Tell him if it’s no big deal, then he can just let it go, right? I mean, if it’s ONLY a pretty picture, he should have no problem getting rid of it.
Alan,Dear Sandy,
Nearly every post I’ve seen here so far involves convincing you in how dangerous this porn is, and how much he needs to change. I have a good (non-Catholic) friend who has this problem, but otherwise has a great job, great relationship with his wife and kids, etc. I don’t understand it at all; I have talked to him quite a great deal about it and he just doesn’t seem to be able to let it go. It caused some friction between him and his wife, until she finally let it go as an issue. I’m guessing he’ll grow out of it; he is in his mid-thirties, but very possibly not.
Please don’t let this one weakness of his become more important to you than the positive things you quoted above. It would be easy to take all these people’s valid concerns and turn it into one big attitude against your husband. Sometimes you have to let the wheat and weeds grow together until the harvest. Not to say you shouldn’t be concerned, or even turned off by it, but don’t let your whole relationship take on an ugly color if a few sessions of therapy don’t “magically” take the problem away. I like the one poster who compromised that she would not withhold intimacy if he got rid of his habits. That may not be a solution for you, depending on the nature of your husband’s problem and your current situation, but I like the approach.
**That’s what the counselor told me…that if it wasn’t a big deal, my husband would have thrown them out. Being as he threw out the first box of pictures I found last year but bought some more a month before our wedding (which I didn’t find out until a month after we were married), then this more than likely is an addiction. The counselor said that my husband shows the classic signs of an addictive…ie; becoming defensive when talking about the pictures, buying them and hiding them…not letting anyone know about them, and trying to justify having them by not admitting that they are pornographic…sort of like an alcoholic saying they only drink socially. **Tell him if it’s no big deal, then he can just let it go, right? I mean, if it’s ONLY a pretty picture, he should have no problem getting rid of it.
Oh, I see you have a broken leg. Here’s a band-aid… catch!!Dear Sandy,
Nearly every post I’ve seen here so far involves convincing you in how dangerous this porn is, and how much he needs to change. I have a good (non-Catholic) friend who has this problem, but otherwise has a great job, great relationship with his wife and kids, etc. I don’t understand it at all; I have talked to him quite a great deal about it and he just doesn’t seem to be able to let it go. It caused some friction between him and his wife, until she finally let it go as an issue. I’m guessing he’ll grow out of it; he is in his mid-thirties, but very possibly not.
Please don’t let this one weakness of his become more important to you than the positive things you quoted above. It would be easy to take all these people’s valid concerns and turn it into one big attitude against your husband. Sometimes you have to let the wheat and weeds grow together until the harvest. Not to say you shouldn’t be concerned, or even turned off by it, but don’t let your whole relationship take on an ugly color if a few sessions of therapy don’t “magically” take the problem away. I like the one poster who compromised that she would not withhold intimacy if he got rid of his habits. That may not be a solution for you, depending on the nature of your husband’s problem and your current situation, but I like the approach.
Counseling is NOT focusing on the negative. It’s recognizing that the negative is there, as is the positive.Alan,
Thank you for your reply…it has made me take a step back and focus on the positive aspects of my marriage. He really is a good man and has told me numerous times how much he admires my faith and my moral convictions. He also said that he is trying to be a good husband and wants to be able to be as strong in his faith as I am in mine.
I do feel that if I would continue focusing on the negative that I would go into counselling with the wrong attitude and it would be counter productive.
Thanks again
To each his own…I would think that if her counseling sessions are going well, to her satisfaction, the need to seek support, validation, advice, etc, on this forum will diminish proportionately.lovesfall…I can understand the position your in and it seems that you and your husband are on your way to working this issue out…however in my opinion your counseling sessions and things discussed there should be kept private and between the three of you…if you wanted to say how things are going good or bad, that’s one thing but to discuss the sessions is a bit to private, again in my opinion…I just know that I would feel betrayed if my wife and I were in counseling and she decided to post about it on a website…please dont take this as an attack, I know it helps to discuss things with others but I think we need to be careful about some of things we discuss.
God Bless.
It’s not like we know who she is or her husband for that matterlovesfall…I can understand the position your in and it seems that you and your husband are on your way to working this issue out…however in my opinion your counseling sessions and things discussed there should be kept private and between the three of you…if you wanted to say how things are going good or bad, that’s one thing but to discuss the sessions is a bit to private, again in my opinion…I just know that I would feel betrayed if my wife and I were in counseling and she decided to post about it on a website…please dont take this as an attack, I know it helps to discuss things with others but I think we need to be careful about some of things we discuss.
God Bless.
He has stated why he does NOT look at these pictures. Ask him to state why he DOES?I agree 100% with everything you had to say, the problem is my husband insists that he does not look at the pictures to become aroused or does he lust after the women in those pictures. .
Thank you Alan, for reminding us that we are to hate the sin while we LOVE the sinner. This man is your husband, he is in bondage. Remember this war is against, not the flesh, but the powers and principalities of darkness. Pray for him and love him … Christ does.Dear Sandy,
Nearly every post I’ve seen here so far involves convincing you in how dangerous this porn is, and how much he needs to change. I have a good (non-Catholic) friend who has this problem, but otherwise has a great job, great relationship with his wife and kids, etc. I don’t understand it at all; I have talked to him quite a great deal about it and he just doesn’t seem to be able to let it go. It caused some friction between him and his wife, until she finally let it go as an issue. I’m guessing he’ll grow out of it; he is in his mid-thirties, but very possibly not.
Please don’t let this one weakness of his become more important to you than the positive things you quoted above. It would be easy to take all these people’s valid concerns and turn it into one big attitude against your husband. Sometimes you have to let the wheat and weeds grow together until the harvest. Not to say you shouldn’t be concerned, or even turned off by it, but don’t let your whole relationship take on an ugly color if a few sessions of therapy don’t “magically” take the problem away. I like the one poster who compromised that she would not withhold intimacy if he got rid of his habits. That may not be a solution for you, depending on the nature of your husband’s problem and your current situation, but I like the approach.
lovesfall…I can understand the position your in and it seems that you and your husband are on your way to working this issue out…however in my opinion your counseling sessions and things discussed there should be kept private and between the three of you…if you wanted to say how things are going good or bad, that’s one thing but to discuss the sessions is a bit to private, again in my opinion…I just know that I would feel betrayed if my wife and I were in counseling and she decided to post about it on a website…please dont take this as an attack, I know it helps to discuss things with others but I think we need to be careful about some of things we discuss.
God Bless.
**I understand what you are saying and I am a private person and wouldn’t reveal anything that I feel is too personal. I was just going to come in here every once in awhile to let anyone that is interested know how things are going. **lovesfall…I can understand the position your in and it seems that you and your husband are on your way to working this issue out…however in my opinion your counseling sessions and things discussed there should be kept private and between the three of you…if you wanted to say how things are going good or bad, that’s one thing but to discuss the sessions is a bit to private, again in my opinion…I just know that I would feel betrayed if my wife and I were in counseling and she decided to post about it on a website…please dont take this as an attack, I know it helps to discuss things with others but I think we need to be careful about some of things we discuss.
God Bless.
That certainly would get his attention! Thanks for making me laugh! It has been awhile.He has stated why he does NOT look at these pictures. Ask him to state why he DOES?
If it is not to be aroused, or to remember fondly a person or event, perhaps he considers it art? If he says that he thinks it’s art, then (if he still has them) do him a favor and tell him as your wife you want to support him in his hobbies. Take the pictures and frame them, then display them prominantly around your home. If there is nothing wrong with them, he shouldn’t be embarrassed. Everytime you find some … do this.
“But Honey … I just don’t understand why your so upset? You said yourself there’s nothing wrong with it them.”
Exposure works wonders … so does a little reverse psychology.
**Thanks ferla… **To each his own…I would think that if her counseling sessions are going well, to her satisfaction, the need to seek support, validation, advice, etc, on this forum will diminish proportionately.
lovesfall said:**That certainly would get his attention! Thanks for making me laugh! It has been awhile.
**I was serious!
Glad things are going well! Have a blessed Christmas season!Just wanted to give an update to anyone that is interested.
My husband and I had our first counselling session together and it went quite well. Much to my surprise, the counselor was very sympathetic and understanding with regards to my feelings (I was a bit apprehensive as I did want a woman therapist…for several reasons). He was very straightfoward with my husband and told him that what he did was wrong and painful to me, especially in light of the fact that he (my husband) knew of my past and also that he lied to me about sharing the same morals and values.
I do feel that counselling is going to help our marriage, and I have already started to see a change in my husband. I know it’s going to take a long time not only until I am able to trust him, but also for him to make progress with overcoming his addiction. We are also going to attend a Retrouvaille weekend the end of next month…I have heard nothing but positive feedback regarding this program.
Hope everyone had a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!
God Bless
My husband and I went to Retrouvaille. It was really good for both of us, but I have to say the time was right for us to go. We didn’t go right away, my husband and I were both in counseling (separate) and then I stopped going because I felt my therapist didn’t take marriage seriously enough (she had me actually planning my divorce!). He continued going because of his porn addiction.PS. Our priest recommended that we try the Retrouvaille weekend. Any thoughts on that?