Here is something that I think is getting overlooked here:
The reason for getting married is to have children. Either that or to abstain from relations and live a devoted and consecrated life to God in your marriage. If you want to get married to have sex now, because you cant wait until you are out of school, or have a good enough job, etc., you do not need to be married, because you are then defining what marriage is to you, not what it is to God.
I realize the vast majority of people see nothing wrong with contraception, and the main arguement seems to be differences between NFP and ABC.
The fact is that the Church does not promote NFP. NFP is not a valid moral choice to keep from having children under normal circumstances. NFP is ONLY to be used in EXTREME circumstances, wherein the couple is not able, either financially, socially, etc. to bring children in this world. See the Catechism on this, and read ‘This is the Faith’ fora further explanation.
Now, if we want to argue about this teaching…fine…but this is the teaching.
In this day in age, living in the United States of America, the wealthiest nation ever conceived of, I think it is a rarity to find a couple that cannot bring children into the world, and thereby are forced to use NFP. But, that is not my moral choice, it is the couple’s…and as long as they stay honest with God, they can use NFP as the only acceptable method of birth control, since it does not introduce any unnatural means of not respecting God’s right to decide how many children you are to have. But, again, if you are like 99% of the people out there, contraceptive in either form is not an acceptable moral choice according to the Church.
How many people say they cant afford more children, but dont flinch to drop $35,000 on a car, or $5,000 on a new pool table, or $1,000 here and $1,000 there on things that are not necessities?
The issue here is are you open to the number of children God wants to give you, are are you only open to the number you want? I think that when you go before God on your last day, that is not something you want him to ask you. God will only give you the children you can handle. Put your trust in God, not money. For some of the children God wants to give you, but you dont want to take, could be Saints, or Priests, or Nuns, or Bishops, etc. Dont deprive the Church of those kinds of people.