Newbie question

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Just to clarify, the Church does allow homologous artificial insemination provided that the sperm is obtained in a licit manner (in a conjugal act). This is not in vitro fertilization which takes place outside the womb. Homologous artificial insemination is the use of scientific procedures to “assist” the normal process and is morally legitimate.

As for collecting sperm from a conjugal act “spinning it” and then reintroducing it to the womb, that sounds like a gray area. I would venture to say that it would not be permissible according to the double effect. It would seem that “assisting” the natural process would be good if the reason was somewhat serious (ie, this is the only way the couple can conceive), but not necessarily good if the reason was somewhat arbitrary (ie, couple can conceive w/o a problem but wants a child of a particular sex). Choosing the sex also strikes me as somewhat unnatural. We are unable to choose “naturally” the sex of a child.

I think your decision ought to be do we welcome (regardless of sex) another of God’s children into our lives or not.
My friend is one of eight daughters, no brothers, did her parents hope that God would give them a son? Sure but in a way he did, they have 6 sons in laws and many grandsons now also. Do they regret anything? NoWay. If God wants you to have a son then you will have a son. What message are you sending to your daughters? Mommy risked her life because we just had to have a boy? You were great girls but we just had to have that boy? Sounds pretty selfish, sorry, but it just does. My brother and his wife have two beautiful girls and they have also been told no more and they almost lost their second daughter as she was born 10 weeks preemie, the baby was deprived of oxygen and now has had many complications. Do they feel bad they won’t have a son? Sure, will my brother put his wifes life in danger? No way he almost lost her and the child he does not want to raise his children alone. He loves these little girls so much it is really just beautiful. Focus on the children you have if you choose to go ahead and have a baby against medical advice, do it the natural way, then if its still another girl, thank God for your wife and daughters safety. If God doesn’t want you to have a boy, even if you mix sperm and implant it that doesn’t guarantee a boy, what if it was still a girl? God, is in charge, not you, leave it up to him. 👍
The following is a reprint from my post at Searching for saint(s) of mothers-to-be thread. As for gender facilitating, some BOMA instructors will tell you there is evidence that NFP Practitioners who conceive at the height of Fertility are more likely to have a boy becase XY semen travels faster and dies quicker in the uterine env’t than XX semen, which are slower but live longer in the womans system. However, I find the gender planning thing icky. Why don’t you adopt instead?
Congratulations! My Patron Saint List for Pregnant women are listed below but I MUST address the NFP issue. Such a shame that your wife is unwilling to explore the benefits of NFP. I have been using it for 2 years (since I got married, I’m 36) and I have many friends who have used it for much longer. Many secular, generally holistic women who use NFP are scared of the harmful, physical long term effects of Birth Control Pills (there are many) on women and disgusted by the supposed “authoritative-all knowing” advertising factory of the profit driven pharmaceutical industry. :mad: Yet these 18-34 year old hippies insist on a full-proof method of planning conception. Also, when done correctly, many NFP systems are conducted daily with BOTH the Husband and the Wife, NFP increases communication between spouses and enhances the Marital Bond.

NFP is not the Rhythm Method

Please take time to look up these websites below. Call (your local diocese NFP director) -tell her you’d like info, your wife is currently not interested in NFP and she’s pregnant.
Please take the initiative and approach your wife, after the birth, with a gentle request… Honey, lets talk about NFP…
One More Soul
Billing Ovulation Method
Fitch Fertility Center

Contact me if you wish. My husband will be happy to tell you about our NFP experiences.
Why oh WHY don’t Diocese REQUIRE NFP training during PreCana I’ll never know…. :banghead:

Don’t forget to ask your Priest or Deacon to bless your wife before childbirth (short or long formulary)

Here’s my list of Patron Saints for Pregnant woman. Check out their stories at
Mary, Queen of All Saints-Hey if you were giving birth to God….
St. Anne, mother of Mary
St Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s mom
Sarah –old test.-she laughed when she heard she’d be pregnant at 90!
Rachel-old test
St Anthony of Padua
St Colette- Patroness of Childless Couples, Intercessor for Expectant Mothers, Friend of Sick Children
St Margaret the Virgin Martyr

Lastly, ask St Dymphna to intercede on behalf of your expanding family. She is the Patron Saint of Mental Illness.
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