I thought that both of you had already concluded ABC is wrong.He thinks we should just go ahead and use ABC because then it is easier.
Yes, ABC would be easier, that’s why the bible says that the path to Salvation is narrow and that most take the wide, easy path.
Don’t give up and don’t give in.
You need to know, however, that if you refuse to contracept and HE contracepts (ie, condom, sterilization) then YOU are not sinning. Periodically attempt to get him to see that contraception is wrong. Perhaps it will take as long as it did St. Monica to pray her son, St. Augustine, into the church… but don’t give up, his soul is worth it!
(oh and p.s. If he does contracept by using a condom on a day you say is fertile, ask him if HE wants a baby… condoms have a huge failure rate and if you know you are fertile… well, you do the math).