As far as the “too far” question…
I tend to give weight to God’s Plan for Fertility. If the desire in your heart is to engage in moments of intimacy when you are fertile, that is a pretty good sign that God’s plan is shining through your reasoning, and He may be moving you to be open to life in one of His most effective ways. Marriage is a Passion Play…it is the everyday sacrifice that gives flesh to the world, so to speak.
We had good friends once who were experiencing 45-60 day long phase II’s (for those unfamiliar with NFP, that is the fertile phase of the cycle). It was quite a cross for them, and when they came to us as teacher for advice, the first thing we thought to say was to ask what they think God might be saying with such an unusual pattern for fertility. They looked hard at the situation, and concluded that perhaps they did not have a “serious reason” to postpone, and when they tried for a pregnancy, God didn’t choose to give them a child. They were surprisingly dissapointed, the first month they didn’t concieve, and committed to continuing to try, and after she made some diet and excercise changes, were successful (with the Holy Spirit’s help!) after about 6 months.
Don’t get too worked up on testing the limits, but bear in mind that the limits are there to offer us a path to strenghten our discipline over our appetites. God has created a system that encourages LIFE!, which is why women’s libido is highest at the most fertile time. The “too far” issue is most important for a man, for he has the most serious responsibility in this matter. Men offer the “donation” that God uses to create LIFE!, and we must be vigilant and cautious with that power. Christ “donated” His very LIFE! for the Church, His precious Bride, and we men are to sacrifice and discipline our appetites with Christ as our guide. The best advice I have to give is that going “too far” is always the man’s responsibility…period. We must lead the way with marital chasity and sacrifice. Every woman who has a husband who can do that never has a problem with him leading his household. God asks us men to marshall our powers for the good of the Sacrament, and the good of the Church.
Remember the birth control pill was invented by a man, and benefits men much more than women, for it allows men to “use” women. We, as chaste married men, must offer our powers of fertility under discipline if we are to properly respect the beautiful Icon of LIFE! that is a woman. Every woman has been given the power, as Mary said, to “magnify the Lord”…they magnify the Lord by incubating the nurturing an unrepeatable gift, that changes eternity forever. Men today must turn the tide back to respect for women by offering our sexual powers under the correct circumstances, and with the generosity of protection and prudence that God calls us to…
I tend to give weight to God’s Plan for Fertility. If the desire in your heart is to engage in moments of intimacy when you are fertile, that is a pretty good sign that God’s plan is shining through your reasoning, and He may be moving you to be open to life in one of His most effective ways. Marriage is a Passion Play…it is the everyday sacrifice that gives flesh to the world, so to speak.
We had good friends once who were experiencing 45-60 day long phase II’s (for those unfamiliar with NFP, that is the fertile phase of the cycle). It was quite a cross for them, and when they came to us as teacher for advice, the first thing we thought to say was to ask what they think God might be saying with such an unusual pattern for fertility. They looked hard at the situation, and concluded that perhaps they did not have a “serious reason” to postpone, and when they tried for a pregnancy, God didn’t choose to give them a child. They were surprisingly dissapointed, the first month they didn’t concieve, and committed to continuing to try, and after she made some diet and excercise changes, were successful (with the Holy Spirit’s help!) after about 6 months.
Don’t get too worked up on testing the limits, but bear in mind that the limits are there to offer us a path to strenghten our discipline over our appetites. God has created a system that encourages LIFE!, which is why women’s libido is highest at the most fertile time. The “too far” issue is most important for a man, for he has the most serious responsibility in this matter. Men offer the “donation” that God uses to create LIFE!, and we must be vigilant and cautious with that power. Christ “donated” His very LIFE! for the Church, His precious Bride, and we men are to sacrifice and discipline our appetites with Christ as our guide. The best advice I have to give is that going “too far” is always the man’s responsibility…period. We must lead the way with marital chasity and sacrifice. Every woman who has a husband who can do that never has a problem with him leading his household. God asks us men to marshall our powers for the good of the Sacrament, and the good of the Church.
Remember the birth control pill was invented by a man, and benefits men much more than women, for it allows men to “use” women. We, as chaste married men, must offer our powers of fertility under discipline if we are to properly respect the beautiful Icon of LIFE! that is a woman. Every woman has been given the power, as Mary said, to “magnify the Lord”…they magnify the Lord by incubating the nurturing an unrepeatable gift, that changes eternity forever. Men today must turn the tide back to respect for women by offering our sexual powers under the correct circumstances, and with the generosity of protection and prudence that God calls us to…