Newsom signs long gun rationing bill into 'law'. Lawsuit ensues

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More Americans kill each other than any foreign or domestic invaders. Statistics can’t be argued with. I mean the State invented the right, so the State needs to revise it as a duty to society.
There were so many things wrong here I didn’t know where to start.

So I didn’t.

For everybody else.

Here is a book worth reading. It is available online for free if you cannot afford it.

Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 5th PRINTING Edition​

by R. J. Rummel (Author)

Also the state did not “invent” the “right”.

States cannot invent “rights”
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Guns make me look cool and feel tough this is why I need to buy so many
I love guns make me feel very masculine like real man
How about the women who are defending themselves against an “ex” who is breaking his restraining order for the umpty ninth time but this time he starts knocking her around MORE than usual telling her, he is not only going to kill her, but her children (who are watching in horror) too?

And the cops always get there AFTER the beatings despite hurrying.

Do you think this makes her feel “feminine” too?

Is it just possible this issue is beyond you and your “feelings”?

Guns make me look cool and feel tough this is why I need to buy so many
This speaks for itself.
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I’m not saying anything about anything I just said guns make me feel manly which is why I buy so many.
I’m not saying anything about anything
This is most certainly true.

EDIT: I encourage you to see an NRA firearms trainer to help you develop a more mature and intelligent view of arms ownership.
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I’ve always said that there is a difference between liberals and progressives. Liberals believe in individual rights, just like conservatives do. We may argue on the role of government in things like government social spending. That’s okay.
Good to know during our last few days on CAF we can finally have a civil discussion here. Thanks for all your thoughts and making things interesting. We have more in common than you may realize.
Good to know during our last few days on CAF we can finally have a civil discussion here.
Finally? I know we’ve sparred, but I’ve always considered you civil and respectful.
Thanks for all your thoughts and making things interesting. We have more in common than you may realize.
And thanks to you as well.
It is often the case that online discussions lack the broad understandings that face to face conversations do. I have no doubt that we have more in common than our online discussion reveals.
At the very least, I have enjoyed our conversations and hold you the way you preset them in high respect
From 2018 (The scenario I posted above may be hypothetical but there are many realities that are pretty close too) . . . .
Police: Ex-Boyfriend Kicks in Door, Takes Bullet to Chest from Mother of Five World News
Police: Ex-Boyfriend Kicks in Door, Takes Bullet to Chest from Mother of Five By AWR Hawkins 23 Jul 2018 Police say a mother in South Fulton, Georgia, shot her ex-boyfriend in the chest after he kicked in the door while her five children were in the house. WSB-TV 2 reports that the mother had broken up the ex-boyfriend the day before and she placed a 911 call while he was trying to get in the home. South Fulton Police Lt. Charles Cook said, “We received a call. … I believe on Montilly Place,…

But this doesn’t matter to some politicians in America or elsewhere . . . . .

Toronto mayor calls for total disarmament after mass shooting​

By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Monday, July 23, 2018

Canada is often portrayed — by film-maker Michael Moore and others — as a nation with common-sense gun control and fewer murders.

Apparently that’s not enough for Toronto’s mayor, who called Monday for the total disarmament of the city — saying nobody needs a gun . .
Toronto mayor calls for total disarmament after mass shooting World News
Toronto mayor calls for total disarmament after mass shooting By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Monday, July 23, 2018 Canada is often portrayed — by film-maker Michael Moore and others — as a nation with common-sense gun control and fewer murders. Apparently that’s not enough for Toronto’s mayor, who called Monday for the total disarmament of the city — saying nobody needs a gun . . . My guess is, when he says “nobody needs a gun” he is exempting HIMSELF and other politicians (vi…
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Among law-abiding citizens, who would need to purchase more than one gun a month?
Last time I checked we don’t have a bill of needs.

In a free country, people can buy as much of a legal good as they can afford regardless of need.
Not necessarily the case. Even for food, supermarkets set a limit on the number of items that are permitted to be purchased. This limitation is that much more necessary for deadly weapons such as guns. Freedom of rights always entails a degree of responsibility on the part of the individual and the government.
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Freedom of rights always entails a degree of responsibility on the part of the individual and the government.
Except there is nothing “irresponsible” about a gal choosing to buy guns for herself.

It is her choice as to what she lawfully buys.
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Buying one or two guns is fine, but buying a large number of guns sounds a bit irresponsible to me, perhaps reflecting a psychological problem. If such a buyer is mentally or emotionally unstable due to an abnormal fear of being harmed, perhaps they should not be purchasing guns in the first place. Guns are not toys, and they should not be purchased by emotionally troubled people, no matter how law-abiding they are. Regardless, the current legislation limits the purchase of guns; it does not ban it.
Buying one or two guns is fine, but buying a large number of guns sounds a bit irresponsible to me
But I have no issue with you thinking that.

But it is a different matter when someone hijacks Government to FORCE this upon others who DON’T think like that.
the current legislation limits the purchase of guns; it does not ban it.
It is incremental gun abolition against free people.
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The latter seems to be the fear of gun advocates. The fear of government overreach has its valid reasons based on past experience, but it can also be driven by irrational beliefs.

What are your feelings about government’s mandating the wearing of seat-belts? Should drivers and passengers have an option not to wear them? How about cell phone use while driving? My point is that government has been telling us what to do and not do for many years. In most cases, we may complain at first but then we adapt.
The fear of government overreach has its valid reasons based on past experience, but it can also be driven by irrational beliefs.
But these are good law-abiding citizens as you said.

WHY assume the worst from these good hard-working honest law-abiding" citizens who are free?

And violate the Constitution in the process saying this idea helps the country
(when it has a built-in mechanism to HURT the country via whittling away at the country’s Constitution).
I am not a Constitutional expert or scholar, but it seems to me that none of our rights–whether of speech, the press, assembly, religion, or the right to bear arms–was intended by the Founding Fathers to be absolute with no limitations. In a free society, individual rights must be counterbalanced by the welfare of the society. Certainly the rights of the individual must not be deprived by government, but neither should one be allowed totally free access to the point of being detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the general public.
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