NFP and my huband. What is he thinking with?

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Marymol, I apologize if I am not understanding you, but are you saying that women should use abc if it is their husband’s decision? I have read some on the concept of Biblical submission, but it has never been clear to me about submission in situations where the husband is making a clearly sinful decision. I’ll check out the book on ETWN.
It must be really hard to “enforce” NFP without the support of your husband.

If he is remotely receptive to learning where you’re coming from, maybe he’d be willing to listen to the 10 CD set Naked Without Shame by Christopher West. Perhaps give him an arm’s length by asking him to listen to it “to understand you better” rather than as a persuasive tool. This set is phenomenal- I think everyone should hear it. It is under $5 from with shipping even.
You are in our prayers!
I would absolutely encourage this CD set. Even if only you can listen to it. What talks directly to this sort of situation isn’t until disk 9ish, but the entire study can help you or both of you. I am almost done with it myself. Even though my dh isn’t listening with me yet, listening myself gives me the right words and understanding to explain things to him. I can’t say I have or had the same issues as you, but things were not exactly smooth when we started. I slowly came to learn more about the faith and wanted to start NFP. I had to basically try to teach all I had been learning to dh in a way that would convince him. It is hard in this society. It can get frustrating but it is worth it. God, prayer, can get you through. Also, great that you posted here - spending time figuring out how to answer/react to him will pay off. I would say learn as much as you can on the Theology of the Body
Apologies Marylene ; was trying to say we are no longer fallen Eves ( who fearfully let the desire for the husband be the only thing that ruled her heart ; we now let The Lord be The King of our hearts’ yearning …and that would help the husbands too- even if leads to some cross and persecution , in having to resist sin…)

So -No To ABCs,no to sin…no to things that would make us slaves to powers below …

In other spheres, submission as needed, when oneness of heart is not there ( St. Paul does say -submit to one another…) and the authority given by the Lord to The Church - " whatever you bind on earth…" So again , may be it all comes down to balance - in the shape of a CROSS…that man, like in The Garden can again marvel and say - " O ! bone of my bones…flesh of my flesh …" :o
Thanks for the info.on the c.d
I think we were posting at the same time marymol! Thanks for clarifying your post. I printed up the EWTN information and will hopefully have a chance to read it over the weekend.
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