Two rules for a successful marriage:
Forgiveness is mandatory.
Divorce is not an option.
– Mark L. Chance.
Absolutely true!! And whoever came up with the notion of “newly-wed bliss” should have been slowly suffocated with a wedding cake.
I had a somewhat similar experience in that one night just weeks before my wedding while out w/ one of my bridesmaids, we ran into and had a couple drinks with an old boyfriend of mine with whom my husband had some issues. My mistake: I deliberately didn’t mention it to him thinking it was of no importance, was nothing I planned or set up and that nothing but an argument would come of it. Well, when he found out from someone else…it made it look to him like I was “covering something up.” It was a big conflict a week before the wedding–fueled in no small part by pre-wedding jitters. We were able to work it out and jealousy has long since ceased to be an issue as we both learned to make the effort to be open and accountable out of respect and consideration.
That said, the first year of marriage can be terribly challenging, eye opening and down-right discouraging as you learn the intimate details of your spouse’s flaws. Sometimes the most humbling, eye-opening exchange between spouses is not an anger-driven knock-down, drag out screaming match, but a calm, sincere observation like “you really let me down,” “I’m so disappointed,” “You hurt me,” or “I expected better from you.”
Assuming the best about your wife, she undoubtedly knows she hurt you and, believe it or not, is probably suffering more than you are because she knows she caused the problem. The greatest gift you could give her and your marriage is your sincere forgiveness. It is a gift you WILL need in return someday and will have to give again. If she is sorry and resolves to eliminate this kind of behaviour, leave this mistake in the past. (and keep in mind the good thing about conflict is resolving it, learning a lesson
and making up

! ) If it is a symptom of other issues in your relationship or her maturity, get a 3d party involved to work through it to a solution.