The positive side for me is that my husband can stand to live with me! I was a nutjob when I was on the pill (before I converted) --caused severe depression, I was angry, physically ill all the time, plus many many other symptoms, like acne, weight gain, fatigue. Now I’m much easier to be around, or so says my hubby. 
Also, we used it to GET pregnant. We use Creighton method, so my nurse practitioner that taught us the method was able to diagnose my PCOS and get me on medication to control the symptoms and I finally ovulated!
Right now we are using it to avoid, since I just had a baby after a very rough pregnancy, my body needs time to heal. After that, we will just leave it up to Him. I do agree that NFP can be used as birth control, but it does take away all the artificial things man can put into it, like hormones or barriers. That is why I’m going to drop it altogether in a few months, once I get the OK from my Dr.

Also, we used it to GET pregnant. We use Creighton method, so my nurse practitioner that taught us the method was able to diagnose my PCOS and get me on medication to control the symptoms and I finally ovulated!
Right now we are using it to avoid, since I just had a baby after a very rough pregnancy, my body needs time to heal. After that, we will just leave it up to Him. I do agree that NFP can be used as birth control, but it does take away all the artificial things man can put into it, like hormones or barriers. That is why I’m going to drop it altogether in a few months, once I get the OK from my Dr.