Never Ending Colds?

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chrismyster: what do you drink?
Probably soy milk, if anything at all.

I stopped drinking cow’s milk years ago when I realized that I would always have a stomachache afterwards. I still used a little bit on my cereal until I found a soy milk brand that I actually liked (“Silk”, which is either with the dairy or in the refrigerated organics section of the supermarket). Now if I want hot chocolate, I heat up the soy milk and mix in the real cocoa powder- no dairy. Or if I want chocolate milk, I buy the chocolate soy, which has a really rich real chocolate flavor. Usually I don’t drink cold beverages other than water or orange juice, so I haven’t missed cow’s milk in years. It actually tastes funny to me now.

The stuff’s not for everyone, but for those of us with lactose intolerance it’s a God-send. I still have a stuffy nose, but I’ve always had bad sinuses, regardless of diet.

Oh- I still indulge in ice cream occasionally and suffer the consequences- haven’t found a good substitute yet that is carried at my local supermarkets. 🙂
Jost don’t give soy to any of your boys from whom you hope to get grandchildren. It is loaded with estrogen and some scientists link it’s increased presence in our food suppy to reduced sperm counts.

Chris C.
STOP hand washing all the time. Use sanitizers RARELY…

If we continue to kill ALL the germs, how is our body to build up a stong immune system?

Just my opinion from a mom with an 11 year old son who has had only ONE cold his whole life.
When my daughter was in preschool she seemed to have a never ending runny nose and I was sick more than I’d ever been in my life. We home school now and she may get 1 cold a year (sometimes 2), I get sick a couple times a year now. Kids who are in the school system are exposed to way more colds/viruses than homeschoolers.

another subject: love Silk soy vanilla, I especially drink it when my crohn’s is bothering me. Not all soy is the same though - some is just gross. That being said when my daughter was a little younger (she’s 9) she drank milk almost exclusively (that’s all she liked) and was rarely ever sick. I’m not convinced about the milk being the problem.
Chris C.:
Jost don’t give soy to any of your boys from whom you hope to get grandchildren. It is loaded with estrogen and some scientists link it’s increased presence in our food suppy to reduced sperm counts.

Chris C.
:rotfl: That’s a new one. That would mean people of asian decent would have been extinct by now. Soy is a huge part of their diet. Soy has been linked to having very many excellant health benefits.
rayne89 said:
:rotfl: That’s a new one. That would mean people of asian decent would have been extinct by now. Soy is a huge part of their diet. Soy has been linked to having very many excellant health benefits.

Actually its true. Soy is a precursor to estrogen and has been linked to male gynocomastia (man-boobs), reduced sprem counts, and voice changes. Soy is wonderful for women, which may explain why most asian women experience very mild menopause.
those rumors on soy were started by a stridently anti-soy article written by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, titled “Tragedy and Hype,” that has been widely circulated. This article presents a systematic series of accusations against soy consumption, and has formed the basis for many similar articles. Large numbers of people, as a result, are now seriously questioning the safety of soy.

for more insightful information instead of sound blurbs and “i heard somewheres” go read this article.

and if your that concerned about soy intake, check out how many products you eat during the day made with soy protein and fillers.
Big applause to the first answer:D Homeschool them.

Let’s face facts, people can tend to be inconsiderate and/or incompetent. A lot of parents send their kids to school even if they are sick.

  1. they don’t know better (schools do an inadequate job of teaching parents when to keep their kids home - it’s bad for business if nobody shows up)
  2. They don’t want to leave their kids home alone
  3. Their kids “need an education”
What can you do about this? Nothing. You send a kid to school during cold and flu season, s/he will be surrounded with kids that by all rights should probably be quarrantined. Back in the day, asthma was something that maybe one kid in the whole school ever got, but now everyone’s got it.

Oh, and about dairy - First of all I’d be pretty apprehensive about taking parental advice from Dr. Spock, as his own kid committed suicide. Second, cow’s milk is filled with beneficial enzymes, it is essentially a “living” food.

However, what they sell in stores labeled “milk” is artificially fortified, causing unnatural levels of nutrients to be introduced into the body and also undermining the “food matrix” (vitamins are only beneficial “in context”, otherwise is unnatural).

It is also filled with female horomones (they feed these to the cows, so they produce more milk) which is both unnatural in female bodies and (obviously) out of place in male bodies.

And finally, all the antibiotics they feed the cows. They shoot anything that moves, whether it’s a good microorganism or a bad one. The good microorganisms are our best friends. They help us digest, they keep us healthy. The gross overuse of antibiotics causes us to lose beneficial microorganisms, causes the bad microorganisms to adapt, which means they can’t treat infections now.

Anyways, sorry if that sounded like ranting:p
Adam Costanzo:
And finally, all the antibiotics they feed the cows. They shoot anything that moves, whether it’s a good microorganism or a bad one. The good microorganisms are our best friends. They help us digest, they keep us healthy. The gross overuse of antibiotics causes us to lose beneficial microorganisms, causes the bad microorganisms to adapt, which means they can’t treat infections now.
Actually not quite accurate on this specific section. Antibiotics do not shoot anything that moves. Tthere are SOME broad spectrum antibiotics, but even they don’t kill all. Many antibiotics are very specific.

But it is also true that over-use of antibiotics has been and continues to be very dangerous.
Adam Costanzo:
Big applause to the first answer:D Homeschool them.

Let’s face facts, people can tend to be inconsiderate and/or incompetent. A lot of parents send their kids to school even if they are sick.
BOY is this a topic on my heart!!! because the totally incompetent and inconsiderate parent cares more about their job than their child. That is why they send their child to school sick. Because God forbid they miss a day of work!!! This happened to me–when a classmate of my son was sent to school with near pnemonia, and the worst hacking cough I’ve ever heard. The poor boy was feeling soooo sick, but yet his dumb mom had to make it to her job, as a “career woman”----and then my son caught his illness–leaving him home in bed for a week. I remember calling his mom when I noticed it, expressing that I didn’t feel the boy should be at school. She just said–“well it’s not that bad”…and “I can’t miss work”…

ABSOLUTELY SICKENING TO ME!!! These parents should have their children taken away.

THIS is a huge problem IMO.
ABSOLUTELY SICKENING TO ME!!! These parents should have their children taken away.

THIS is a huge problem IMO.
While I completely agree that some parents use poor judgement and place there work schedule at a higher priorty I DO NOT agree that these children should be taken away from their parents for this reason. Have you ever looked at the foster system lately? There needs to be very serious consideration before children are removed from the home.

These children love their parents and the trauma when children are seperated from their parents would be huge and life long. Trust me most of these kids are still better off at home with less than perfect parents.
Any great secret to preventing this? I sanatize the children’s hands, give them vitamins and we seem to have a cold once a month. This is their first year in public school, BUT do you folks have any tips or supplements to suggest for this occurance?
Two words: dental hygiene.

Most things that enter the body do so through the mouth, which is also on a pathway to the throat and lungs, and is interconnected to the nose, ears, and eyes.

A recent study found quite a number of infectious organisms in dental plaque. No use letting them linger there to multiply and potentially do nasty things.

True, most of the organisms are bacteria, not viruses. But a slight bacterial infection can weaken tissues enough so they cannot repel a passing virus. And then, the bacteria can really get a hold themselves – sort of a double whammy.

Not a guarantee of freedom from colds, but it can reduce chances, and complications.


Gerry, that’s a good point. I wonder if having them gargle with watered down Listerine would help kill cold germs?
be obsessive-compulsive about putting all glasses & dishes through the dishwasher, also baby’s pacifier, sippy cups, toys that go in the mouth. wash kitchen sponge, dish rags and towels daily in hot water and bleach, clean phone, door handles, light plugs, toilet handles etc, things people touch everyday that never get cleaned, weekly with lysol or disinfectin household cleanser. wash towels and washrags more frequently, in hot water, and don’t let them share.

go out and buy all new tooth brushes every 6-8 weeks, biggest germ carrier in the house. teach flossing as soon as they are old enough. 1)plax or other mouthwash, 2) floss, 3) brush, and make sure they rinse the toothbrush and hang it where it will dry, not laid on the sink. use paper cups not plastic in the bathroom.

I have to agree on no dairy. Just try it for a week, absolutely no dairy, then serve it 3 times a day the 8th day, if you see a lot of sniffling and snuffling you know that is a factor. a lot of kids are allergic to soy as well.

if you have a thumb sucker who has a bankie or lovey, toss it in the washer and dryer while he is asleep. if it smells funky, it is.

by the way, I am not implying you are not a good housekeeper, only that kids get dirty and spread germs faster than one person can move.
Gerry, that’s a good point. I wonder if having them gargle with watered down Listerine would help kill cold germs?
I really don’t know if Listerine (or any other mouthwash) has ever had its efficacy against viruses evaluated. I’d ask a dentist if it would be helpful for overall oral hygiene.


Mine get sick frequently, I have 7 kids, five in school and they pass on germs to each other. One thing that bothers me is the school encourages parents to keep their kids home when sick, yet when I do sometimes the teachers themselves will encourage me to send them regularly so their marks will improve! One teacher implied my son was lying as he happened to be sick when a major assignment He told me I simply have to make him go, even though sometimes I may see tears :confused: . I am actually envious of homeschoolers not having to worry about falling behind due to illness. I wonder if it’s the fact that I stay at home makes the difference, the majority of parents at my school are working parents, who would be less likely to keep their kids home unless they were VERY sick.So maybe it makes us look bad? I don’t know.

“I DO NOT agree that these children should be taken away from their parents for this reason.”

I agree with you, in fact there would have to be very serious circumstances before I would consider calling children’s aid. Someone who lived around the block from me called on us (whom I have never seen before) because my daughter (age 3) wandered off around the block ONCE. I mean, I can see how someone would be concerned if they see a young child wandering around frequently, but once? She was missing for about 15 minutes, we actually thought she was in the house. We had to deal with 2 or 3 visits from a social worker which was a horrifying experience. She interviewed all of my kids, asking questions which were irrelavant to what actually happened (asking if they they had enough clothes to wear, food, etc) What annoyed me most is this gal looked very young (maybe 23) and inexperienced yet had the power to decide if children should be removed from the home or not. My sister has a friend who is a lawyer, and he said he has little respect for children’s aid, or at least how it operates. Sorry if this offends anyone here ,he did mention it is not uncommon for social workers to quit their jobs once they have children themselves as they have come to realize good parents actually do make mistakes.

Forgot to add, she closed the case for us, which is good news, but she warned me there would be serious consequences if they were to receive a call about us again. Of course, the ones who call for petty reasons (or who lie) never have to deal with any consequences, yet they make the majority (I think 80%?) of calls.
Char what a horrible experience!!! This 23 year old “honey” wasn’t even a social worker??
Yes, she was a social worker. I should have mentioned someone close to me had a similar experience, in her case she had a neighbour who called on her more than once. Her son is autistic, and even with special locks on her door her son managed to escape the house by breaking the screen, or if her daughter forgot to lock the door. He escaped in the middle of the night once too, after the social worker ordered her to take the lock off his bedroom door. She had to get written permission from his teacher and doctor to put the lock back on for his safety. While I’m sure this would look bad to some neighbours, this is an example that they should really understand the facts before calling children’s aid. She also had a very young social worker visit her who was quite condescending (saying if she really cared about her son she watch him better etc.) I have watched him before and it was a nightmare, I don’t know how she does it! He has improved over the last couple of years, thankfully.
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