Here is a heads up, pagan is not the same as occult. True, sometimes the two are mixed by some people, but they are not automatically attached.
Nor do all pagans worship ancient deities. The term pagan encompasses literally thousands of religions and spiritualities, it is a sort of catch all term.
It is true that some people are attracted to some aspects of what they believe paganism is, because they think it means loose morals, and the ability to get back at their enemies by working dark magic. But that is not at the heart of most practitioners. There are silly, imature people in all religions who seek to tap into some type of “magic” to get all their problems taken care of. But we know the reality is that spirituality involves dedication, effort, honesty and integrity, reguardless of the path.
We can all offer examples of spiritual tragedies that we have come across in our own lives, as well as outstanding examples of godly folk, of a variety of religions.
My advice to the original poster is to keep the conversation open, be a friend. Don’t despair. Don’t let fear or misunderstanding close your heart.
Brother…I couldn’t help but think, when you mentioned the pile of Aztec bones, of the catacombs in Italy, of the chandeliers made of bones, of walls of skulls of Catholic monks. Wonder what the uninitiated would think of these!
I won’t try to defend the deities of practitioners of religions I am not and probably will never be a part of, I can only speak of my faith. I don’t know what the nature of deities is. But I also don’t see much difference in someone praying to an ancient deity, than in someone praying to St Anthony to help them find a lost item. I don’t see a difference in people burning incense in front of a statue of Anubis, as being different from carrying a statue of the Virgin around, throwing themselves face down before it, pledging everlasting love and then crowning it queen. All my young life I watched my mother change outfits on her infant of Prague statue for the various holidays and seasons, and watched people cross themselves with holy water when they entered and left sacred space…and you think pagan practices are silly? They are virtually identical in so many ways!
People of all ilk have certain psychological needs that religion can fill, the details differ, but at the heart there is the same need, the same longing for answers, and to participate in something larger than ourselves.
Think of how much comfort St Christopher brought to millions before the church told us he never really existed…
I’m not dissing Catholicism. I am glad I was raised Catholic, I loved the richness of it. Mylove of ritual began there. It put me in excellant stead for my life long spiritual seeking. Revelations I had as a Catholic, during Catholic prayer sessions etc, led me to my current beliefs. I don’t believe it was the devil speaking to me as I kept vigil on Holy Thursday night in front of the Blessed Sacrament.