You are mistaken. The null-hypothesis would be a successful substantiation (NOT proof!) for the existence of this non-physical causative agent. The failure of the experiment would be the alternative hypothesis. Of course the failure would not conclusively demonstrate the lack of supernatural, merely make it less probable.You are requesting an experiment that demonstrates the physical effects of a non-physical being. That experiment would substantiate the claim that the spiritual realm exists; you are literally asking us to prove the hypothesis “the spiritual realm exists”, and the null hypothesis would be conclusion that the experiment has conclusively failed to demonstrate the hypothesis.
Are you able to devise such an experiment?
If not, that is no problem for me, since I am comfortable with the idea that STEM is all there is. And it is not a problem for you either, since you already believe, and need no further evidence for it. By the way, this method is not limited to the questions about the supernatural. Any hypothesis requires an epistemological method to separate the wheat from the chaff.
As such, it looks like we reached a stopping point. Thank you for presenting your ideas. It would be wonderful if you could substantiate your beliefs, but sometimes a half loaf of bread is what one must settle for. The best we can hope for is a respectful disagreement. Live long and prosper as Spock said.