Nick Berg Video: Is is moral to watch?

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I’ve gone to the site and put the curser on “download video”, but instead of clicking, quickly closed the window and shut-off the computer. Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?

I’m interested in seeing it to understand the intense evil that our troops are facing. Reading about it, like reading about The Passion, isn’t the same. Also, viewing it will allow me to make-up my own mind about the controversy surrounding the authenticity of the video.

I DON’T want to see it because it will be dishonoring Nick Berg and giving the terrorists the publicity they want. Will viewing it for a few minutes, like seeing pornography, create a mental image could linger for years to come?

I probably won’t view the video, but would value any (name removed by moderator)ut you may have on this. The postings I’ve seen on this site are so profound and orthodox that I’d really like to get your take on this, in charity, of course.
My friend, looks like:

#1 – you’re wrestling with the Devil, here. :ehh:

You were tempted to look… and JUST ABOUT downloaded the video…

and then, you stopped yourself. :clapping

Or, the Spirit nudged you to stop. Or our Lady. Or your own guardian angel was protecting you.

#2 – why would you want to actually “ingest” the deep awareness of the evil by viewing it when you know that it is obviously already evil? Is it in some way attractive – even “sexy” in a non-sexual way to you?

This smacks right dab in the middle of “the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil” in the middle of the Garden that in their pride and listening to the seductive voice of Satan both Eve and Adam chose to succumb.

Make sense? :o

#2 and a half – why in the world would you feel a need to authenticate that video? :confused: :confused:

Isn’t it enough that the man was beheaded? 😦

And how would you, yourself, be able to tell whether that video was reality or fake? :confused:

#3 – I’m glad that it occurred to you that an image like that would be with you for “years to come!” There is NO WAY that it WOULDN’T! Our brains are wired a certain way by our Maker… and that includes memory of the bad as well as the good.

In other words, I’d say that anybody who sees that image would have their minds permanently scarred… and would need the Lord’s healing to get past it.

So… I guess I’m being pretty specific here… I earnestly and lovingly encourage you to tell Satan to get behind you. :gopray2:

There’s a line in one of Paul’s letters (to the Corinthians?) in which he says to think on the good, the kind, etc. :dancing:

Perhaps that will help you to resist this temptation!
Dan Troop:
 We are up against a brutal enemy, perhaps worse than any before now, and if we do not understand that we will not have the will to do whatever is needed to destroy them.  Viewing the Berg murder, just as viewing the destruction wreaked on this country by terrorist attacks on 9-11-01 is a healthy antidote to complacency.
Good point, Dan.

Reading your post, it occurred to me that God put me and you and everyone reading this thread, this board, or just plain still breathing HERE and NOW in the history of the world for a particular reason.

He knew/knows that there are things that He wants us to do around this.

Big or small… in whatever way that occurs to us for fighting this… I hope and pray that each of us are able to hear and see what that particular thing at that particular time is that God wants us (ourselves) to do.
Except that Nick Berg was Jewish . . .
So? Who’s to say that Mr. Berg did not… in that last split second of his life here… have a conversion?

I wouldn’t put it past God to make that possible!!

Wampa said:
7 months ago my father passed away. He was sick and we knew that he was going to within the next year or so. I found him when I went to pick him up for a doctor’s appointment at 6am. I wish that I hadn’t. I could tell by his position exactly what he was doing when it happened (he was packing for the doc appt the night before and fell asleep in his wheelchair). The image has stayed burned in my head and returns to me often, mainly because my imagination can easily fill in the gaps on exactly how it happened and I almost feel as if I saw it (as opposed to seeing the open casket, which did not generate those feelings in me).

Dear Wampa…

Please accept my condolences on the loss of your father.

Having said that, I can share with you what I think it was like for you to walk in on your father when he had already died.

I had the same experience. Seeing a dead body freaks me out no end, and I went to great lengths to NOT see my mother’s body in the open casket as I walked past it on my way to the lecturn to read scripture at her funeral.

Dad was in a hospital and had been breathing when I left his room for about 20 minutes. I returned, and he was laying there – mouth open like he’d been snoring. I thank God to this very day that Dad’s eyes were closed!!

The image that freaks me out is the one of Dad’s face as a few days before… and he was in the hospital… as he answered my question, which was:

“Dad, is there anything you’d like me to do for you?”

His expression as he answered: “What do I have to do to get out of here??!!??” was beyond plaintive. Dad was terrified. 😦

I never saw Dad attend church (he’s not Catholic but he said that he was Christian) except a few times when I was confirmed or as an adult doing something at a particular liturgy that week.

Funny thing… a couple of months before he got sick I got a nudge to ask Dad (just cuz I was curious) whether he believed that Jesus was only man, God and man, or God?

Dad said “only man!!”


I’ve added your father to my prayer list. Please add mine to yours?


(wow… I didn’t mean for my response to you to become about me… must still be newly grieving… thanks for listening!)
Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?
It’s just plain sick to want to see it. If I tortured a cat in a gruesome way because I’m sick and claimed a reason for it, would you want to watch it to “understand” me? If so, you’d have played into my sick fantasy. The worst thing for those terrorists would be if people ignored their website-- clicking on it and viewing it makes them very happy.

…Bernie 👍
But on the second hand, awhile back I found a site of the people jumping from the World Trade Towers back on Sept 11, 2001. That one inspired pity and heartbreak. But the difference is that those pictures weren’t gory…
Oh-Oh-- are these people going to hell for committing suicide? Doesn’t seem like it to me-- if they have a relationship with God…

…Bernie :hmmm:
I watched the video one time and that was enough for me and I had to cover my eyes at the end. I cried so hard and felt like being sick. Then I got down on my knees and prayed for Nick, his family and all that are fighting in the war. It scared me, as a parent it really scared me, even though my sons are ages 8,5 &1 all I could think was (what if one day my son were in another country trying to do good and it happened to them?) It made me feel so many things, anger, scared, frustrated, prayful.
I don’t think it was a sin to watch this, I didn’t do it for fun or plan on watching it again ever but I did come away with a lot to think about and so much to pray about. We live in such strange times and sometimes they are so overwhelming. We just have to keep leaning on the Lord and trust in him for our safety and salvation.
I pray for Nick Bergs soul each day and for the pain that his family are surely going through each and every day. 😦
I think it is every American’s duty to view that video once, understand the pure evil of Islam. Burn it into your mind so you will truly appreciate the statement " they worship the same God we do "
I think it is every American’s duty to view that video once, understand the pure evil of Islam. Burn it into your mind so you will truly appreciate the statement " they worship the same God we do "
If we had some good videos of burnings at the stake, could we form an accurate opinion of Christians?
I’ve gone to the site and put the curser on “download video”, but instead of clicking, quickly closed the window and shut-off the computer. Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?

I’m interested in seeing it to understand the intense evil that our troops are facing. Reading about it, like reading about The Passion, isn’t the same. Also, viewing it will allow me to make-up my own mind about the controversy surrounding the authenticity of the video.

I DON’T want to see it because it will be dishonoring Nick Berg and giving the terrorists the publicity they want. Will viewing it for a few minutes, like seeing pornography, create a mental image could linger for years to come?

I probably won’t view the video, but would value any (name removed by moderator)ut you may have on this. The postings I’ve seen on this site are so profound and orthodox that I’d really like to get your take on this, in charity, of course.
the sentence I highlighted here illustrates to me the ripple effect that evil has on humanity. I watched the video when it was first posted on the Internet. I wished I hadn’t. Yes, the image lives on for a long time and so too do the sounds associated with the execution (buthery) of an innocent man. iheard of a case where a schoolboy had the video on his mobile phone and showed other kids on the school bus and some of those kids were caught unawares and needed counselling. This illustrates again, the ripple effect of evil acts. Really, there is no need to watch such an horrendous and heinous act. I watched it out of disbelief and, sadly, curiosity. Well, I am strong enough to get over it, but others may not be.

So, the question is, “Is it moral to watch”? It certainly is an immoral act that is captured on the video. Watching other immoral videos, such as pornography, is certainly immoral, so in one sense, watching this is immoral. However, the real immorality is to be found in the ‘harm’ done to the viewer. If your sensibilities are shocked and your view of human nature is altered for the worst, then, I think, harm is done and you become another victim of the immoral act. I don’t think one has to view an evil act to appreciate its destructive horror.
I’ve gone to the site and put the curser on “download video”, but instead of clicking, quickly closed the window and shut-off the computer. Is it immoral to view the beheading video of Nick Berg?

I’m interested in seeing it to understand the intense evil that our troops are facing. Reading about it, like reading about The Passion, isn’t the same. Also, viewing it will allow me to make-up my own mind about the controversy surrounding the authenticity of the video.

I DON’T want to see it because it will be dishonoring Nick Berg and giving the terrorists the publicity they want. Will viewing it for a few minutes, like seeing pornography, create a mental image could linger for years to come?

I probably won’t view the video, but would value any (name removed by moderator)ut you may have on this. The postings I’ve seen on this site are so profound and orthodox that I’d really like to get your take on this, in charity, of course.
I’ve seen a lot in my day and I am not particularly squeamish but when I started to watch the Berg video I had to look away. It is one of the most horiffic things you will ever see. It was a lot like watching an abortion doctor ply his evil trade, except this time the victim understood the details of what happening to him. After September 11th, 2001 there should be no doubt in anybody’s mind that these people are evil and brutal. Curiosity is the only reason why anybody would want to watch the Berg video. Is it sinful to watch? Probably not, unless doing so violates your conscience.
I watched it… and fast forwarded it from when they started cutting… when i looked again… they had his head…
I’m… in shock… there’s a pain in my heart… in my soul…
i don’t feel anger at all towards those men… I’m just really sad… that anyone would do that…
I’m still shocked…
I watched it… and fast forwarded it from when they started cutting… when i looked again… they had his head…
I’m… in shock… there’s a pain in my heart… in my soul…
i don’t feel anger at all towards those men… I’m just really sad… that anyone would do that…
I’m still shocked…
When I saw it, I found it very hard to comprehend the brutality of it all. The total lack of empathy for the physical pain of another human being. The piercing sound of the victim screaming and crying during those horrible 30 seconds or so until the windpipe was severed is what really got to me… I wept. For this poor man, it must have seemed a lot longer. How I wish that all of those who were outraged at this level of evil and cruelty would feel the same empathy for those innocent children who fall victim to the abortionist’s knife. Is there any doubt that Satan is having a field day? God help us all.
When I saw it, I found it very hard to comprehend the brutality of it all. The total lack of empathy for the physical pain of another human being. The piercing sound of the victim screaming and crying during those horrible 30 seconds or so until the windpipe was severed is what really got to me… I wept. For this poor man, it must have seemed a lot longer. How I wish that all of those who were outraged at this level of evil and cruelty would feel the same empathy for those innocent children who fall victim to the abortionist’s knife. Is there any doubt that Satan is having a field day? God help us all.
Truly, God HELP US ALL…
the lack of empathy is what will kill us all…
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