lot of great advice! I am a convert 2 things i read actually 3 things rang the truest for me. 1,THE EUCHAIRST! point him to John 6 the latter part a question or 2 like Is haveing the life of God in us a priority? Would Jesus be a good source for learning how to do that? 2. Stick to the scriptures, its all there resourses like scott hahn’s are great guides. 3. of course, PRAY. I prefer the tag team approach. The bible says “the fervent and effectual prayers of a righteous man avails much” also " where 2-3 are gathered in my name I am there present" (this may be a little of my baptist expositores blood in me, but the church teaches the same so I know I am safe) Get his patron saint, your patron saint going to the blessed mother for you for your nephew: a little prayer meeting in heavan. 4. I forgot about the guy with the “sales pitch” and the one that urged to ask questions. We must be able to give an account for the hope that is in us (another bible verse) if we dont know we cant ask the right questions. I am 40 If I would have met an estute catholic that could have challenged me with approiate pointed questions I would have converted at 20!! God bless you for your concern and passoin for him! I will say a decade of the rosary for you and him tonite! In Jesus name thourgh His blessed Mother, Bryan
Bottom Line… I need help in keeping him Catholic. I’m not with everyday. He’s very busy and the only time I get to talk to him is about once a week. He goes to this Church every Sunday. If anybody can give me any good evangilzation or apologetic advice. Please…I need them.Matt 16:18
Firstly the bad news - you cannot keep him catholic. Only God can! 😃

Now, find This is a great learning and evangelization tool.They do courses all over the world, and they have one with a Catholic component.

Find it, check it out yourself, and send him to it.
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