I am afraid that this post is going to sound a bit harsh, so let me apologize for that in advance!
It is my opinion, although I am quite sure that my husband would completely agree, that the only time one would consider NFP to be a burden is when that person is thinking selfishly.
DH and I have been using NFP for 9 years, in between 2 pregnancies in that same time period. On a daily basis, NFP is not a burden. At this time, I’m using something like the sympto-thermal method. I wake up when dh’s alarm goes off, stick a thermometer in my mouth, doze off until it beeps, and then take it out of my mouth. I look at the numbers, and then usually go back to sleep. That takes 1 minute and no energy out of my day. My charts are online at
fertilityfriend.com so when I log on to check email (and visit message boards), I put my daily temp on my chart, and I’m done. It’s not any more effort than taking a pill, and it’s far less effort that using any kind of barrier method, and it’s completely moral. So any argument that NFP takes too much energy is moot, in my opinion.
The real argument that NFP is a burden usually comes from nightly activity, not daily.

If someone is saying, NFP is too hard to stick to, it’s a burden, what they are really saying is–I want to have sex whenever I want to, and I don’t like having to control myself. I’m sorry if that’s harsh, but I don’t know an easier way to put it. Now, keith2002, you probably don’t want to explain it to your wife that way! Successfully using NFP means that we put the needs of our marriage above our own personal needs. I don’t buy things I want to buy, because our family budget relies on our money. I run all over creation, taking our kids to all their activities, because we have decided that those things are important. Likewise, if I happen to be feeling amorous, but am fertile that day, I put our marriage (the fact that we cannot afford to have another child right now in addition to the 5 we already have!) above my own personal wants.
My husband may be feeling amorous, knowing that I’m fertile and likely to conceive that day. That is hard to cope with, indeed. However, summoning up some self-control, he says to me–OK. I love you so much, that I am going to wait a few days for this!! (Yes, he really talks that way!) And we wait. That is a wonderful thing. Having sex any time one wants to–that is not a wonderful thing that builds a marriage.
You should look into joining the e5 men.
www.e5.org I think is the website. Fasting for your wife will help her, it will help you, and the insights you get from participation in that may also build your marriage.
Again: apologies for harshness.