No. Black Lives Matter Is Not Trying to Destroy Your Nuclear Family

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It is very hard to tell who is serious and who is not , with their comments on a written platform.
One of the reasons I am not particularly fond of chatting via the internet. No tone of voice, no facial expressions (memes excepted - but I get tired of them).
It can though, contribute to its disruption, which is culpability and one of the stated aims of the group or whatever it calls itself.
No kidding (he said in a droll tone of voice).
Which stat there is a typo
None of the stats are typos. My parents were born in the early part of the last century. NPR did a program in 2005 (in one of my prior posts). In 1965 25% of black children were born out of wedlock - not exactly a strong indictor of valuing marriage before sex. In 2005, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, and pardon me if I have a suspicion that statistic is at least as bad, if not worse 15 years later (2020). Coupled with that is an estimate nationwide that 1 out of every 3 pregnancies in the black population end in abortion; and the estimates are that in New York City (and likely other large population centers) as many as 50% of black pregnancies end in abortion.

I think to a great extent, you and I agree there are major problems within the black community - or maybe we don’t. I don’t have an answer as to how these issues get turned around. I have no idea, out of the abortions how many are in part due to the woman being pregnant and the father having moved on to someone else, but I would presume it is a significant part of the issue. I am not suggesting that welfare be done away with; only that as it stands, it is not doing anything to get the fathers back into the home.

But BLM has done absolutely nothing for the black community, which may be why a number of black leaders have disavowed any connection to the group. BLM’s rhetoric is that everything they verbally attack is full of “systemic racism” and their most vocal objections appear to be defunding the police. There is not a single peer reviewed study of policing which indicates that fewer police on the street equals a reduction in crime; every peer reviewed study indicates that more police on the street results in a reduction of crime.

It is interesting that BLM has removed their nuclear family remark; polls also have shown they have been losing support in polls taken. And at least one jursidiction, if not more, who have had a significant loss of police since this ruckus started are finding out what it means to have fewer police.

It is next best to impossible to have an intelligent conversation about serious matters when the powers that be are taken in, hook, line and sinker to the emotional rants. Yes, policing can be improved and needs a serious review. However, we don’t need Marxists and the “useful idiots” they have gathered together shouting lies and playing on deep emotions to achieve their objectives - be that policing or family structures.
It is not my count. It is the count of the US Crisis Project in conjunction with Princeton University. They counted 10,600 demonstrations across the US from May 24th to August 20th. Violent demonstrations occurred in fewer than 220 locations. On the other hand there were also 360 counter protests in the same period, of these 43 of them turned violent. So it looks like 12% of the counter protests turned violent while only 2% of the racial justice protests turned violent. So I think we know who is more likely to turn violent.
Your 12% of counter protests turned violent where Antifa was active - and possibly aided by BLM supporters, as there is no clear delineation between the two.

And the murder in Portland was not done by a counter protestor - not that it is a clear indication of anthing other than that an unarmed individual away from the general crowd was singled out because of the hat he was wearing, and executed. That was not done by “protestors”, it was done by one of the rioters.

The news media in general could not use truth in their “news” stories - which are actually editorial stories, as they have constantly and repeatedly referred to rioters as “protestors”. Exhibit A was the news twit who was on camera saying that “most of the protesting is peaceful” while a building, set on fire by the rioters burned in the background. I know many people are not taught critical thinking, but I don’t think viewers were quite that dumb.

I am old enough to remember the anti-war protestors during the Vietnam war; and they could protest and others could counter protest without it breaking down into throwing bricks, rocks and other objects intended to injure. It would appear that matters have moved well beyond that. I am fully in support of the Firt Amendment right to protest; carry signs, sing, lock arms and parade. I am not, however, in favor of counter protests at the same time as we seem to have more and more people who are willing to shut down someone else’s right to disagree with them. Cancel culture is not the operating principle, it would appear, and the vast majority of Antifa, BLM, and liberal protestors seem to have either forgotten, or never understood that the ACLU twice went to court to protect the right of the Ku Klux Klan to march. I can’t think of too many more despicable groups than the KKK; but in today’s climate, many would deny you the right to peacefully protest the right of an unborn child to life.

And while I cannot speak to “220 locations”, Portland Oregon has had about 100 days of rioting - with peaceful protestors for part of that time being used as s shield and a cover for the rioters to riot. So your statistics are not particularly clarifying anything.
BLM and Antifa…riot.
Therefore…BLM and Antifa…bad.

This is not a difficult position to understand. Really.
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