My wife and I have been using NFP the whole time we’ve been married (only 5 months now
) and from our experience so far, its been 100% effective in postponing pregnancy.
I think that the reason so many people (doctors included) say that it isn’t effective or reliable is out of ignorance or prejudice. NFP is very rarely taught in medical school and many often confuse NFP with the rhythm method. As rayne89 mentioned, the Couple to Couple League site is excellent and they really are the best people to learn it from. Concerning NFP’s effectiveness,
this link will direct you towards reliable info on that.
Here’s some quoted studies from that link:
The Los Angeles Study
100% Method Effectiveness
Between 1976 and 1978, the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare conducted a prospective study to determine the relative user effectiveness of two different systems of Natural Family Planning.[1] Participants were randomly assigned to either the Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) or Ovulation Method (OM) sides of the study. However, they were first screened to eliminate any couples who had a serious health, economic, or social reason to avoid pregnancy. The resulting group of **1257 couples ** had an average age of 28 and had only one child per family…
…The couples who followed these simple rules achieved a
100% effectiveness rate in avoiding pregnancy, i.e., zero unplanned pregnancies.
The Fairfield Study
99% Method Effectiveness
Between 1970 and 1972, **1022 couples ** participated in a five nation (Canada, Colombia, France, Mauritius, U.S.A.) study called the Fairfield Study after the university of the principal investigator…
…The couples who followed these *more liberal rules * achieved a method effectiveness rate of 99%…