Nick Berg Video: Is is moral to watch?

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I’ve gone to the site and put the curser on “download video”, but instead of clicking, quickly closed the window and shut-off the computer. Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?

I’m interested in seeing it to understand the intense evil that our troops are facing. Reading about it, like reading about The Passion, isn’t the same. Also, viewing it will allow me to make-up my own mind about the controversy surrounding the authenticity of the video.

I DON’T want to see it because it will be dishonoring Nick Berg and giving the terrorists the publicity they want. Will viewing it for a few minutes, like seeing pornography, create a mental image could linger for years to come?

I probably won’t view the video, but would value any (name removed by moderator)ut you may have on this. The postings I’ve seen on this site are so profound and orthodox that I’d really like to get your take on this, in charity, of course.
Images can burn in your brain forever. If I shut my eyes I can still see as the plane hit the towers.

I can’t imagine voluntarily watching the death of a fellow human being for any reason.
I’ve gone to the site and put the curser on “download video”, but instead of clicking, quickly closed the window and shut-off the computer. Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?

I probably won’t view the video, but would value any (name removed by moderator)ut you may have on this. The postings I’ve seen on this site are so profound and orthodox that I’d really like to get your take on this, in charity, of course.
I think you are heard the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit. You feel it would be wrong. It would be.

I think that is a grace you responded to by not downloading it and viewing it. Your mind is a precious gift. It holds the key in many ways to your soul.

God gently gave you a nudge to protect your mind from viewing evil He did not will you to see. The viewing would not have helped you in anyway that would be positive. It would have helped those who promote terror by affecting your spirit to dispair.

God Bless,
I’ve gone to the site and put the curser on “download video”, but instead of clicking, quickly closed the window and shut-off the computer. Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?

I’m interested in seeing it to understand the intense evil that our troops are facing. Reading about it, like reading about The Passion, isn’t the same. Also, viewing it will allow me to make-up my own mind about the controversy surrounding the authenticity of the video.

I DON’T want to see it because it will be dishonoring Nick Berg and giving the terrorists the publicity they want. Will viewing it for a few minutes, like seeing pornography, create a mental image could linger for years to come?

I probably won’t view the video, but would value any (name removed by moderator)ut you may have on this. The postings I’ve seen on this site are so profound and orthodox that I’d really like to get your take on this, in charity, of course.
You can’t imagine watching the death of a human being under ANY circumstances?

Suppose his last words had been “May Jesus have mercy on your souls!”

In that situation, I might consider watching it.
Watching the beheading of Nick Berg obsessively not particularly healthy, but viewing once is not a bad reminder of what we are up against. Ditto for the video of the Daniel Perle murder in Afganistan. The Islamo-facists who do things like this would confer the same fate on every one of us if they had the chance, and it is very disturbing that a great number of Americans fail to understand that, and fail to understant what a threat to civilization these terrorists represent.
I hardly ever hear anyone criticizing the repeated and even obsessive showing of the apalling treatment of the Iraqi prisoners by a handful of American soldiers. You could pick up any newspaper over the last several weeks and see more of that than you ever bargained for, yet the media treated is as a one day story. These pictures are disgusting, even pornographic, but they hardly rise to the level of the kind of brutality demonstrated in the Berg and Perle cases. And any kid walking into a convenience market on his way home from school can see them at a news stand.
We are up against a brutal enemy, perhaps worse than any before now, and if we do not understand that we will not have the will to do whatever is needed to destroy them. Viewing the Berg murder, just as viewing the destruction wreaked on this country by terrorist attacks on 9-11-01 is a healthy antidote to complacency.
Like all things that we do as Christians it is not the act but the impetuous for doing it that determines if it is wrong or not. If you are want to view it out of morbid fascination than it is wrong. Personally I cannot come up with any good reason as to why a person would need to view the tape, but I am sure there are some that exist.

The other night I could not sleep because I kept thinking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I thought of the women nursing their babies, the children playing in the parks, and the mothers looking at their new born babies in the hospital… all gone in little more than the blink of an eye. We tell ourselves that we had to do it…. I certainly hope so.

I think about stuff like this a lot. I could not imagine the lack of sleep that I would have if I watched the Nick Burg video
So was Jesus
The point is, a Jew probably wouldn’t invoke the name of Jesus in his final hour. :rolleyes:

That having been said, Jesus was not a Jew in the modern sense of the word . . .
I was not trying to be an idiot. That was quite a stone cast. My point was that I can think of one Jewish individual that did speak of the name of our Lord upon death. No, he would most likely not speak the name of the Son, but he could have invoked the name of the Father.
Dan Troop:
Watching the beheading of Nick Berg obsessively not particularly healthy, but viewing once is not a bad reminder of what we are up against. Ditto for the video of the Daniel Perle murder in Afganistan. The Islamo-facists who do things like this would confer the same fate on every one of us if they had the chance, and it is very disturbing that a great number of Americans fail to understand that, and fail to understant what a threat to civilization these terrorists represent.
Actually my friend, there are many of us in America and elsewhere who are probably imminently more aware of the evil we are up against than those who would view the video. We are old enough and wise enough by now to realize that viewing these types of things over and over leads to despair. It leads not to protection of ourselves or others but hatred which begets more war and murder.

Having lived through several wars young man, I have seen and experienced the personal loss and horror many times. I have stood over the graves of my loved ones and friends. I know what the face of war is and exactly what we are up against. Viewing the horror does not make me any more aware I can assure you. I stand by my statement…to view a video like this is disrespectful of the human person. All human persons including the terrorists of evil who did it.
I hardly ever hear anyone criticizing the repeated and even obsessive showing of the apalling treatment of the Iraqi prisoners by a handful of American soldiers. You could pick up any newspaper over the last several weeks and see more of that than you ever bargained for, yet the media treated is as a one day story. These pictures are disgusting, even pornographic, but they hardly rise to the level of the kind of brutality demonstrated in the Berg and Perle cases. And any kid walking into a convenience market on his way home from school can see them at a news stand.
Evil and sin and war are not changed by the ones who are the perpetrators on either end of these diabolical acts. Whitewashing one evil to justify hatred of another evil serves no purpose but to spread hate, not solutions.
We are up against a brutal enemy, perhaps worse than any before now, and if we do not understand that we will not have the will to do whatever is needed to destroy them. Viewing the Berg murder, just as viewing the destruction wreaked on this country by terrorist attacks on 9-11-01 is a healthy antidote to complacency.
Viewing the brutal murdered bodies of thousands of aborted children over 30 years has not changed anything. Why would this? The only truly innocent victims no one cares about are the babies. 3000 people in the World Trade Center and the attack were horrific. Yes, we shall always grieve for them. Meantime, America continues to slaughter many more everyday of her own citizens and call it Choice. The enemy is sin and evil and it begins within each one of us.

I certainly agree we must defend our country, but a country without morals and conscience is not going to ever be safe from evil oppressors.
I once watched a video of an abortion. That was enough for me. But it’s true, the salutary effect of watching that video was to make transparent all the lies about a fetus not being human. Most of all I have learned to loathe physicians who butter their bread by butchering babies.

But there’s no question that Berg was human. So what point is to be made by watching the video? To stir up a mood for revenge? To gratify a perverse interest in the macabre?

I don’t know if it’s immoral to watch. But I think you’d be sorry you did.
I once watched a video of an abortion. That was enough for me. But it’s true, the salutary effect of watching that video was to make transparent all the lies about a fetus not being human. Most of all I have learned to loathe physicians who butter their bread by butchering babies.

But there’s no question that Berg was human. So what point is to be made by watching the video? To stir up a mood for revenge? To gratify a perverse interest in the macabre?

I don’t know if it’s immoral to watch. But I think you’d be sorry you did.
You made some good points. Not to pick on you and I hope you won’t take offense (none is intended) this one statement of yours stands out:
Most of all I have learned to loathe physicians who butter their bread by butchering babies.
This is a prime example of the subtle hatred such things plant in the human heart. I am pretty sure you intended it as a strong statement of protest against the doctors actions and in your heart I hope not against his person. Protest we most certainly should. But we need to fight evil with good. Loath the sin and not the sinner. 😉
Instead of watching 5 minutes of his death and murder, maybe we can pray for his soul and the souls of his murderers. The few people that I have talked to who have watched the video were VERY sorry that they did. When they started to describe what happened I stopped them.

It is evil. The only way to combat it is to pray the rosary with your families, fast and go to adoration.
I was recently surfing around out of curiosity because I wanted to see a picture they were talking about of Princess Diana’s death. 😦 I came to a site that showed several death pictures, including Daniel Perle. I was very sorry that I did.

But on the second hand, awhile back I found a site of the people jumping from the World Trade Towers back on Sept 11, 2001. That one inspired pity and heartbreak. But the difference is that those pictures weren’t gory…
I think it would be immoral only if you got some pleasure out of seeing another human being suffer.On the other hand it’s probably not a good idea and it seems that any inclination to want to see this would be a kind of morbid curiousity.We are capable of such a morbid curiosity.It’s not healthy and i don’t see any moral value in giving into it.
He must have suffered horribly.The fear alone would be enough. And the evil of these men would be a very good reason not to watch.Part of their evil intent was in filming it…
They must have been sick to do this,even sicker to film it.
I’d stay away. It can’t possibly be MORAL to see it.
I thought about this too-considered seeing it- because i wanted to realize the whole truth re the execution,but the truth of it can be realized without seeing it. This way we give Nick Berg the dignity of his death that he deserves and did not get from them. Pray.This will give the right answer.
I would say don’t watch it. I’m not sure that it would be immoral, but I think that you would regret it. I do think that it is like pornography and that the image would be burned in your brain.

7 months ago my father passed away. He was sick and we knew that he was going to within the next year or so. I found him when I went to pick him up for a doctor’s appointment at 6am. I wish that I hadn’t. I could tell by his position exactly what he was doing when it happened (he was packing for the doc appt the night before and fell asleep in his wheelchair). The image has stayed burned in my head and returns to me often, mainly because my imagination can easily fill in the gaps on exactly how it happened and I almost feel as if I saw it (as opposed to seeing the open casket, which did not generate those feelings in me).

Based on my reaction to “feeling” like I saw it, I can only imagine the burned mental image of actually having seen it (the Berg video). So I say, don’t do it. You know the horror by the description. Let it be at that.
You owe it to yourself and your children and your children’s children etc. to see the video.

You owe it to the Troops dying for you to see the video.

You owe it to the people that have already forgotten we were attacked.

You owe it to yourself so you ‘see’ the evil we are at war with. The evil many in our nation ignore for political purposes.

Do not let Nick Berg or Daniel Pearl die in vain. Watch both videos and then go vote for the Party/person that will protect you and your children. Thank the soldiers when you see them on the streets for their duty and sacrifice to ‘you’.

Pray for our troops, but also pray for the terrorists that they may see Gods light and leave Satan’s influence behind.

Do not watch the videos close to bedtime, perhaps Sunday morning before Mass so that you can go and light candles for two poor souls and the souls of our soldiers. You will want to be near God after seeing the videos.

There worst thing? Those terrorists are gaining sympathy in our nation and converting more souls to their camps right here in the good ole USA.


I can still see the events repeated in my mind occasionally but I can not forget the sounds, the horrible sounds. Poor Nick never had a chance to ask ‘Jesus’ or ‘God’ (the father) to forgive them. He had time perhaps but how could he?

Please say a prayer now for Nick and Daniel with me?

Mt 6:9-13 “…Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread; 12 and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; 13 and do not subject us to the final test, but deliver us from the evil one.” AMEN
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