NFP reliability!

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It’s not really about presence or quantity of mucus, more about the slipperyness and stretchiness. Perhaps one of these is what happened to the poster.
Sympto-thermal method also looks at what you mentioned plus color. For me, dairy just adds too much and it gets confusing and frustrating.

…couples who practice NFP tend to have intercourse more frequently than couples who contracept. Very interesting said:
Definitely not the case in my experience – especially after following the process didn’t work for us. My wife was petrified of getting pregnant again so we practiced a sort of hyper-NFP approach (abstinence, abstinence, abstinence).
I thank you all for your (name removed by moderator)ut.

The sympto-thermal method is something we will have to check out. It just so happens that is the method our local diocese (via the women’s health clinic) trains couples in. WE just stuck with Creighton because that was what we were trained in 14 yrs. ago in the Twin Cities.
It has been 100% reliable for my husband and I, and we have been practicing for over a year to prevent pregnancy. The major disappointment is that is really requires a lot of abstinence time. Conservative for us has meant no intercourse during phase I and II, which really only gives you 1 week per cycle of infertile time. But, if you are truly avoiding pregnancy, it definitely works, and does not require chemicals like birth control which has harmful side effects and of course, all the moral issues with contraception. I can’t say NFP makes us happy (at all!!!) but I know it is the right decision.
I appreciate all the comments everyone has made. Thanks. It all seems so complicated sometimes. I wish we could just forget about birth control and “wing it” but I know that is irresponsible with all the financial issues we’re having now. So, looks like nfp is the way to go. For now, anyway. Now I’m trying to decide whether I should take a class or buy the home study course off the ccli website. Hmmm…what with my work schedule I think the home study might be the way to go. My husband also wants me to speak with my doctor to make sure we “know what we’re doing here” I guess it’s not a bad idea. Well thanks again everyone…got to get some sleep now…:yawn:

Celia, If at all possible I would take the class. The teachers are invaluable to answer questions while your learning. The book you use is the size of a college text book. Also you can connect with other couples (and hubby can see others who are using it.) Please consider taking a class unless you absolutely can’t arrange your schedule.
Hi Celia,

Reliability: My wife & I have used NFP for 15 years with no “surprises”. Very effective. It can be difficult to abstain, esp. during Phase 2. BUT, we have found our passion increases dramatically when we have a green light.

We use Sympto-Thermal Method. You can learn it from the home-study course or a class. We went to a class put on by a CCL Teaching Couple. Recommended. But, heavy on the moral side. This may turn off your husband a bit.

God bless you in your journey of faith and life.
If I had it all to do over again…

I would’ve just let nature take its course.
Oh, how I wish I could let nature take it’s course! If we had the money I would have as many babies as God wanted to give me. One of my friends from high school just had a baby a couple weeks ago; I visited her recently and when I held that little tiny baby, ohhh, tears almost came to my eyes I wanted one of my own so bad. But it would be so…irresponsible to bring a new baby into all this debt. I think I owe it to my future kids to be able to provide for them everything they need. I’m not talking like I want us to be rich or something, but you know, clothes, food, rent, holidays, Catholic school tuition (which is getting to be ridiculous, has anyone noticed?) all that stuff…plus the fact that if I even mention to my husband that I want, yes, possibly more than 2 or 3 kids some day, he gives me a look like I’ve lost my mind. Oh well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it…
My wife and I have been married almost 7 years and we have 3 young children. Between these children we did use NFP and it is totally effective when used properly, we use the temperature and mucus methods and together they are almost 100 % effective (for the little time we used NFP, between children). It really helps if both spouses are really interested in NFP because it helps to encourage one another and supports one another, also NFP helps the couple build their marriage by finding many ways to communicate with each other, other than intercourse.
The secular doctors are not taught this and the drug companies are making a killing off the “pill”, which ultimately aborts babies. People say that NFP is another form of contraception.? Contraception is doing something to prevent conception, stepping in and playing God. Where NFP is a method of child spacing where you don’t do anything, except refrain from intercourse at the fertile times in the wife’s cycle. (Or engage in the marital act, if willing to conceive a child). Here we are using the great wisdom of God, our creator, who created man and woman the way we are.
NFP is a whole way of life, it becomes part of our lifestyle. It is also so freeing in the sense that using NFP allows you to become more open to life and God’s gift of children.
God bless you and your husband
My wife and I used the Billings Mucus Method for 22 years. My wife was always 100% fertile and slightly irregular. The method never failed us. One of our three boys was accidentally conceived when we took a chance when the Billings Method told us not to.
Oh, how I wish I could let nature take it’s course! If we had the money I would have as many babies as God wanted to give me. One of my friends from high school just had a baby a couple weeks ago; I visited her recently and when I held that little tiny baby, ohhh, tears almost came to my eyes I wanted one of my own so bad. But it would be so…irresponsible to bring a new baby into all this debt. I think I owe it to my future kids to be able to provide for them everything they need. I’m not talking like I want us to be rich or something, but you know, clothes, food, rent, holidays, Catholic school tuition (which is getting to be ridiculous, has anyone noticed?) all that stuff…plus the fact that if I even mention to my husband that I want, yes, possibly more than 2 or 3 kids some day, he gives me a look like I’ve lost my mind. Oh well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it…
Celia -

While I leave the decisions to you, my father once made an interesting comment to me:

“If you wait to have children until you can afford to have children, you will never have children.”

He had six children and managed every penny for most of my entire life. He sent all 6 of us to Catholic elementary and high school, and supported our college education (two of my sibling went to private colleges), the rest of us went public.

I don’t mean to imply that it is easy, but when my wife and I had our first, she quit her job and we lost 40% of our income. I worked hard and now I support 4 children and we have another due in March. Can we afford it? What it really depends on is your definition of ‘afford’.

I would ask, can you afford NOT to have children? The benefits far outwieigh the financial considerations. You know your situation, but don’t let society tell you that you cannot afford children.

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. - We learned NFP in '98 and found great benefits. We also found that we have more faith and have been more likely to let God help us make these decisions!
Amen to what TaxCollector says.
I’ve got four children and never could afford any of them. God once told me, however, when I was panicking about surviving, “I will always provide for you.” And He always has.

One last point – you mentioned that your husband said he wants to have time with just you for awhile. I recently read that studies show that couples who have children in the first year or two of marriage have a lower rate of divorce. As Dr Ray, I think,says, if you have three smiling faces to return to at the end of the day, you’re a lot more likely to return than if you just have one and you happen to have had an argument with that one.
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