Big applause to the first answer

Homeschool them.
Let’s face facts, people can tend to be inconsiderate and/or incompetent. A lot of parents send their kids to school even if they are sick.
- they don’t know better (schools do an inadequate job of teaching parents when to keep their kids home - it’s bad for business if nobody shows up)
- They don’t want to leave their kids home alone
- Their kids “need an education”
What can you do about this? Nothing. You send a kid to school during cold and flu season, s/he will be surrounded with kids that by all rights should probably be quarrantined. Back in the day, asthma was something that maybe one kid in the whole school ever got, but now everyone’s got it.
Oh, and about dairy - First of all I’d be pretty apprehensive about taking parental advice from Dr. Spock, as his own kid committed suicide. Second, cow’s milk is filled with beneficial enzymes, it is essentially a “living” food.
However, what they sell in stores labeled “milk” is artificially fortified, causing unnatural levels of nutrients to be introduced into the body and also undermining the “food matrix” (vitamins are only beneficial “in context”, otherwise is unnatural).
It is also filled with female horomones (they feed these to the cows, so they produce more milk) which is both unnatural in female bodies and (obviously) out of place in male bodies.
And finally, all the antibiotics they feed the cows. They shoot anything that moves, whether it’s a good microorganism or a bad one. The good microorganisms are our best friends. They help us digest, they keep us healthy. The gross overuse of antibiotics causes us to lose beneficial microorganisms, causes the bad microorganisms to adapt, which means they can’t treat infections now.
Anyways, sorry if that sounded like ranting