
I will presume this post is directed at me, and I will respond briefly here, for I have to get on with my evening for now…You keep arguing the same thing over and over. If you are going to hold to your views no matter what you hear or who you hear it from, then you wouldnt believe the Pope himself if he told you your error.
I am “arguing” nothing, I am refuting your assertion that NFP is contraception. This assertion is an old “Traditionalist” trick that I have battled many times, and it plays well to those who are on contraception, and are looking for ways of excusing NFP as an option.
Your convoluted reasoning that flies in the face of the plain language of Humanae Vitae is all Catholic Contraceptors need to ignore the Church’s urging to use “natural means” to decide how many kids they will have.
Your arguments give fuel to the disobedient for it calls into the question of the authority of Humanae Vitae, and it is diabolical in the division it creates in the faithful.
I do not need your condescension, and you cannot tell me, a certified NFP instructor, that I don’t know enough about this issue. You have not, at least from what I have briefly read, answered my question about the extent of your knowledge of NFP. I will add that in my frequent visits with my Bishop, he has never shared the obtuse and obscure view of NFP that you are propogating here. Indeed he is anxious to expand NFP instruction in our Diocese, and to deepen his priests understanding of the NFP alternatives available.
I also doubt that you would listen to the Pope yourself, for I doubt at this point whether you are worshiping in the Roman Catholic Church. Your views smell an awful lot like PiusX views, and your condescending tone is a dead giveaway. I will apologize to some extent, for I am not being terribly charitable here. It is not a strong virtue for me to begin with, and it is always a fine line that is easy to cross when you need to talk to “Trads”…they can be very stubborn people…