Hi luciavento,
You posed some very interesting issues for consideration. One seems to be the appropriateness or abililty of the church as an institution to separate itself from responsibility for these actions by a small number of member priests. In a civil court , when the church is sued, if a financial judgement is issued against the church (for emotional damages, for example), I do not think that the church is going to be able to say, We don’t pay that, talk to the priest who abused about making financing options. I would not expect the court to accept such an argument. I also wonder that if such an argument were to be accepted, it might have a dampening effect on the number of lawsuits and amount of damages requested as many priests have very small incomes and some religious orders take vows of poverty.
Another issue which arises is that definition of church. Oftentimes on CAF, members will state : “we are church”. Ought we to read this statement as we have the obligation of paying damages when church hurts others? In this case, I wonder, if we might be considering individualism vs. corporatism and our roles and responsibilities as Catholics. If we are many parts and all one body what is our obligation when offense is given, or when the body is sued? Without discounting the very real problem of sexual sin, I am also cognizant that all of us, Catholic and non-Catholic are fallen and that there will be unjustifiable lawsuits over varying issues as well as well-founded lawsuits with varying amounts of damages awarded or not awarded. Is my obligation to Holy Mother Church an obligation at all times? How ought it to be fulfilled? Who makes that determination and on what grounds should it made? This brings me back to ideas concerning individualism and corporatism.
And always, there is the the call to align our will with that of our Creator who gave us the barque of Peter. The world and its interests vs. His will be done-it is a big challenge.
I’m kind of thinking out loud without any solid answers for you, but I very much appreciate the questions you have raised. May God bless you and all who visit this thread.