You keep arguing the same thing over and over. If you are going to hold to your views no matter what you hear or who you hear it from, then you wouldnt believe the Pope himself if he told you your error.
Just because their sin may be less, because they use natural means instead of artificial means, it doesnt mean there is no sin involved. That is like you convincing someone to give up fornication and use masturbation instead, because it is less of a sin. You cannot do that.
And, yes, we took the NFP classes, and used the method to get pregnant twice. We have one child and one on the way, and we have been married for 15 months.
And the 6 children you brought into the world from your efforts is a result of people not using NFP to keep from having children(unless they are terribly bad at it), so that use of NFP would be not only acceptable, but noble I would say.
And contraception is not as you defined it…there are natural means of contraception as well as unnatural.
And your daughter does not have a contraceptive mentality, because she is not engaging in relations with a husband, so that comparison is way off. She is practicing the virtue of chastity in her state of life, not contraception.
And if your wife has a fever, she is not contracepting…you dont understand that it is not NFP that is not acceptable, it is the intent of the couple. You really need to read my posts. You keep arguing the same points of which I have addressed now several times. It is the mindset of the “planning” aspect of NFP, as that book relates, and as *Humanae *Vitae relates in Marauder’s post, that is the problem with that use of NFP.
It is your reasoning that appears ‘silly’ to me. You might have well as applied that reasoning to fetuses that are ‘contracepting’ because they are not having sex.
Just because their sin may be less, because they use natural means instead of artificial means, it doesnt mean there is no sin involved. That is like you convincing someone to give up fornication and use masturbation instead, because it is less of a sin. You cannot do that.
And, yes, we took the NFP classes, and used the method to get pregnant twice. We have one child and one on the way, and we have been married for 15 months.
And the 6 children you brought into the world from your efforts is a result of people not using NFP to keep from having children(unless they are terribly bad at it), so that use of NFP would be not only acceptable, but noble I would say.
And contraception is not as you defined it…there are natural means of contraception as well as unnatural.
And your daughter does not have a contraceptive mentality, because she is not engaging in relations with a husband, so that comparison is way off. She is practicing the virtue of chastity in her state of life, not contraception.
And if your wife has a fever, she is not contracepting…you dont understand that it is not NFP that is not acceptable, it is the intent of the couple. You really need to read my posts. You keep arguing the same points of which I have addressed now several times. It is the mindset of the “planning” aspect of NFP, as that book relates, and as *Humanae *Vitae relates in Marauder’s post, that is the problem with that use of NFP.
It is your reasoning that appears ‘silly’ to me. You might have well as applied that reasoning to fetuses that are ‘contracepting’ because they are not having sex.