Well, big fight with hubby. He says he’s fine with me practicing Nfp if I can find “reliable sources, not just catholic ones” to prove that it works. Fine. As discussion develops I mention how once we have our bills paid off in a year or so maybe we can re-evaluate situation and see how things look then for having kids. Then I get the whole “I’m not emotionally ready to have kids and probably won’t be for a while thing” the " I want to have time with just you" thing…bunches of other stuff and a lot of nit-picking then finally get the kicker, “I’m not gonna be Catholic no matter how much you want me to be”…I’m trying not to cry now. I don’t know what to do. I’m not trying to start a fight here. I thought NFP was supposed to bring couples closer together. I’m so frustrated. :crying: Help please!