The businesses that exploit them (this is one of the points on which I agree with the anti-immigration folks, BTW); and the people who want to punish them as criminals for trying to feed their families. We have a nation of Javerts, it seems.
When the law finally catches up with them they pay the piper. That is justice, not oppression.
Sure: “And those who stumble, and those who fall, must pay the price.” . . . .
Who’s punishing them for leaving their country? Not us. Those who leave their country through proper legal channels are more than welcome here.
That is nonsense. Do you have any idea how long the waiting list is? I’m sure you do–nationalistic Americans use it as a way of showing how wonderful America is. It is therefore plainly false to claim that everyone who tries to use legal channels is welcome. Only a tiny minority are welcome, and they know this. Accusing them of despising legal recourse is simply hypocritical.
What we should do about it is pressure their government to take care of their own. We should be gathering the people in their country to demand change at home. You see what can happen when they unite to demand fair treatment - government leaders listen, but the only reason they are united here is because we are a truly free country. If they were to unite at home they and those who empower them, lead them, would be killed, I have no doubt. So they come over here and rally the people here to change our laws here to accommodate them over our own national security. This is not right.
Why isn’t it right? Why this superstitious regard for national borders? It’s incompatible with orthodox Christianity. Human needs take precedence over national borders, period. Borders are nothing more than administrative conveniences. They have nothing sacred about them whatsoever. That is one of the basic issues here, I think.Nationalism is a form of idolatry, and many Christians have fallen into it.
By the way, I’m all in favor of local patriotism. I think that the discipline of place is very important. But that’s different from worshipping lines drawn arbitrarily on a map by a government.
As for making a decision in desperation, many women choose to abort due to desperation. Does that make it morally correct for them to do so?
So you think feeding one’s children is the same thing as killing them?
The undocumented worker comes here in desperation. In order to secure a job they false identification. Two moral laws come to mind: thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness.
I would need to study the casuistry better to decide whether false ID (for the purpose of providing for one’s family) is legitimate. The Church has a long history of debating just when it may be morally OK to lie. There is no consensus in favor of the rigorist position that it is always wrong–though that position has a venerable history going back to St. Augustine, and I find it appealing.
I can’t even see how stealing applies. St. Thomas said that if people are in desperate need then they have the right to take what they need. Admittedly that applies only to the most basic necessities. But I’m not sure what is being stolen here anyway.
Ends do not justify the means.
Ends do not justify intrinsically evil means. Ends may justify some means that would be wrong in most circumstances. The obvious example is killing. Taking a human life is legitimate in some very carefully defined circumstances. Many ethicists have said that lying falls into the same category. And taking what legally belongs to someone else certainly does–by no stretch of the imagination can it possibly be said to be intrinsically evil. (Think of this test case: if you were dying of hunger and cold in the Alaskan forest and you came across someone’s summer home locked and empty, wouldn’t you be justified in breaking into it for food and shelter?)
You talk about unjust laws. Well the law which allows women to abort is unjust, and yet we all are obliged to respect it while lobbying to get the laws changed.
No, we most certainly are not. That’s a monstrous opinion. We owe the laws allowing abortion no respect whatsoever. An unjust law is no law, period.
Same with the immigration laws. If they are unjust, then we lobby to change them but we are still obliged to respect them until they are replaced.
Not if they are patently unjust. If we simply think they are misguided, then we must obey them.