
i think you misunderstood me.This is a common misconception and completely wrong. That lightspeed is constant in any reference frame was measured long before Einstein (e.g. the Michelson-Morley experiment). The Lorentz-transformation was derived from those experiments to match the observable reality. Einstein made the theoretical foundation for those observations, basically “the natural laws are always the same, no matter what reference frame one uses”, not the other way round.
my primary point is that einstein simply rejected the aether - and a privileged frame of reference along with it - as a basic assumption of his 1905 theory; he in fact opens his paper with the rejection, calling the aether unnecessay for his purposes. because he was a positivist who refused to countenance entities for the existence of which empirical proof was unavailable (as he believed) in principle.
as for the constancy of the velocity of light, einstein does, in fact, use it as an unproven postulate - that much is indisputable.
however, i didn’t mean to imply by such an observation that einstein didn’t have any experimental basis for the assumption; i am quite aware of the michelson-morley experiments.