I’ve run into the same line of argument a couple times, once was in Svendsen & Co. webboard. It seems they want to argue “see, you’re no better than we are!”Sure, no problem. I also just want to clarify that I am not supporting this view, I am asking for insight into a rebuttal of it.
Okay, the line of reasoning goes that Catholics object to the individual interpretation and discernment that Protestants use to arrive at their doctrinal position. Catholics submit to the authority of the Magisterium in doctrinal matters. But in order to decide to become Catholic you have to use the Protestant method of individual interpretation to decide that the Magisterium does in fact have the authority to teach.
Therefore these Protestant apologists (usually Eric Svendson) claim that converting to Catholicism is an oxymoron because they say you’ve used personal judgement to decide that personal judgement is not a correct method of arriving at a doctrine.
Another time was on my chat channel, I had a repeat visitor continually challenge, “You interpret everything, even Catholic Dogma.” To which I explained that once one gets beyond the linguistic level of “reading” - that no more “interpretation” is necessary. When the Church has defined that Mary was assumed into heaven, body and soul; what further is to be interpretted?