
My friend, looks like:I’ve gone to the site and put the curser on “download video”, but instead of clicking, quickly closed the window and shut-off the computer. Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?
I’m interested in seeing it to understand the intense evil that our troops are facing. Reading about it, like reading about The Passion, isn’t the same. Also, viewing it will allow me to make-up my own mind about the controversy surrounding the authenticity of the video.
I DON’T want to see it because it will be dishonoring Nick Berg and giving the terrorists the publicity they want. Will viewing it for a few minutes, like seeing pornography, create a mental image could linger for years to come?
I probably won’t view the video, but would value any (name removed by moderator)ut you may have on this. The postings I’ve seen on this site are so profound and orthodox that I’d really like to get your take on this, in charity, of course.
#1 – you’re wrestling with the Devil, here. :ehh:
You were tempted to look… and JUST ABOUT downloaded the video…
and then, you stopped yourself. :clapping
Or, the Spirit nudged you to stop. Or our Lady. Or your own guardian angel was protecting you.
#2 – why would you want to actually “ingest” the deep awareness of the evil by viewing it when you know that it is obviously already evil? Is it in some way attractive – even “sexy” in a non-sexual way to you?
This smacks right dab in the middle of “the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil” in the middle of the Garden that in their pride and listening to the seductive voice of Satan both Eve and Adam chose to succumb.
Make sense?

#2 and a half – why in the world would you feel a need to authenticate that video?

Isn’t it enough that the man was beheaded?

And how would you, yourself, be able to tell whether that video was reality or fake?

#3 – I’m glad that it occurred to you that an image like that would be with you for “years to come!” There is NO WAY that it WOULDN’T! Our brains are wired a certain way by our Maker… and that includes memory of the bad as well as the good.
In other words, I’d say that anybody who sees that image would have their minds permanently scarred… and would need the Lord’s healing to get past it.
So… I guess I’m being pretty specific here… I earnestly and lovingly encourage you to tell Satan to get behind you.

There’s a line in one of Paul’s letters (to the Corinthians?) in which he says to think on the good, the kind, etc. :dancing:
Perhaps that will help you to resist this temptation!