I don’t know that it is quite so clearly established that Onan’s sin was that of simply avoiding his duty to provide children for his deceased brother.Dear Mark,
I don’t see how you get “disingenuous” out of it. He was specifically supposed to impregnate the woman. If he had used NFP techniques instead of withdrawal he still would have been disobedient. There is no evidence whatsoever that withdrawal v. abstinence (refusal to comply) would have made any difference in whether God struck him down. Moreover, the method he chose to avoid impregnating her, according to NFP teaching, was much less effective than NFP anyway. Therefore, if God had wanted the woman to become pregnant He could certainly have done it even in this instance, ostensibly a lot easier than He could when NFP couples are “remaining open to life” by not using barriers at infertile times. The only thing “disingenuous” I see is a claim that this story is an indictment of the method itself, unless one also intends to claim that planning space between children is also intrinsically evil.
[/indent]This really does provide a good example of tortured human reasoning, if the whole prohibition against contraception depends on this Biblical example. The only way to be true to this reasoning would be to condemn any method of avoiding pregnancy, including NFP. He was struck dead because he failed to impregnate the woman he was supposed to impregnate, and yes he used the withdrawal method. As I said above, had he said to himself, “I know the natural fertility cycles of this woman, so I will make a deal that I will have intercourse with her one week from today” and thus avoided pregnancy, he would have been just as disobedient, and I would guess he still would have been struck dead by God. As you say, if every method does not have to be explicitly mentioned for the lesson to be true, than one would have indict NFP right along with any other method of spacing births.
There is a distinction between NFP and artificical birth control – it’s significance is a matter of opinion. NFP is a passive participation in God designed infertile periods, whereas ABC is an intentional and active attempt to render infertile what would otherwise be fertile. Practicing NFP is to “not do something”; practicing ABC is to “do something”.
By way of analogy, keeping silent about a matter and lying about a matter both accomplish the same thing: not telling the truth. However, the former is simply a withholding of true information but the latter is a corruption of true information, and I think this illustrates a significant difference between the two actions.