Never Ending Colds?

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She had to get written permission from his teacher and doctor to put the lock back on for his safety​

Wow, that is CRIMINAL! :mad: The powers that be attack a woman trying to PROTECT her child and she needs written permission from a doctor?
That is because (I think) a lock on a child’s door can be a problem if there were a fire I’m not sure about other reasons. Still, we keep a lock on the door for when the baby is napping to keep toddlers out of there. Not only would he be woken up, which is a hassle, but babies can be hurt by toddlers! There is a much bigger chance of that than a fire, kwim? Thankfully she didn’t take a tour of our house, we would have probably been ordered to take the lock off too. You just can’t win!
monica fan:
Has anyone else had their Pastor change the Sign of Peace for fear of spreading germs? Our’s now says, lets all wave to everyone during the Sign of Peace. It’s not catching on too quickly yet.
During this cold-and-flu season, our pastor has asked that those who are ill just smile and bow or wave for the sign of peace. He reminded us that if one is sick with a contagious disease like the flu, he is excused from his Sunday obligation.

He also reminded us that it would be courteous not to take the Precious Blood if we are sick. No matter how well the cup is wiped, some saliva/germs still remains on the lip.

I have refrained from taking the Precious Blood for the last few weeks because the mass is full of coughing, sneezing people. I have already been sick once this season, and don’t want to be again.

God bless us all with good sense and good health,
Gerry, that’s a good point. I wonder if having them gargle with watered down Listerine would help kill cold germs?
No, Listerine is not effective against the viruses that cause colds and flu.

The best way to protect against illness in children is to keep them WARM. For the past few decades, this was considered an “old wives tale”. But recently, immunologists have re-discovered the fact that when people (and especially children) get chilly for any length of time, the immune system is seriously imparied and the person is far more vulnerable to viral infections like colds and flu.

The other factor in keeping the immune system strong is getting plenty of sleep. Most Americans are chronically sleep-deprived. We stay up too late watching TV, then get up early to go to work or school.

Most adult Americans sleep 6.5 hours or less each night. We need 8 to 9 hours a night to be healthy.

Children normally need 10 hours of sleep each night to be healthy, yet most American children sleep less than 8 hours per night.

God bless,
more on oral hygiene which is critical to strong immune system, add to previous suggestions, no soft drinks, canned or from a mix, no “juice drinks” that are basically sugar, water and artificials. limits on sweets and unrefined carbs in general as snacks, since they build up plaque quicker, setting up environment for growth of bacteria, cold sores etc.

also make sure furnace filters and cleaned or changed regularly, including cold air return and heat vent grills. keep heat between 68 and 72 to avoid drying the air excessively. If you have a humidifier make sure it is cleaned and disinfected regularly.

lots of fluids, just no soft drinks.
Being as I live in Wisconsin, and we practically have a cow in every yard, how do you “no dairy” folks get your calcium? I have heard that we are all horribly calcium deficient as it is. And I just have to say it-for the argument that no other animal but man drinks another animals milk…that has got to be the weakest argument for doing or not doing something that I’ve ever heard. I don’t know of any other animals that read, write, have opposable thumbs, pray, etc…but I sure ain’t gonna stop just cause they don’t!
Next thought- for every idea proposed, someone else is saying the exact opposite (in general, not specifically this thread I mean). I have read about studies done linking SIDS to having keeping babies too warm (and they didn’t mean blankets, which can cause other issues). Of course, it all depends on your definition of warm. I have read stories about keeping your kids isolated and allowing them to mingle in the general population, both with pros and cons for germs. No matter what you do or don’t do- someone will think you are wrong or have a different idea. All we can do is the best we can, the rest is up to the big guy!
Countries with the highest consumption of dairy products: Finland, Sweden, United States, England.

Countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis: Finland, Sweden, United States, England.

Daily calcium intake for African Americans: More that 1,000 mg.

Daily calcium intake for black South Africans: 196 mg.

Hip fracture rate for African Americans compared to black South Africans: 9 times greater.

Calcium intake in rural China: One-half that of people in the U.S.

Bone fracture rate in rural China: One-fifth that of people in the U.S.

Some researchers question the wisdom of current government calcium recommendations. They note that the Standard American Diet is so fundamentally flawed that trying to protect our bones by taking in loads of calcium is like trying to fill a tub with no stopper by turning up the faucets. In general, world dietary patterns show that countries where people consume large amounts of calcium are also countries where people eat enormous amounts of animal protein, such as in the United States and northern Europe. These countries also suffer among the world’s highest rate of fractures due to osteoporosis, the disease characterized by weak, porous bones. “The correlation between animal protein consumption and fracture rates in different societies is as strong as that between lung cancer and smoking,” says T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University.

Eating animal protein, which is high in sulfur-containing amino acids, requires the body to find a way to buffer the effects of those amino acids. It does so by releasing calcium from the bones, literally peeing them away. Robert Heaney, professor of medicine at the Creighton University School of Medicine and a proponent of high dairy consumption, nevertheless admits that his research shows the “single most important determinate” of the rate of bone gain in young women is not how much calcium they consume, but how much calcium they consume in relation to animal protein. The more protein eaten, the more calcium must be consumed to offset the calcium drain. Unfortunately, most people in the US and Northern Europe eat well more than double the recommended amount of protein and more than four or five times the amount of protein actually needed – with 70 percent of it coming from animal sources. Hello, osteoporosis.

Ovo-lacto-vegetarians can get the Recommended Daily Allowance of calcium by consuming dairy products, but this is not recommended. Although many people think of calcium in the diet as good protection for their bones, this is not at all the whole story. In fact, in a 12-year Harvard study of 78,000 women, those who got the most calcium from dairy products actually broke more bones than women who rarely drank milk.8 Similarly, a 1994 study of elderly men and women in Sydney, Australia, showed that higher dairy product consumption was associated with increased fracture risk. Those with the highest dairy product consumption had approximately double the risk of hip fracture compared to those with the lowest consumption. 9 A study following adolescent girls from age 12 through 18 found that the amount of calcium they ingested made zero difference in development of bone mineral density during the years when women develop between 40 to 60% of their bone mass of calcium intake is for vegans. Given how little is really known, if you are vegan it may not hurt to try to get something close to the RDA for calcium. Good vegan calcium sources include collard greens, broccoli, kale, turnip greens, tofu prepared with calcium, and fortified beverages including orange juice, soy or rice milk (check the labels).
For more information on this topic and many others, please visit John Robbins’ website at


Lactose intolerance among adults of Asian descent: 90-100 percent.

Among Native Americans: 95 percent.

Among people of African descent: 65-70 percent.

Among people of Italian descent: 65-70 percent.

Among people of Hispanic descent: 50-60 percent.

Among people of Caucasian descent: 10 percent.

Countries with the highest consumption of dairy products: Finland, Sweden, United States, England.

Countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis: Finland, Sweden, United States, England.

Daily calcium intake for African Americans: More that 1,000 mg.

Daily calcium intake for black South Africans: 196 mg.

Hip fracture rate for African Americans compared to black South Africans: 9 times greater.

Calcium intake in rural China: One-half that of people in the U.S.

Bone fracture rate in rural China: One-fifth that of people in the U.S.

Foods that when eaten produce calcium loss through urinary excretion: animal protein, salt, and coffee.

Amount of calcium lost in the urine of a woman after eating a hamburger: 28 milligrams.

Amount of calcium lost in the urine of a woman after drinking a cup of coffee: 2 milligrams.

Antibiotics allowed in U.S. cow’s milk: 80.

Antibiotics found in soymilk: None.

Children with chronic constipation so intractable that it can’t be treated successfully by laxatives, who are cured by switching from cow’s milk to soymilk: 44 percent.

Average American’s estimate when asked what percentage of adults worldwide do not drink milk: 1 percent.

Actual number of adults worldwide who do not drink milk: 70 percent.
Human beings are the only animals on the planet who habitually drink the milk of another animal, even after weaning. I dare anyone to name another animal that HABITUALLY drinks the milk of another animal. Cat’s don’t count, they wouldn’t drink it if it wasn’t fed to them, i.e. they don’t go out of their way to find another animals milk for consumption.

I got off milk a year ago, and my chronic sinusitis went away about 2 weeks later. There is a caveat to the soy milk thing. Soy protein is a precursor to estrogen, so guys need to be careful about how much soy products they consume. There are documented cases of men developing gynecomastia as a result of overconsumption of soy protein. Soy is great for women and it has also een proven that women who regularly consume soy protein suffer from significantly less complications arising from menopause.
STOP hand washing all the time. Use sanitizers RARELY…

If we continue to kill ALL the germs, how is our body to build up a stong immune system?

Just my opinion from a mom with an 11 year old son who has had only ONE cold his whole life.
I AGREE!!! It’s the families who are the most germ-fobic who are sick all the time. A friend of mine keeps a dozen bottles of the sanitizer in all locations of home/car/school. Her family won’t drink the wine at church. They are always sick!! I take just normal precautions, as does my family, and we are pretty healthy.
Clearly, we are not talking just about milk, but about all dairy. It would be very difficult to remove all dairy from a diet, especially children’s diets. Are you suggesting we remove cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, etc.? I can see how difficult it might be to tell a child he was no longer allowed to have macaroni and cheese, ice cream, chocolate, pizza, cereal…especially when the evidence doesnÕt seem to be conclusive. These foods are everyone in a child’s diet.

I got off milk a year ago, and my chronic sinusitis went away about 2 weeks later. There is a caveat to the soy milk thing.​

You are fortunate. I had to have surgery on my nose to make that not happen as much. Now, I just have a chronically runny nose. I suppose that’s better it’s comming out rather than getting blocked up and infected.

*fortunately, we had a DEEP freeze and the children had a week off from school, so far so good. I don’t want to say much!
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