In another thread we started a conversation with @Neithan about the concept of theism and atheism. Neithan presented a question:
Do you accept that the supernatural is metaphysically possible? And since this line of thought did not really belong to that sub-forum, we agreed to explore it here in the philosophy section. Obviously everyone is welcome to chip in.
So here comes. Let’s start with the “
natural”. It designates the physical world, which can be discovered and analyzed by our senses are their extensions - as long as the information can reach us. The events which happen outside the “light cone” or inside the “Schwarzshield radius” (black hole) cannot be discovered, because there are no information-bearing elements that can be analyzed - at least according to our current knowledge.
Now, the concept of
supernatural: Anything and everything that is not part of the STEM (space, time, energy and matter), but which is able to interact with the physical universe. How could that be? There are four forces, the strong and weak nucleonic forces, the electromagnetic force and gravitation. There is also a hypothesized Higgs force, but there is no evidence for it.
Any physical interaction happens with exchanging elementary particles. As such to stipulate some non-physical and yet physically active entity is tantamount to magic. There are some people who assert some paranormal existence (telekinesis, ESP, etc), but any experiment to validate that concept came back with a resounding “No such thing!” label written on it.
But that does not invalidate the existence of supernatural or paranormal. Since our knowledge of the reality is always provisional, always ready to be expanded or invalidated as our information database keeps growing, we can never say with absolute certainty that we know “everything”.
So the answer to Neithan’s question is: “Yes, it is possible that there are so far undiscovered facets of reality”. But that would need such a drastic re-evaluation of our existing knowledge that it is extremely unlikely - but not mathematically impossible - that such a state of affairs ever arises. The point is that our knowledge is not just a pile separate pieces of information. Everything is interconnected. It is impossible what our knowledge (zillions of times verified) about the laws of the electromagnetic forces is invalid, but the knowledge of quantum-mechanics still holds.
The question, however, is: does the adjective “supernatural” applicable for these theoretical expansions of our knowledge base? After all, everything that happens, happens here in nature.

Another point is that the idea of “super”-natural implies “sub”-natural. Or simply “un”-natural. And that is - well, let’s just say - rather nonsensical.